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Databases, A-Z
- 19th Century MasterfileAn online reference service for scholars, bibliographers, and students of the Nineteenth Century providing PDF images from 19th century sources. Specific sources of note for the legal researcher include Index to Legal Periodical Literature (1786-1922) and numerous patent and government document indices from the US and England. Also available: newspaper indices and limited periodical indices with full text links. Keyword searchable.
- ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct, Current Reports (Bloomberg Law)News and guidance on attorney conduct and legal ethics. Contains practice guides, ethics rules, ethics opinions, and news items involving legal ethics (current reports). Part of the General Litigation & Ethics section of Bloomberg Law's Litigation Intelligence Center.
- Air and Space Law (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database includes the role of aviation in a global economy to its function as a means of travel, airline deregulation, passenger screening protocols, administrative bodies and more; to the advances in and impact of space exploration in day-to-day technologies, from the 20th century's race to the moon, space shuttle disasters, proliferation of satellites, and the increasing numbers of commercial entities and their stakes in outer space. Content is separated into Suborbital Space and Orbital Space
- Almanac of the Federal JudiciaryProvides in-depth information about federal courts, judges, and justices. Also includes data on court activities and administration.
- American BenchDirectory with biographical information for more than 20,000 judges in all levels of federal, state and local courts with jurisdictional, structural and geographical facts on the courts they serve, as provided by federal sources and by the individual states.
- American Indian Law Collection (HeinOnline)More than 700 unique titles and 350,000 pages dedicated to American Indian Law. Includes an archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence. This library also features rare compilations edited by Felix S. Cohen.
- American Law Institute Library (HeinOnline)HeinOnline collection publications of the American Law Institute, including the Restatements and the Model Penal Code.
- Animal Studies: Law, Welfare, and Rights (HeinOnline)Titles from the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Animal Welfare Institute. Aims to collect the foundational laws pertaining to animals and to follow the evolution of these rights. Includes philosophical books dating back to the 1800's, videos, periodicals, brochures, and more.
- Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in EuropeBrill's Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe Online consist of an annotated collection of currently valid legal documents affecting the status of Islam and Muslims in Europe. Texts of legislation, including relevant secondary legislation, as well as significant court decisions are included. The legal texts are published in the original language while the annotations and supporting material are in English.
- Art Law and Cultural PropertyIncludes two sets of resources, International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation and Case Law and Statutes. Published by IFAR, the International Foundation for Art Research.
- Aspen Learning LibraryOnline access to roughly 200 study aids published by Wolters Kluwer. Includes titles from the following series: Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTime, Glannon Guides, Casenote Legal Briefs, Academic Success, Inside Series, and Friedman’s Practice Series.
- Australian Law Reform Commission Library (ALRC) (HeinOnline)"The Australian Law Reform Commission was established in 1973 for the purpose of promoting the review, modernization, and simplification of Australian law. The ALRC addresses the adoption of new or more effective methods for the administration of law and the dispensation of justice, while ensuring that its proposals do not violate personal rights or liberties. This HeinOnline collection contains commission reports and research papers on various subjects from the early days of the ALRC to current."
- Bar Journals (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database contains more than 160 titles featuring nearly all state Bar Journals, select publications from the American Bar Association, and City Bar Journals.
- Basilica Online (Brill)Basilica Online is a fully-searchable online edition of the 17 volumes of the Basilica text and its scholia, as edited between 1945 and 1988 by H.J. Scheltema, D. Holwerda, and N. van der Wal. The Basilica is the single-most important source for Byzantine law throughout the period of the Byzantine empire, and is a major source for Byzantine studies more broadly.
- Beck-OnlineBeck-Online is a German (language) full-text database, providing access to German legal resources. You can search legal magazines, commentaries, legal codes of each state and court rulings. Use of this resource requires individual registration and is limited to authorized users. The initial registration must be done on-campus within Cornell Law IP ranges. Go to from an on-campus computer. You should see in the upper right the words “Cornell Law Library” and, just below them, a link that says Kostentlos Registrieren (“free registration”). Click that link to register.
- Bloomberg Antitrust Practice CenterAntitrust resources: news and analysis, federal and state statutes, federal regulations, applicable dockets, agency materials, forms, practical guidance, and other practice tools, and 50-state surveys.
- Bloomberg Banking & Finance Practice CenterNews, analysis, primary law, and practice aids related to banking and finance.
- Bloomberg Bankruptcy Practice CenterNews and analysis related to Bankruptcy practice. Includes cases, the federal Bankruptcy Code (with annotations), bankruptcy court rules, step-by-step guidance, checklists, and sample documents. Formerly, BNA Bankruptcy Law Resource Center.
- Bloomberg Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice CenterNews and analysis related to benefits practice. Includes: applicable laws, BNA Manuals and Portfolios, treatises, practice tools, forms, trackers, checklists, and step-by-step guidance. Formerly, BNA Benefits Practice Resource Center.
- Bloomberg Corporate Practice CenterNews and analysis, cases, federal and state statutes and regulations, BNA Portfolios, and BNA titles including Corporate Compliance Manual, Executive & Director Compensation Reference Guide, Corporate Law & Accountability Report, Corporate Counsel Weekly, Corporate Governance Report, and Prevention of Corporate Liability
- Bloomberg E-Discovery Practice CenterAnalysis and practice tools for digital discovery in the context of litigation. Includes the online newsletter, E-Discovery & Legal Tech.
- Bloomberg Environmental & Safety Practice CenterInformation pertaining to federal and state environment and safety laws and regulations. The Library also includes the full text of regulations and directives from Canada, Mexico, and the European Union as well as the full text of cases from United States federal, state, and administrative courts. Primary sources are enhanced by annotations, analysis, and commentary.
- Bloomberg Health Practice CenterNews, legal analysis, and practice tools addressing issues affecting the health care industry. Includes the full text of applicable statutes, regulations, agency documents and case law. Also includes practitioner-authored portfolios, treatises, articles, checklists and forms.
- Bloomberg International TradeNews, insights, and analysis pertaining to international trade. Includes the former BNA titles: International Trade Daily and International Trade Reporter.
- Bloomberg International Trade Practice CenterNews, laws, and analysis pertaining to import and export requirements. Includes practical guidance, country specific chart builders, and the applicable primary law.
- Bloomberg Labor & Employment Practice CenterNews, analysis, and primary sources on a variety of labor and employment law topics including: fair employment, employment rights, Equal Employment Opportunity compliance, the Americans with Disabilities Act, wages and hours, affirmative action, and occupational safety.
