Academic & Scholarly Journals
Please note that while some electronic resources are freely available, others are subscription services provided by the Cornell University Library, so remote access may be necessary when accessing from off-campus.
Jourrnal Tables of Contents
JournalTOCs JournalTOCs is a free and searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs). It contains TOCs for over 14,000 journals collected from over 500 publishers.
Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies - Google Scholar Metrics Top publications - Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies
Arab Impact Factor published by the Union of Arab Universities
Ranking report of scholarly Arabic journal
How To Read a Scholarly Journal Article
Indexes to Journals & Periodicals In Islamic/Middle East Studies
Index Islamicus. 1906- ."Produced by an editorial team based at the London School of Oriental and African Studies, this database covers European-language books, articles, conference proceedings, and reviews of works dealing with all facets of Islam and the Islamic world. Coverage begins with 1906; the database is updated quarterly." [Guide to Reference]. Indexing before 1906: Wolfgang Behn's Index Islamicus 1665-1905: A Bibliography of Articles on Islamic Subjects in Periodicals and Other Collective Publications (Olin Reference Z 7835 .M6 P35) "provides retrospective coverage back to 1665 that is not available through the online Index Islamicus. Behn lists over 21,000 articles from journals, conference proceedings, and collected works in a variety of European languages." [Guide to Reference].
موقع أرشيف المجلات الأدبية والثقافية العربية Archives of Arabic cultural and literary journals
Digitization Project "Translatio" from the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn
- Chronology of Arabic periodicals
- Chronology of Persian periodicals
- Chronology of Ottoman-Turkish periodicals
Islamic Studies and the Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies
Alphabetical List of Open Access Historical Newspapers and Other Periodicals in Middle East
Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine A digitization project from the National Library of Israel which has digitized 27 .
Directory of Free Arab Journals (DFAJ) : DFAJ collects journals issued in Arabic, English, and French languages in all branches of human knowledge.newspapers from 1908-1948. Project URL:
ارشيف المطبوعات السورية | Syrian Prints Archive
Documenting and archiving new Syrian prints (newspapers, magazines, and periodicals) issued after the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution. Making all Syrian prints available on one website, obviating the need to search and surf through tabs of websites and social media webpages. Providing basic information about Syrian prints, including contact info. Classifying and categorizing the Syrian prints according to place of issuance, periodicity of issuance and affiliations. Correcting misprints related to dates of issuance, in addition to converting Hijri calendar to western calendar to enhance the search. Providing surfing, sharing, rating, downloading, and printing features. Providing search within a specified time frame and within texts in PDF files.'
Archive of Kurdish Periodicals: Arşîva Kurd offers numerous Kurdish periodicals from 1898 to the present.
جرائد Jarāʾid: A chronology of nineteenth-century periodicals in Arabic (1800-1900). [A Research Tool] Periodicals published in Arabic or in Arabic and in another language (like the usual pair of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish) or in Arabic written in a different script (like Judeo-Arabic) during the period from 1800 to 1900. “We chose to present the core data as a table containing information on titles, dates of first and last issue published, place(s) of publication, names of publishers and editors, language(s) of publication, and available collections. In addition, we provide various indexes of publishers and locations, as well as a bibliography of the most important secondary sources and available union catalogues. To search any part of the website, the browser's search function should be invoked (Ctrl-F for Windows, Cmd-F for Mac OSX). Please keep in mind that unicode symbols adhering to the IJMES transliteration must be used.”
DergiPark Akademik * TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides academic journals published in Turkey with online hosting services and an editorial work flowmanagement system for via DergiParkplatform. DergiPark supports national academic journals to gain presence in accordance with international standards and increase their visibility. DergiPark does not interfere with the management of peer review system and content of the journals. It only provides infrastructure and "technical support" for the use of the system. Authors should contact the editor of the journal for any topic regarding their publication.
- Hakkında - Dergiler - Yayıncılar - Araştırmacılar - İletişim - About - Journals - Publishers Researchers - Contact
Academic Journals (General & Multidisciplinary)
Below is a list of English language journals available in paper or electronically. Click on the titles to view the catalog record. If you are off campus you are required to login to view online subscriptions; remote access.
