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Cornell Community - available to entire Cornell community
Law School Computers - available only using Law School workstations
Personal Account - law students and faculty access using personal accounts. Contact for more information.
Judicial Directories
- Almanac of the Federal JudiciaryProvides in-depth information about federal courts, judges, and justices. Also includes data on court activities and administration.
- American BenchDirectory with biographical information for more than 20,000 judges in all levels of federal, state and local courts with jurisdictional, structural and geographical facts on the courts they serve, as provided by federal sources and by the individual states.
- Congress and the Courts (HeinOnline)Collection featuring William H. Manz's Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 1787-2010. Includes all relevant documents prepared by Congress relating to the purpose, formation, organization, and restructuring of the federal government; Federal Judicial Center Publications; and other related links and works.