- Bloomberg LawResearch platform that integrates legal information with business news and intelligence. Provides cases, statutes, news, docket information (PACER documents), a legal citator, points of law, and transactional documents. Personal accounts are available for members of the Cornell Law School community. Contact the Law Library reference desk for information on setting up an account.
- Bloomberg Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Practice CenterNews, analysis, and practice materials related to legal ethics and professional responsibility.
- Bloomberg Patents and Trade Secrets Practice CenterNews, analysis, and primary sources related to patent law and trade secrets. Includes United States Patents Quarterly from 1929 to the present, the USPQ Classification Outline and Topical Index, the full text of IP law statutes from the U.S. code, and Harmon on Patents: Black-Letter Law and Commentary.
- Bloomberg Privacy & Data Security Practice CenterNews, legal analysis, primary law, and practice tools addressing issues in privacy and data security.
- Bloomberg Professional TerminalStand-alone terminal in the Cornell Law Library Reading Room. Bloomberg Professional provides access to real-time and historical business and legal news, competitive intelligence, and litigation tools. Contact the Law Library reference desk for assistance.
- Bloomberg Securities Practice CenterNews, analysis, primary sources, and practice materials related to securities law.
- Bloomberg Tax Practice CenterAnalysis, news, primary sources, and practice tools (forms, checklists, sample documents, and calculators) covering federal, international, and state tax issues and financial accounting. Includes BNA's Tax Management Portfolios.
- Bloomberg Tech & Telecom Practice CenterNews, analysis, primary sources, and practice materials related to technology issues and telecommunications. Includes topics such as communications law, data privacy and security, technology and Internet law, and media law.
- Bloomberg Trademarks & Copyrights Practice CenterNews, analysis, and primary sources related to trademark and copyright law.
- Bloomberg United States Law WeekCovers legal developments in all areas of law throughout the United States including judicial, regulatory, and legislative developments. Researchers can search the archive back to 1997. Weekly email updates are available; click "Subscribe to Newsletter" on the home page.
- Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (HeinOnline)This is a comprehensive collection designed to make the APA’s history accessible and understandable.
- CALICALI provides more than 1000 interactive lessons covering over 50 legal education subject areas. The lessons are designed to augment traditional law school instruction and give students immediate feedback on their comprehension and analysis in a specific area of law. Cornell Law students create their own accounts using an authorization code.
- Canada Supreme Court Reports (HeinOnline)The official bilingual series published under authority of the Supreme Court Act. Coverage begins in 1876.
- China Law & PracticeBilingual business law journal focusing exclusively on China. Full translations to articles provided. Contact if you are a Cornell student, faculty, or staff member and would like a registration link to create your own username and password to receive topical email alerts.
- Civil Rights and Social Justice (HeinOnlineThis HeinOnline collection contains publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases, and more, this database covers civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans.
- Code of Federal Regulations (HeinOnline)Comprehensive set in PDF Format of the Code of Federal Regulations. Covers 1938 to present.
- Competition Policy International (CPI)News and analysis related to antitrust law. Includes current and archival access to the Antitrust Chronicle and CPI Journal.
- Congress and the Courts (HeinOnline)Collection featuring William H. Manz's Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 1787-2010. Includes all relevant documents prepared by Congress relating to the purpose, formation, organization, and restructuring of the federal government; Federal Judicial Center Publications; and other related links and works.
- Cornell Center for Women and JusticeThe Women & Justice collection provides access to caselaw and legislation from around the world related to promoting gender justice and ending gender-based violence.
- Cornell Institute for Social and Economic ResearchCISER assists Cornell affiliates with empirical social and economic research projects. CISER provides computing systems support, software consulting, access to data sets and consulting, workshops, and other training.
- Cornell University Law Library Trial Pamphlets CollectionContemporary popular accounts of trials from the 1600s to the 1800s. The trials involved prominent citizens or dealt with especially controversial or lurid topics. They were sold to an eager public as both a form of entertainment and as cautionary tales. Some include the details and illustrations of scandalous crimes and others include “execution sermons,” which were meant to serve as moral examples to the readers.
- COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database is dedicated to exploring how medical disasters of the past inform the present response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this database brings together federal government reports, hearings, and more. Content that is COVID-19 specific is organized into the following areas of focus: Economic Impact, Global Impact, Health Care Impact, and Societal Impact, with a separate subcollection exclusive to Past Pandemics
- Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP and SmartCILP) (HeinOnline)Subscription-based current awareness service for legal research. Provides subject indexing and listing of tables of contents for more than 650 law journals. Covers 1936 to current issue. Click on the "Create SmartCILP User" tab to subscribe to email alerts for subjects of your choice or specific journals' table of contents when new content is released.
- Dalloz.frDalloz is a French publisher that specializes in legal matters and is France's main legal publisher. curates secondary and primary authority for convenient French legal research.
- Death Penalty WorldwideThe database provides information on the laws and practices related to the application of the death penalty for every country in the world that retains capital punishment. Examines the legal framework in which the death penalty applies as well as a description of the way the death penalty is implemented in practice. The database also summarizes recent legal and political developments that shed light on each country’s debate on capital punishment.
- Democracy in America (HeinOnline)English language version of Alexis de Tocqueville's, Democracy in America (first published in French in 1835). Includes the full-text of many of the works cited, other translations, and related works.
- Documents on British Policy Overseas (ProQuest)History database containing tens of thousands of U.K. government documents relating to Britain’s international relations, including foreign policy instructions, letters and memos, business reports, and more. These primary source materials have been selected by the official historians of Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and, in many cases, have been declassified at their request for inclusion in this series.
- Donovan Nuremberg Trials CollectionThe Donovan Nuremberg Trials collection consists of nearly 150 bound volumes of Nuremberg trial transcripts and documents from the personal archives of General William J. Donovan (1883-1959).
