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Law Library E-Book Collections
Welcome to Cornell Law Library's E-Book Collections guide. Along with the catalog, this page can be used to browse and discover our law-focused e-book collections. The library provides access to hundreds of e-books, many of which can be read directly online or downloaded to a device. Platforms and features vary by publisher. Need help choosing a resource? Email the Law Library Reference Desk for help.
Study Aids
- Aspen Learning LibraryOnline access to roughly 200 study aids published by Wolters Kluwer. Includes titles from the following series: Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTime, Glannon Guides, Casenote Legal Briefs, Academic Success, Inside Series, and Friedman’s Practice Series.
- CALICALI provides more than 1000 interactive lessons covering over 50 legal education subject areas. The lessons are designed to augment traditional law school instruction and give students immediate feedback on their comprehension and analysis in a specific area of law. Cornell Law students create their own accounts using an authorization code.
- Elgar Advanced Introductions: LawClear and succinct introductions to various legal topics by prominent legal scholars. Most of these e-books have an international focus and might be used as study aids. Might be particularly useful for LLM students.
- LexisNexis Digital LibraryLexisNexis Digital Library provides Carolina Academic Press Study Aids through the OverDrive ebook platform. These include the Questions and Answers series (e.g. Questions and Answers: Evidence), the Understanding series (e.g. Understanding Constitutional Law), the Mastering series, and the Skills & Values series. Can be grouped by year in law school (1L or 2L/3L) or by practice area. Build your understanding of course concepts with Carolina Academic Press Study Guides. [NOTE: To access this content please click sign in with email, enter your Cornell email, and then enter the login code emailed to you]
- West Academic Study AidsA legal study aids database offered by subscription through Westlaw. Provides access to more than 500 popular study aid publications from West Academic, Foundation Press and Gilbert. Access to many popular study aid series is provided: Academic success, Acing series, Black letter outlines, Career guides, Concise hornbook series, E-Flash cards, Exam pro series, Law stories series, Gilbert law summaries, High court case summaries, Nutshell series, Sum & substance quick reviews, and Turning point series.
Major Law E-Book Collections
- Bloomsbury Law CollectionThe Bloomsbury Law Collection provides online access to 2021 law titles published by Hart Publishing and C.H. Beck/Hart/Nomos.
- Brill Online Books and Journals - Human Rights and Humanitarian LawHuman Rights and Humanitarian Law e-books online is the electronic version of the book publication program of Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in the broad field of human rights and humanitarian law. Coverage: Human Rights - Refugee Law - Immigration Law - Health Law - Children's Rights - Minority and Group Rights - Humanitarian Law - International Criminal Law
- Brill Online Books and Journals - International LawInternational Law e-books online is the electronic version of the book publication program of Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in the broad field of international law. Coverage: Public International Law - Law of the Sea - International Trade Law - International Labour Law - Environmental Law - European Law - International Relations - International Organizations - Terrorism - Legal History - Islamic Law.
- Cambridge CoreE-books and journals available from Cambridge University Press. Can be browsed by subject and limited to law. Available access indicated by a green check-mark. Cornell users will not have access to all content.
- De GruyterThe collection includes frontlists from the following University Presses: Amsterdam, University of California, University of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, DeGruyter, Duke, Edinburgh University Press, Fordham University Press, Harvard, New York University Press, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Rutgers, Stanford, University of Toronto, and Yale. The Law Library has purchased the law backfile from 2000-2022 in English.
- Elgar Advanced Introductions: LawClear and succinct introductions to various legal topics by prominent legal scholars. Most of these e-books have an international focus and might be used as study aids. Might be particularly useful for LLM students.
- ElgaronlineEdward Elgar Publishing is a leading international publisher of academic books and journals in economics, finance, business and management, law, environment, and public policy. Their Elgaronline content platform provides browsable and searchable access to Edward Elgar Publishing's ebooks online. The law collection focuses on a wide range of legal areas including: international and comparative law, intellectual property, trade, finance and commercial law, information and technology, antitrust, environmental and energy law, European law, corporate and financial law, and law and economics.
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International LawE-book access to hundreds of reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press related to international law. Includes Oppenheim's International Law and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.
- Oxford Scholarship OnlineE-books from Oxford University Press. Can be browsed by subject and limited to law. Available access will be indicated by an unlocked, green padlock symbol. Cornell users will not have access to all content.
- PLI Plus (Practising Law Institute)Complete access to Practising Law Institute’s treatises, course handbooks, legal forms, program transcripts and answer books. Formerly, Discover Plus.