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- Tax NotesTax Notes is a portfolio of publications offered by Tax Analysts. They include their daily online publications: Tax Notes Today (federal), State Tax Notes Today, and Worldwide Tax Daily. These are compiled into weekly formats in Tax Notes, State Tax Notes, and Tax Notes International. The Tax Notes series contains articles on developments in the practice of tax law, and includes the full text of tax bills, congressional releases, committee reports, and relevant pages from the Congressional Record. To create an account click on “Sign In," and enter a email address. Then click on the blue “Register Here,” link under “New Cornell University User." Once you have registered, you can sign in to get the Tax Analysts’ publications from wherever you are.
- Bloomberg Tax Practice CenterAnalysis, news, primary sources, and practice tools (forms, checklists, sample documents, and calculators) covering federal, international, and state tax issues and financial accounting. Includes BNA's Tax Management Portfolios.
- Thomson Reuters CheckpointThomson Reuters Checkpoint is a comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news on the international, federal, state and local levels; includes treaties, statutes, codes, rules, regulations, decisions, tax citators, IRS publications, legislative materials, current awareness tax news sources, and periodicals.