- EDGAR (SEC)All companies regulated by the SEC, both foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free. Here you'll find links to a complete list of filings available through EDGAR and instructions for searching the EDGAR database.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative LawEntries are alphabetically arranged, covering topical aspects of comparative law as well as country reports addressing the world’s most important jurisdictions. The Encyclopedia is an indispensable source of information for anyone dealing with comparative and international aspects of the law.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal JusticeFeaturing the work of over 250 scholars and practitioners from around the world, the Encyclopedia presents an accessible and far-reaching set of entries on topics associated with crime and criminal justice. Within this flagship work, the breadth and depth of the field is captured by a diverse and international range of contributors
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental LawThe Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is organized into 12 volumes around top-level subjects – such as water, energy and climate change. Each volume probes the key elements of law, the essential concepts, and the latest research through concise, structured entries written by international experts. Each entry includes an extensive bibliography as a starting point for further reading.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Human RightsThe Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights is the most comprehensive reference work in the field of international human rights protection. The Encyclopedia addresses the full range of themes associated with the study and practice of human rights in the modern world. The topics range from substantive human rights to the relevant institutions, legal documents, conceptual and procedural issues of international law and a wide variety of thematic entries.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Law and EconomicsThe Encyclopedia of Law and Economics by Edward Elgar's attempts to survey and analyze the entire literature of Law and Economics. Entries are organized by topic and contain extensive bibliographies. Criminal law, regulation, property law, contract law, tort law, labor and employment law, antitrust law, procedural law, and the production of legal rules are included.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Private International LawElgar’s Encyclopedia of Private International Law is a valuable reference work. 57 different countries are represented by authors who shed light on the current state of Private International Law around the globe, providing unique insights into the discipline and how it is affected by globalization and increased regional integration.
- ELR: Environmental Law ReporterEnvironmental law and policy research site providing access to over 40 years of ELR analysis, extensive links to statutes, regulations and policies, a comprehensive subject matter index, and many other tools.
- English Reports (HeinOnline)HeinOnline’s English Reports database delivers exact page images of the original bound reprint edition of The English Reports, a collection of judgments of the higher English Courts between 1220 and 1866. The full reprint edition contains more than 120,000 cases along with a two-volume index of cases and citations as they appear in the original reports. Also included in the database are the Statutes of the Realm (the authoritative collection of Acts of the Parliament of England from 1235-1713), pre-1865 law reports for England and Wales, and a unique Case Locator tool for quick and easy navigation.
- FastcaseFastcase is a comprehensive, searchable legal database that provides access to statutes, cases, regulations, constitutions, and court rules from the federal government and all 50 states. Fastcase also now has docket content available through an integration with Docket Alarm as a part of Cornell's subscription.
- Federal Register Library (HeinOnline)The HeinOnline collection of page-images of the complete Federal Register from 1936 to present. Also includes the Code of Federal Regulations (1936-), United States Government Manual (1935-2011), Administrative Procedure Act (1944-1946), Federal Register Indexes (1936-), Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1965-2009), Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (2009-), and Code of Emergency Federal Regulations (1965).
- Foreign & International Law Resources Database (HeinOnline)Includes international yearbooks and periodicals, law digests, international tribunals and judicial decisions (primarily from the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice), as well as other significant works related to foreign and international law.
- Foreign Law Guide (Reynolds & Flores)The Reynolds and Flores Foreign Law Guide is perhaps the most well-known and respected research aid for foreign law. For every country in the world, it provides a brief political history, a description of the legislative and judicial system, identifies all primary and some secondary sources of law by title, and provides subject access into each country's statutory code. Links to official websites are given where available. Keyword searching is available.
- Foreign Relations of the United States (HeinOnline)The official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity (1861-1976).
- Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, 2011Leading cases, major statutes, legal terms and concepts, notable persons involved with the law, and important documents. Includes topics such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, capital punishment, domestic violence, gay and lesbian rights, physician-assisted suicide and more.
- Hague Academy of Collected Courses Online / Recueil des cours en ligne (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database includes the complete archive of collected Hague courses dating back to their inception in 1923, twelve periodic indexes, the official publications from the Workshops organized by the Academy, and a collection of works published by the Centre for Studies and Research.
- Harvard Research in International Law (HeinOnline)Reprint of the Harvard Research in International Law series (originally published in the American Journal of International Law between 1929 and 1939). Also includes the Contemporary Analysis and Appraisal portion of this series (published as a monograph in 2007) as well as links to law review articles from within the HeinOnline Law Journal Library that are written by the contributors to the Harvard Research in International Law series.
- HeinOnlineAccess to facsimile (PDF) versions of many different American, foreign, and international legal sources, including law journals, ALI restatements, foreign case reports, federal administrative regulations, federal statutes, U.S. treaties and agreements, historical legal treatises, among others.
- History of Bankruptcy (HeinOnline)Legislative histories, treatises, and other documents relating to bankruptcy in America.
- History of International Law (HeinOnline)More than 725 titles on International Law subjects such as International Arbitration, War & Peace, Law of the Sea, and Hague Conference & Conventions. Also includes a bibliography of other works and links to scholarly articles. Coverage begins in 1690.
- ICLRICLR (Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales) provides authoritative case law for England and Wales from 1865 to the present. Includes The Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports, Business Law Reports, Industrial Cases Reports, and Public & Third Sector Law Reports.
- IHR Reports onlineThe International Human Rights Reports are a collection of judgements and decisions from regional human rights courts and UN Treaty Bodies.
- Immigration Law and Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline)Compilation of important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States. Also includes current hearings, debates, recent developments in immigration law, BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works.
- Index of Unpublished BIA DecisionsThis Index from the Immigrant & Refugee Appellate Center (IRAC) contains links to more than 4,000 unpublished BIA decisions selected for their potential to assist noncitizens in removal proceedings. It is updated on a monthly basis with recently issued decisions. Individual accounts are available for members of the Cornell Law School community. For access contact
- Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (HeinOnline)(1985 – Present) Database contains citations to articles in over 450 legal journals, as well as essay collections, festschriften, and US Congressional reports. Coverage includes comparative, municipal, and public and private international law of countries other than the US, the UK and the British Commonwealth.
- Index to Legal Periodical Literature (HeinOnline)Included in Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf. Index's to legal periodical literature1888 - 1937.
- Index to Legal Periodicals (1981–present)Includes journals, yearbooks, institutes, bar associations, law reviews, book reviews, and government publications originating in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
- Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1908-1981)A retrospective database indexing over 750 legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Annual surveys of the laws of a jurisdiction, annual surveys of the federal courts, yearbooks, annual institutes, and annual reviews of the work in a given field or on a given topic are also covered.