- AION (filol.) Annali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" Founded in 1979 by the Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico, AION Sezione di Filologia e Letteratura Classica is currently published on behalf of the Dipartmento di Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo of the Università di Napoli. [ olin P9 .A375]
- Alif : Journal of comparative poetics. No. 1 (spring 1981)- [Cairo : Dept. of English and Comparative Literature, American University in Cairo, 1981- [American University in Cairo Press] Individual issues have distinctive titles.
- The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences paper 1985-present * Olin Library BP1 .A51 [online The American journal of Islamic social sciences 1985- <2016> Silver Spring, Md. : Jointly published by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists; International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1985-
- American journal of Islamic studies
Annales Islamologiques Les Annales islamologiques sont une revue pluridisciplinaire annuelle, publiant en français, anglais et arabe, des études originales dans tous les domaines relatifs à l’Égypte et au monde arabo-musulman, du VIIe siècle à nos jours : histoire, histoire de l’art, archéologie, conservation et restauration, linguistique, littérature, droit, religion, histoire des sciences, ethnologie. Chaque numéro comprend un dossier thématique et des varia.
Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) by A peer-reviewed journal devoted to the anthropological study of all societies and cultures in the Middle East and Central Eurasia. The journal publishes original research by social scientists not only in the area of anthropology but also in sociology, folklore, religion, material culture and related social sciences. It encompasses all areas of modern and contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China), including topics on minority groups and religious themes.
Anthropology of the Middle East - Online ISSN: 1746-0727 - Print ISSN: 1746-0719. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange between anthropologists and other social scientists working in and on the Middle East. The journal's aim is to disseminate, on the basis of informed analysis and insight, a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and thereby to achieve a greater appreciation of Middle Eastern contributions to our culturally diverse world. Anthropology of the Middle East (AME) is published twice a year, in the spring and autumn. Issues are often themed and on occasion guest edited. Each issue contains articles on specific research projects and outcomes on Middle Eastern topics. A section titled "Notes from the Field" features research in progress. Book reviews and shorter reports on books, films and conferences are also included.
Arab Studies Journal a peer-reviewed, independent, multi-disciplinary forum in the field of Arab and Middle Eastern studies. It is published by the Arab Studies Institute (ASI) and is affiliated with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.
- Arab Studies Quarterly Association of Arab-American University Graduates / 1979. General Info: Area Studies; Ethnic & Multicultural Issues; Ethnic & Multicultural Studies; Religion; History; Religion & Theology. “Essays, review essays and book reviews on all aspects of Arabs, culture, history and institutions.” Language of submissions: English
- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal Cambridge University Press / 1991 General info: International journal, "history of the Arabic sciences, mathematics, and philosophy in the world of Islam between the eighth and the eighteenth centuries in a cross-cultural context" plus "scientific modernization from the nineteenth century in the Islamic world". Pub cycle: Biannual Language of submissions: French, English
- Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Cambridge University Press / 1991 General info: History; Literature & Literary Criticism; Politics & Political Science; Religion & Theology; Sociology; Sociology & Social Work; Anthropology; Area Studies; Ethnic & Multicultural Studies. Multidisciplinary studies of ancient and contemporary problems concerning Arabic societies. Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submissions: English, French
- Asian journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies 国际合作项目:Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) [ Formerly known as Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) ]
- Babylon: Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier ISSN: 2535-3098 Babylon - Nordic Journal of Middle Eastern Studies is the Nordic region's leading scientific journal of contemporary Middle East. The journal publishes academic articles, book reviews and reviews in the subject field. Contributions are mainly written in Scandinavian languages, but in certain cases, Babylon expresses English-language contributions from non-Scandinavian authors.
- Babylon– Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier er Nordens ledende vitenskapelige tidsskrift om samtidens Midtøsten. Tidsskriftet publiserer akademiske artikler, bokessay og anmeldelser innenfor fagfeltet. Bidragene er i hovedsak skrevet på skandinaviske språk, men Babylon trykker i utvalgte tilfeller engelskspråklige bidrag fra ikke-skandinaviske forfattere.
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES), Taylor & Francis / 1974 General info: Covers language, literature, history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, geography, and the religions and cultures of the region. Pub cycle: 3 issues/yr Language of submissions: UK English
- British Journal of Middle Eastern studies e-journal 1991-
- Ensani : Portal jami' ulum insani پرتال جامع علوم انسانیThis portal [in Persian only] offers free search and access to journal articles in social sciences and humanities fields (literature, economics, history, education, geography, law, psychology, linguistics, social sciences, Islamic science, political science, library science, philosophy and logic, management, women studies, art studies). Most articles are available as full-text and can be freely downloaded.
