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Cornell Community - available to entire Cornell community
Law School Computers - available only using Law School workstations
Personal Account - law students and faculty access using personal accounts. Contact for more information.
- ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct, Current Reports (Bloomberg Law)News and guidance on attorney conduct and legal ethics. Contains practice guides, ethics rules, ethics opinions, and news items involving legal ethics (current reports). Part of the General Litigation & Ethics section of Bloomberg Law's Litigation Intelligence Center.
- American Law Institute Library (HeinOnline)HeinOnline collection publications of the American Law Institute, including the Restatements and the Model Penal Code.
- Cardiff Index to Legal AbbreviationsProduced by staff of Information Services (INSRV), Cardiff University, Wales. According to the Index's "About" page, it "mainly covers law reports and law periodicals, but some legislative publications and major textbooks are also included," and over 295 jurisdictions are featured.
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Law and EconomicsThe Encyclopedia of Law and Economics by Edward Elgar's attempts to survey and analyze the entire literature of Law and Economics. Entries are organized by topic and contain extensive bibliographies. Criminal law, regulation, property law, contract law, tort law, labor and employment law, antitrust law, procedural law, and the production of legal rules are included.
- Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, 2011Leading cases, major statutes, legal terms and concepts, notable persons involved with the law, and important documents. Includes topics such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, capital punishment, domestic violence, gay and lesbian rights, physician-assisted suicide and more.
- Leadership ConnectSearch and browse directories for government officials (federal, state, and municipal), law and lobbying firms, professional and non-profit organizations, news media, corporations, foreign representatives, financial institutions, accounting firms, and more. Allows searching and browsing within individual directories or across all 14 directories using single or multiple criteria, such as name, job title, industry, and geographical location. Formerly, Leadership Libraries.
- Subject Compilations of State Laws (HeinOnline)Identifies and describes over 20,000 multiple-state law surveys in hundreds of different sources. Includes links to items otherwise included in HeinOnline.