- Indigenous Peoples of North America, Part II: The Indian Rights Association, 1882-1986 (Gale)This database provides a record of the efforts of the first organization to address Native American interests and rights. This collection includes incoming and outgoing correspondence; organizational records; printed material (including early pamphlets and publications both by the Indian Rights Association and other American Indian and Indian-related organizations); Indian Rights Association annual reports; draft legislation; administrative files, the papers of Indian Rights Association founder Herbert Welsh, photographs (often from Western field trips), materials from the Council on Indian Affairs, and manuscripts and research notes regarding social and cultural Indian traditions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Civil ProcedureWolters Kluwer IEL Civil Procedure gives expert local guidance through foreign proceedings with which lawyers of differing legal backgrounds and their clients may be confronted. Available national monographs cover civil procedure in Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, the European Union, Greece, Italy, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Commercial & Economic LawWolters Kluwer IEL Commercial and Economic Law covers merchants’ status and obligations (such as bookkeeping), their bankruptcy, and their instruments for business plus state intervention in economic activities.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Competition LawWolters Kluwer IEL Competition law is an in-depth description of the antitrust laws of more than thirty jurisdictions. It has clear analysis of substantial and procedural competition rules of each jurisdiction with descriptions of the leading cases. Available monographs cover competition law in Brazil, China, Croatia, India, Italy, Mercosur, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Constitutional LawWolters Kluwer IEL Constitutional Law is a thorough discussion of nationality and the legal position of foreigners, as well as fundamental rights and liberties and judicial protection against the Executive. Available jurisdictional monographs cover constitutional law in China, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. ContractsWolters Kluwer IEL Contracts provide monographs addressing national and international aspects of contract law. Available monographs cover contract law in Australia, England and Wales, Greece, Japan, The Netherlands, Quebec, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Korea, Spain, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Corporations PartnershipsWolters Kluwer IEL Corporations Partnerships provides guides to company law in a wide variety of jurisdictions worldwide and has essential information for company lawyers engaged in transnational business.
Available monographs cover the law affecting corporations and partnerships in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Romania, South Korea, Sweden, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Criminal LawWolters Kluwer IEL Criminal Law is a examination of substantive criminal law – its general principles, principles of criminal responsibility or liability, and grounds for justification of criminal offences. Available monographs cover criminal law and procedure in Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Poland, Spain, South Africa, Uganda, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Energy Law.Wolters Kluwer IEL on Energy Law covers all aspects of energy regulation in a wide variety of jurisdictions worldwide.
Attention to the interactions of energy law with environmental law, tax law, and competition law is given.
Available monographs cover energy law in Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Lithuania, Sweden, Venezuela, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Environmental LawWolters Kluwer IEL Environmental Law provides a description of each country’s environmental legislation and the role of governmental institutions in its development and enforcement.
Available monographs cover environmental law in Australia, China, Colombia, Estonia, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Mexico, Singapore, Switzerland, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Family and Succession LawWolters Kluwer IEL Family and Succession Law features guides for approaching complex family and succession law issues with a foreign element. Available monographs cover family and succession law in Cyprus, England and Wales, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, South Africa, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Insurance Law.This Wolters Kluwer IEL gives information on insurance law in a wide variety of jurisdictions. Available monographs cover insurance law in Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and many more jurisdictions
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Intellectual Property LawWotlers Kluwer IEL Intellectual Property incorporates essential Information on the relevance in its particular jurisdiction of international conventions and international bodies concerned with intellectual property. Available monographs cover how intellectual property is conceived and managed in Austria, Canada, Colombia, France, India, The Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Intergovernmental OrganizationsWolters Kluwer IEL Intergovernmental Organizations includes fundamental treaties, constitutive acts, and relevant international case law regarding each organization. Available monographs cover the African Union (AU), the Andean Common Market, the Council of Europe (CoE), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and many others.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Labour Law and International RelationsWolters Kluwer IEL provides information on labour, employment and industrial relations law. Available monographs cover labour law in Belgium, China, Czech Republic, the European Union, France, New Zealand, Russia, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Media LawWolters Kluwer IEL on Media Law is the analysis of laws governing press freedom, access to information, defamation, and privacy in a wide variety of jurisdictions worldwide.
Regulatory structures controlling print, radio, television, online, and mobile services in numerous jurisdictions are outlined.
Available monographs cover media law in Australia, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and many more jurisdiction - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Medical Law.This Wolters Kluwer IEL is the only set of publications in the field of medical law analyzing and describing theory and practice in a growing number of countries, including those at the forefront of medical law and ethics.
It provides guidance for lawyers representing medical institutions or practitioners anywhere in the world.
Available monographs cover medical law in Austria, Belgium, the European Union, France, India, Japan, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Turkey, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Migration LawWolters Kluwer IEL Migration Law gives information and legal guidance concerning the legal and administrative conditions for persons not having the citizenship of a State to enter this State. Attention to the status of specific categories of persons, such as students, researchers, temporary workers, and asylum seekers, as well as to the position of family members of immigrants.
Available monographs cover migration law in Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Serbia, the United States, and many more jurisdictions - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Privacy and Technology LawWolters Kluwer IEL Privacy and Technology Law provides practical guides to law and regulation of information and communications technology (ICT), privacy rights and personal data protection in a wide variety of global jurisdictions. It has guidance on protection of personal information, electronic communications, ip of digital assets, online services and transactions, cybersecurity and cybercrime in each jurisdiction. Available monographs cover the law in Australia, Brazil, Chile, European Union, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, UK, USA, and many more jurisdictions
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Private International LawWolters Kluwer IEL Private International Law provides comprehensive coverage of national laws on conflict of laws, now more commonly referred to as private international law. Expert commentary and analysis of the statutes, regulations, and case law applied to cases involving transnational issues in a wide variety of jurisdictions, a separate monograph for each jurisdiction
Available monographs cover private international law in Belarus, Brazil, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Property and Trust LawWolters Kluwer IEL Property and Trust Law is a practical guide to handling cases involving real property, personal property, property rights, and trust and fiduciary mechanisms around the world. Available monographs cover property and trust law in England and Wales, Hungary, Indonesia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Religion.This Wolters Kluwer IEL assists practitioners dealing with foreign law in understanding the religious underpinnings of law in many jurisdictions.
Available monographs cover religion and law in Australia, China, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Social Security LawThis Wolters Kluwer IEL is a comprehensive description of social security schemes worldwide. Local experts in social security law provide theoretical and practical information concerning the system operative in their country.
Available monographs cover Finland, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and many more jurisdictions. - International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Sports Law.Wolters Kluwer IEL encompasses both autonomous and state-created rules regarding the economic, social, commercial, cultural, and political aspects of sports activities. Attention is given to regulations that invoke criminal law, labour law, commercial law, tax law, and other fields of law, often applied across borders. Available monographs cover sports law in Australia, China, Croatia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Tort LawWolters Kluwer IEL Tort Law gives an overview of the practical implications in numerous jurisdictions of concurrence between tortious liability and contractual responsibility. Available monographs cover tort law in Belgium, the European Union, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Japan, New Zealand, Quebec, the United States, and many more jurisdictions.
- International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Transport Law.Wolters Kluwer IEL provides a guide to law governing the various modes of transport in a wide variety of jurisdictions. It Includes a detailed examination of maritime law affecting transport.
Available monographs cover transport law in Australia, Croatia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Norway, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, and many more jurisdictions. - International Labour and Employment Compliance HandbookProvides a general overview of key labor and employment issues in multiple jurisdictions. Each chapter is written so that it is easy to understand by lawyers and non-lawyers alike. Each country author has also followed a standard outline to assist readers in analyzing employment issues in each country.
- Investment Arbitration ReporterInvestment Arbitration Reporter (IAReporter) is a database tracking international investment arbitrations between foreign investors and their host states. The site investigates and reports on public and non-public claims; digests and analyzes jurisprudence and awards (both public and non-public); and offers a dataset for empirical international law research
- Investor-State LawGuideISLG is a collection of tools for researching international investment treaty law. The scope of ISLG's document collection includes all publicly available decisions and awards where the subject of the claim is an investment treaty. Currently, NAFTA and ICSID awards and decisions are the most complete. The collection also includes investment treaties, including bilateral investment treaties, and rules.
- Israel Law Reports (HeinOnline)Funding for this resource is generously provided by Arthur Rosenbloom. Israel Law Reports provides English translations of select cases from the Supreme Court of Israel. Database includes access to Israel Law Review.
- Juris Arbitration LawArbitration related journals, treatises, practice manuals, monographs, awards, and court decisions. Includes the World Arbitration Reporter. Also known as
- KluwerArbitration.comPrimary and secondary materials related to the field of Arbitration. Includes books, arbitration awards, and court decisions. .
- Kluwer Competition LawKluwer Competition Law is an online resource for EU and international competition law research. It contains a collection of primary source material (legislation, decisions and case law), with commentaries and analysis for research covering EU and international competition law and practice tools.
- Kluwer IP LawKluwer IP Law is a fully-searchable database of worldwide primary and secondary materials in the field of international intellectual property law, covering patent, copyright, and trademark law. It contains commentary in the form of a collection of books and journals on the subject. It provides access to IP legislation, reports, analysis, conventions, treatises, key patents, copyright cases, and links to national laws.
- Labor and Employment: The American Worker (HeinOnline)This database contains thousands of titles on the American workplace, covering the labor rights movement in the 19th century to the workplace of today.
- Law.comOnline access to publications from American Lawyer Media (ALM). This includes: The American Lawyer, The National Law Journal, New York Law Journal, Supreme Court Brief, Corporate Counsel, Legaltech News. Legal Week, Inside Counsel, The Recorder, and others. Contact if you are a Cornell student, faculty, or staff member and would like a registration link to create your own username and password to receive topical email alerts.
- Law360Provides significant news coverage for companies that can be filtered by topic and law firm.
- Law Academy Project (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database focuses on the history of legal education in America through the works of the Law Academy, one of the earliest educational institutions in the United States for law-related education, established in 1821 in Philadelphia, PA. It gathers the Academy's pamphlets and pairs them with biographical highlights of the author and a summary of its contents.
- LawAfricaElectronic access to LawAfrica Law Reports, East Africa Law Reports, East Africa Court of Appeal Reports, East Africa Protectorate Law Reports, Uganda Law Reports, Tanzania Law Reports, East Africa General Reports, and Uganda Law Society Reports. Accounts are available for members of the Cornell community. For access contact
- LawArXivLawArXiv is a free, open access repository for legal scholarship, maintained and owned by legal scholars and law librarians for the benefit of the legal community.
- Law in Eastern Europe (Book Series) (HeinOnline)Collection of books published by Brill that showcases the development, enactment, and impact of the rule of law in Eastern Europe. (Per the agreement with the publisher, there is a 2 volume delay.)
- Law Journal Library (HeinOnline)The HeinOnline Law Journal Library provides full coverage of almost all American law journals from their inception, as well as some international law journals. PDF versions of all sources available. Note that most recent issues are not available.
- Leadership ConnectSearch and browse directories for government officials (federal, state, and municipal), law and lobbying firms, professional and non-profit organizations, news media, corporations, foreign representatives, financial institutions, accounting firms, and more. Allows searching and browsing within individual directories or across all 14 directories using single or multiple criteria, such as name, job title, industry, and geographical location. Formerly, Leadership Libraries.
- Legal Classics (HeinOnline)More than 2,500 classics of legal literature. Also includes rare items found in only a few libraries.
- LegalTracProvides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, bar association journals, and international legal journals. Includes more than 200 titles in full text. This resource is an expanded, web-based version of the Current Law Index which appears only in print.
- Lexis+Comprehensive legal research system providing access to U.S. federal and state statutes, case law, news, treatises, and more. Personal accounts are available for members of the Cornell Law School community. Contact for information on setting up an account.
- LexisNexis Digital LibraryLexisNexis Digital Library provides Carolina Academic Press Study Aids through the OverDrive ebook platform. These include the Questions and Answers series (e.g. Questions and Answers: Evidence), the Understanding series (e.g. Understanding Constitutional Law), the Mastering series, and the Skills & Values series. Can be grouped by year in law school (1L or 2L/3L) or by practice area. Build your understanding of course concepts with Carolina Academic Press Study Guides. [NOTE: To access this content please click sign in with email, enter your Cornell email, and then enter the login code emailed to you]
- Lex MachinaLex Machina is a legal analytics platform that offers information on federal district court, selected state court, and Patent Trial and Appeal Board cases. Results can be sorted by issues like case resolutions, damages, and types of remedies, as well as timing of judicial decisions. You may also search by Courts & Judges, Counsel, Parties, or specific cases to learn about trends in federal courts, such as the number of cases filed in a particular practice area, or the types of cases typically handled by a judge or law firm. Access is via Lexis+. Members of the Cornell Law School Community should contact for access information.
- LGBTQ+ Rights (HeinOnline)HeinOnline's LGBTQ+ Rights database charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. All titles in this collection have been assigned one or more title-level subjects relating to their scope, and are further divided into six subcollections, whose areas of focus constitute Marriage and Family, Employment Discrimination, Military Service, AIDS and Health Care, and Public Spaces and Accommodations, and Historical Attitudes and Analysis.
- LLMC DigitalLLMC provides access to digital images from over 7,500 titles of historic legal literature and government documents. Keyword searchable.
- Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990Drawing from the records of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the collection focuses on civil rights, race, gender, worker’s rights, popular protest, the role of government and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926Brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles from 1600 to 1926 in a single resource. The Foreign Law component features foreign legal treatises of a variety of countries. Because the term "treatise" is more of a common-law category, the equivalent works in civil-law systems may have other names such as commentaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, monographs, or festschriften.
- Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970Includes historical legal codes, statutes, regulations, and commentaries on codes from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and other countries in northern Europe.
- Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals (Gale)The Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals focuses on the first ninety years of the federal appellate court system's history. This collection chronicles the evolution of the appellate courts, deepening our understanding of social, economic, political, and historical issues from 1891 until the start of the Reagan era in 1980. This collection makes searchable nearly two million pages of briefs from appellants, appellees, and supporters (through amicus briefs). It also includes appellant and appellee replies, appendices, memoranda, petitions, statements, transcripts, and more.
- Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926The Making of Modern Law features a fully searchable database of more than 21,000 Anglo-American legal works including casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches and more.
- Making of Modern Law: Primary SourcesIncludes early U.S. state codes, municipal codes, constitutional conventions and compilations, legal dictionaries, and other documents from the United States and published records of the thirteen British colonies. Fully searchable digital images of original published works.
- Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926Full-text collection of Anglo-American trials. Includes both published trial transcripts and popular printed accounts of sensational trials, in digitized images of the original publications.
- Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records & BriefsThis database from Gale contains nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978.
- ManupatraLaws of India. Includes: case law, statutes, regulatory sources, proprietary commentaries, treatises, digests, and editorial enhancements. Also includes selected primary sources for the International Court of Justice, Bangladesh, Canada, Pakistan, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional LawAnalytical comparative articles with a global overview of constitutional law. The encyclopedia provides navigation between encyclopedia articles, linking to commentaries and instruments from the Oxford Constitutions of the World and US Constitutional Law products, and through reference pages on the Oxford Law Citator.
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural LawMax Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) from Oxford University Press maps and analyzes the systems and processes through which international law is made and adjudicated in practice.
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International LawThis resource is a scholarly, comprehensive encyclopedia on public international law from Oxford University Press. Articles are updated regularly.
- Max Planck Encyclopedias of International LawOxford University Press' comprehensive, analytical resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of international law. This definitive reference work contains both the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law.
- Military and Government (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline collection brings together thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, might, and daily nitty-gritty of administrating America's fighting forces.
- Military legal resources (HeinOnline)HeinOnline's Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School) collection was developed in conjunction with the William Winthrop Memorial Library of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s School to replace the Winthrop Library’s Military Legal Resources collection previously hosted by the Library of Congress. It aims to collect every current and historical military legal document and resource needed by judge advocates, law school professors, and members of the general public interested in military law. New materials will be added to the collection on a regular basis.
- Multinational Sources Compared: A Subject and Jurisdiction Index (HeinOnline)A finding aid to sources that compare multiple jurisdictions on focused subjects. These print and electronic sources contain full-text legislation, statutory citation, or other references to primary law. The titles included in this resource have been released from 2011 on by multiple publishers and are categorized using 280 primary subject headings.
- New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database contains New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs from inception and is updated on a monthly basis.
- New York Judges’ Part RulesPart Rules are court rules for individual judges. This database includes a comprehensive listing of Part Rules for all New York judges in the Federal Court and State Appellate and Supreme Court in the First and Second Departments.
- New York Legal Research Library (HeinOnline)This specialized HeinOnline collection contains legal research materials dedicated to the history, study, practice, and development of law in the state of New York. It includes reports and opinions of the New York Attorney General, New York State Register, New York Tax Cases, Session Laws, and much more.
- Nexis Uni(Formerly LexisNexis Academic). Full text access to federal and state cases, laws, and regulations, law review and journal articles, newspaper articles, business and financial information, company directories, and the Shepard's case law citator service.
- NOMOS: American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy (HeinOnline)NOMOS is the annual yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. The ASPLP was begun in 1955 by Carl Friedrich to bring together a group of political scientists, philosophers and law scholars interested in exploring legal and political philosophy outside of their home disciplines. The collection provides over 60 volumes covering valuable interdisciplinary research from some of the most distinguished and accomplished scholars in political and legal philosophy.
- Open Society Justice Initiative (HeinOnline)The Open Society Justice Initiative database provides access to works published by the Justice Initiative. Reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice are searchable.
- Oxford Bibliographies–International LawIncludes articles guiding researchers to the best scholarship available in international law. The articles combine the features of annotated bibliographies and a high-level encyclopedia.
- Oxford Constitutions of the WorldOxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) contains fully-translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of EU LawThis resource provides an analytical overview of European Union (EU) law. Articles from this encyclopedia address a range of subjects that seek to provide the best coverage of the development and history of European Union law.
- Oxford Historical TreatiesOxford Historical Treaties (OHT) is the premier resource for historical treaty research and home to the full text of The Consolidated Treaty Series, the only comprehensive collection of treaties of all nations concluded from 1648 through 1919.
- Oxford Reports on International LawContains domestic cases in international law from over 65 jurisdictions and cases on international criminal law and international human rights law. Features expert commentary, full texts of judgments in their original language and translations of key passages of non-English judgments into English. Archive includes cases dating back to 2000. Offers multiple options for searching or browsing decisions by country, keyword, or full text search. User may sign up for free case alerts via e-mail.
- Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law Publications (HeinOnline)Collection of full-text searchable images of notable foreign and comparative law titles. Includes Szladits' Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law: Books and Articles in English.
- Pentagon Papers (HeinOnline)United States Department of Defense history of the United States' involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. Officially titled "United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense."
- Philippine Law Collection (HeinOnline)Includes the Philippine Law Journal, Philippine Treaty Series, and Philippine Permanent and General Statutes. Also includes titles on subjects such as Civil Rights, Criminal Law and Procedure, Economic Reform, Foreign Policy, Insurance, Military Law, Trade Regulations, and more.
- PitchBookSearch thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria. Use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details. Users must create an account using your Cornell email address. Log in > Log in with SSO > [Cornell email address].
- PKULaw (Chinese)PKULaw (formerly ChinaLawInfo) is a comprehensive and authoritative database of Chinese legal information, which contains all the laws, regulations, and cases in Chinese since 1949. It also includes all issues of 35 domestic law journals, with over 100,000 full-text articles in Chinese.
- PKULaw (English)PKULaw (formerly LawInfoChina) provides English-language versions of Chinese Laws & Regulations and Cases, as well as Legal News and Legal information databases in full text. The Gazettes and Law Journals databases provide the complete table of contents of the official gazettes of various government entities as well as a variety of Chinese legal journals.
- PLI Plus (Practising Law Institute)Complete access to Practising Law Institute’s treatises, course handbooks, legal forms, program transcripts and answer books. Formerly, Discover Plus.
- Policies and Laws of China (PLOC)Comprehensive, full-text Chinese-language database of Chinese laws, policies and regulations of both the national and regional levels from 1949 onward.
- ProQuest CongressionalContains materials pertaining to the U.S. Congress including the complete U.S. Congressional Serial Set, bills, laws, hearing transcripts, committee reports, documents, and the Congressional Record. Includes digital images of many bills and resolutions
- ProQuest Indian Claims InsightIncludes: Pre-1948: claims presented to Congress and/or brought before the Court of Claims; 1948-1978: Indian Claims Commission, including briefs, docket books, decisions, expert testimony, oral transcripts; post-1978: Claims brought before the US Court of Claims (through 1982) and US Court of Federal Claims (through 2006); documents related to post-2006 settlement of claims; legislative histories and Congressional publications directly related to Indian claims, including Congressional publications indexed by docket numbers; important Supreme Court decisions; and maps.
- ProQuest Legislative InsightProQuest Legislative Insight is a federal legislative history service comprised of fully searchable PDFs of full-text publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking. Each history includes the full text of the public law itself, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints. Also included are presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications that provide background material to aid in the understanding of issues related to the making of the law.
- ProQuest Regulatory InsightFederal regulatory histories from 1936 to the present. Organized by statute and executive order. Also includes a research tool to facilitate regulatory research organized by agency (Agency View).
- ProQuest Supreme Court InsightSupreme Court materials for argued cases starting in 1933 that includes opinions, briefs, dockets, oral arguments, and joint appendices. Also includes briefs from paid cases from 1975 forward in which the petition for writ of certiorari (PWC) was denied.
- ProQuest Trends and Policy: U.S. Civil RightsFocusing on U.S. civil rights trends and policies, this collection delves into African American, Asian American, LGBTQ, and women’s studies, alongside disciplines such as U.S. history, political science, and sociology. It provides comprehensive insights into the executive, legislative, and judicial aspects of civil rights policies, their real-world impact, and implications for civil liberties. Additional features include topic pages, curated timelines, and downloadable statistical tables.
- Proquest Trends and Policy: U.S. Criminal JusticeThis collection merges content from a variety of sources and presents them in a unique interface designed to connect various criminal justice policies of the United States to their trending results. Included in this extensive module are all criminal justice-related public laws and hearings, Legislative branch reports, Executive branch reports and data, press releases, and present-day and historical news articles. The design of the product includes timelines, contextual topic pages for laws, concepts, and events, and rekeyed statistical content that allows researchers to work with the data.
- Provincial Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline)Contains public and private acts passed by Canadian provincial governments. Current, revised, and historical content is available for: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario, and Yukon Territory. Historical and revised content only is available for: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan.
- Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Enforcement of Federal Law in the South, 1871-1884This Archives Unbound collection on law and order documents the efforts of district attorneys from southern states to uphold federal laws in the states that fought in the Confederacy or were Border States. This publication includes their correspondence with the attorney general as well all other letters received by the attorney general from the states in question during that period, including the correspondence of marshals, judges, convicts, and concerned or aggrieved citizens.
- Revised Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline)Canada's federal statutes. Includes 1886, 1906, 1927, 1952, 1970, and 1985 (most recent) editions.
- Ricci Dictionary of Chinese Law OnlineThe Ricci Dictionary of Chinese Law (Chinese-English, French), developed by the Ricci Association since 2006, is the first trilingual dictionary on Chinese law. The dictionary includes approximately 24,000 legal terms in Chinese, as well as English and French translations of these terms.
- SCC OnlineIncludes cases, statutes, and regulations of India, and cases from Bangladesh, Canada, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Mauritius, Seychelles, Swaziland, Zambia, and Kenya. First-time users should enter a Cornell email address as the login id to register.
- Scopes Case (Gale)This collection records one of the most famous cases of the 20th century, which pitted lawyer Clarence Darrow (1857–1938) against the politician and fundamentalist William Jennings Bryant (1860–1925). The Scopes Case, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, took place in July 1925.
- Scottish Legal History (HeinOnline)Features the Stair Society main (annual) series consisting of all volumes from 1936-present, volumes 1-3 of the Stair Society supplementary series, as well as books, abridgments, and links to scholarly articles from HeinOnline's Law Journal Library that discuss Scottish law. Contact for a username and password to access the current last 3 year's of Stair Society publications.
- Session Laws Library (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline collection contains images of the official bound session laws of all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, from inception to date. The session laws for all states are current within 60 days of printed publication. Also includes Acts of the Parliaments of Australia (1901-2011) and of Canada (1792-2011) and the Official Gazette of the Bahamas (1968-1996).
- Slavery in American and the World: History, Culture and Law (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline collection brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. It includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.
- Spinelli’s Law Library Reference Shelf (HeinOnline)This HeinOnline database features a collection of works, scholarly articles, and tools for librarians, faculty, and students. It contains research guides, bibliographies, dictionaries, and biographies, as well as an entire section on legal education. Content includes: AALL GD-SIS State Bibliographies, AALL Publication Series, Legal Dictionaries, Serials, Cataloging Publications, Bibliographies, Bibliography of Early American Law, Legal Research Guide Series, Memorials of Law Librarians and much more.
- Spiro T. Agnew case : the investigative and legal documents (Gale)Spiro T. Agnew (1918–1996) was Vice President to Richard Nixon from 1969 until his resignation in 1973 following an investigation on suspicion of criminal conspiracy, bribery, extortion and tax fraud. This collection contains the legal documents of the case, the correspondence surrounding the investigation and trial, Agnew's personal records, and related newspaper and magazine articles.
- Subject Compilations of State Laws (HeinOnline)Identifies and describes over 20,000 multiple-state law surveys in hundreds of different sources. Includes links to items otherwise included in HeinOnline.
- Supreme Court Library (HeinOnline)HeinOnline's Supreme Court Library includes complete coverage of all Supreme Court opinions in PDF; historic treatises analyzing the Court, its jurisprudence, and its Justices; and two journals devoted to the Court, the Supreme Court Review and the Supreme Court Economic Review.
- Taxation & Economic Reform in America Parts I & II (HeinOnline)This historical archive contains thousands of volumes and millions of pages of legislative history materials and other documents. It includes the complete Carlton Fox Collection which contains nearly 42 years of historical legislation related to the internal revenue laws from 1909-1950, as well as other legislative histories related to taxation, economic reform, and stimulus plans.
- Tax Foundation Archive Publications (HeinOnline)This collection provides convenient access to the complete archive of the Tax Foundation's publications from 1937 to date, which contain information on taxation, fiscal policy, finance and more.
- Tax NotesTax Notes is a portfolio of publications offered by Tax Analysts. They include their daily online publications: Tax Notes Today (federal), State Tax Notes Today, and Worldwide Tax Daily. These are compiled into weekly formats in Tax Notes, State Tax Notes, and Tax Notes International. The Tax Notes series contains articles on developments in the practice of tax law, and includes the full text of tax bills, congressional releases, committee reports, and relevant pages from the Congressional Record. To create an account click on “Sign In," and enter a email address. Then click on the blue “Register Here,” link under “New Cornell University User." Once you have registered, you can sign in to get the Tax Analysts’ publications from wherever you are.
- Thomson Reuters CheckpointThomson Reuters Checkpoint is a comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news on the international, federal, state and local levels; includes treaties, statutes, codes, rules, regulations, decisions, tax citators, IRS publications, legislative materials, current awareness tax news sources, and periodicals.
- TradeLawGuideTradeLawGuide provides comprehensive access to WTO law, including agreements, rules of interpretation, and jurisprudence. Features include a citator, a subject navigator, full text searching, and jurisprudence pending.
- U.S. Attorney General Opinions (HeinOnline)Official opinions of the U.S. Attorney General, as well as many other documents from the Department of Justice.
- U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and AppealsReports, decisions, and records of federal agencies including Federal Communications Commission, National Labor Relations Board, and Securities and Exchange Commission.
- U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (HeinOnline)Includes federal legislative histories published by both the U.S. Government Publishing Office and private publishers and a finding aid based on Nancy Johnson's "Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories."
- U.S. International Trade Library (Heinonline)This Heinonline database Includes US International Trade Commission publications, legislative histories, CFR and U.S. Code Titles 15 and 19, notable publications, and scholarly articles.
- U.S. Presidential Library (Heinonline)This Heinonline database includes Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other documents related to U.S. Presidents.
- U.S. Statutes at Large (HeinOnline)Complete page-image set of the Statutes at Large. Includes browsing and searching options.
- U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library (HeinOnline)This Heinonline database includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published. Includes collections such as the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the "Blue set"), as well as sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy and others.
- United Nations Law Collection (HeinOnline)Contains: the United Nations Treaty Series, the League of Nations Treaty Series, the Monthly Statement of Treaties & International Agreements, UNCITRAL Publications, UNIDIR Publications, the United Nations Legislative Series and more. Includes links to law review articles that cite UN Treaties.
- United Nations Official DocumentsOfficial repository for documents published by the United Nations. The full text of documents dating back to 1992 is accessible in PDF in all official languages of the United Nations. Documents are stored in two databases: (1) UN Documentation, which includes documents back to 1992; and (2) UN Resolutions, which includes resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council since 1946.
- United States Code (HeinOnline)Page-images of all editions of the United States Code (from 1925-1926 through 2006) as well as a large collection of federal statutory compilations predating the United States Code.
- VitalLaw (Wolters Kluwer)Primary law, treatises, commentary, and analysis pertaining to: employee benefits, energy & environment, healthcare, human resources, labor and employment, life sciences, payroll and entitlements, and pensions. Formerly, Intelliconnect (CCH) and Cheetah.
- vLexvLex is a legal reference search engine, providing a fully cross-referenced index to a comprehensive collection of authoritative UK and European legal information resources, covering over 130 jurisdictions, allowing you to query this wealth of information simultaneously via a single, easy-to-use interface. Formerly JustisOne and vLex Justis.
- Voting Rights & Election Law (HeinOnline)The Voting Rights and Election Law database features thousands of titles on the electoral process: how elections are conducted, how votes are counted, how political campaigns are run and funded, and who is allowed to vote. Featuring content on historical and more recent elections, this database allows users to understand both how our current electoral system came to be as well as the context for proposals for its complete overhaul. Subjects include: Absentee Voting, Ballots, Campaign Finance, Election Administration, Election Integrity, Election Outcomes, Election Reform, Electoral College, Federal Election Commission, Gerrymandering, Legislative Redistricting, Political Campaigns, Suffrage, Voter Identification, Voter Registration, and Voting Rights.
- Water Rights & Resources (HeinOnline)HeinOnline's Water Rights & Resources is dedicated to understanding the complex interplay of state and federal laws that govern all aspects of water in society, from its municipal use to restoring its pristine condition. Collecting congressional documents, books, legislative histories on major legislation, and Supreme Court briefs on related cases, this collection touches on a wide range of water issues. Topics covered include irrigation, hydropower, water conservation, drinking water quality, and tribal water rights.
- West Academic Study AidsA legal study aids database offered by subscription through Westlaw. Provides access to more than 500 popular study aid publications from West Academic, Foundation Press and Gilbert. Access to many popular study aid series is provided: Academic success, Acing series, Black letter outlines, Career guides, Concise hornbook series, E-Flash cards, Exam pro series, Law stories series, Gilbert law summaries, High court case summaries, Nutshell series, Sum & substance quick reviews, and Turning point series.
- Westlaw EdgeComprehensive legal research system providing access to U.S. federal and state statutes, case law, news, treatises, and more. Individual accounts are available for members of the Cornell Law School community.
- Women and the Law (HeinOnline)Women and the Law (Peggy) is a collection that brings together books, biographies, and periodicals dedicated to the role of women in society and the law. It provides a platform for users to research the progression of women's roles and rights in society over the past 200 years.
- World Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline)World Constitutions Illustrated from HeinOnline contains every country's constitution in its original language (many English translations are also available), books about the development of constitutional law, and links to scholarly articles and Internet resources on foreign constitutional law.
- WorldTradeLaw.netProvides primary source documents related to international trade law, a full-text search engine for GATT/WTO decisions, and a large collection of links to other sources of information. "Dispute Settlement Commentary" provides summary and critical analysis of all new WTO Panel and Appellate Body reports within 1-3 weeks after they are circulated to the WTO Members.
- World Treaty Library (HeinOnline)This Heinonline collection includes Treaties from multiple sources: Historical Treaty Index (1648-1919); Multilateral Treaty Calendar (1648-1995); Hein’s U.S. Treaty Index (1776-current); Martens’ Treaties (1817-1944); Rohn’s World Treaty Index (1900-1980); League of Nations Treaty Series (1920-1946); and United Nations Treaties Series (1946-current). Also included are related treaty publications, select scholarly articles, and a bibliography of related publications.
- World Trials Library (Heinonline)HeinOnline's collection includes complete sets of American State Trials, Howell's State Trials, and the Nuremburg Trials. It also includes trial transcripts, critical court documents, monographs about famous trials, and biographies of trial lawyers.