- International journal of Islamic and Arabic studies
- The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) is intended for those interested in urban design and planning, architecture, and landscape design in the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions.
- Ilāhīyāt-i taṭbīqī = Comparative Theology = Journal of Comparative Theology. Published : Isfahan, Iran : Dānishgāh-i Iṣfahān,
Date: 2010- ISSN 2322-3421 - In Persian and English - International Journal of Middle East Studies [paper 1970-2006 e-journal 1970-present] Middle East Studies Association of North America, Cambridge University Press / 1970 General info: Publishes original research on politics, society and culture in the Middle East from the seventh century to the present day. Particular attention to the history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, literature, and cultural studies of the area and to comparative religion, theology, law, and philosophy. Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submissions: English.
- Iran journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies BIPS encourages research in all academic fields of activity, but it has traditionally supported archaeology, ancient history, Persian literature (poetry and prose), linguistics, religion, medieval and the modern history of the Persianate world. This list is not exclusive, and IRAN would be happy to consider other subjects for inclusion within the journal.
- Islamic Perspective Journal The Journal of Islamic Perspective published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) is a peer-reviewed Journal of the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies, affiliated to the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS).
- Islamic Quarterly - Islamic Cultural Centre & London Central Mosque
- Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal * Sponsored by New York Law School.
- Israel affairs (Online) Israeli history, politics, literature, art, strategic affairs, economics, the Arab–Israeli conflict, Israel–diaspora relations ... articles and reviews ... an international multidisciplinary journal.
al-Istighrab/Occidentalism للمركز الإسلامي للدراسات الإستراتيجية published in Lebanon ; aims at understanding the "Occident" critically
- Journal for Islamic Studies Centre for Contemporary Islam, University of Cape Town (South Africa) / 2001 General info: "It is committed to the publication of original research on Islam as culture and civilization. It particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature that brings together history, religion, politics, culture and law. The Journal has a special focus on Islam in Africa, and on contemporary Islamic Thought." Pub cycle: Annual Language of submissions: English
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Edinburgh University Press / 1996 General info: "Covering in principle all aspects of Arabic and Islamic studies." Pub cycle: Varies; also an annual monograph series Language of submissions: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish -- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies e-journal 1996-present
- Journal of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies Malvern, Vic., Australia : Centre for Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Deakin University, [1994-
- Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies (mathal)
- Journal of Islamic studies paper 1990-2009 -e-journal 1996-present
- Journal of Islamic Studies Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies / 1990 General info: "Scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and of the Islamic world. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and developmental issues, as well as ethical questions related to scientific research." Pub cycle: 3 issues/yr Language of submissions: English
- Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World "Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World (MCMW) aims to be a new reference for field archaeologists, (art) historians, anthropologists, curators, and scholars and students of the (art) history, archaeology, architecture, anthropology & ethnography of the Muslim world. This readership represents a new broader definition of material culture that includes not only artefacts, architectural structures and monuments, but also crafts. The journal also aims to inform (other) disciplines and historiographies, by including (unreviewed) archaeological field surveys for example. The journal focuses on un(der)explored Muslim regions outside of the Middle East and Nord Africa: sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Ocean, Central Asia, India, South-East Asia and Europe.
Journal of Medieval and Islamic History (in Arabic حولية التاريخ الإسلامي والوسيط) is an annual peer-reviewed journal. Published by: Seminar of Medieval and Islamic History, History Dept., Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University. Date: 2000- Articles in Arabic, English or French, with added t.p. in Arabic.
- Journal of Middle East women's studies e-journal 2005-present
- Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs / 1979 General info: "Only scholarly journal studying Muslim communities in non-Muslim societies." Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submissions: English
- Journal of Muslim philanthropy and civil society Author: Center on American Muslim Philanthropy. Publisher: Plainfield, IN : Center on American Muslim Philanthropy, Date: 2017- ISSN: 2572-6544. he Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society (JMPCS), is a bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal published by the Center on Muslim Philanthropy in partnership with the IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship, and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University.
- Journal of Palestine Studies Institute for Palestine Studies / 1971 General info: "With an emphasis on peaceful resolution of conflict, Journal of Palestine Studies unites sound research and analysis with a variety of well-informed perspectives by academics, policy makers, and diplomats. The only North American journal devoted exclusively to Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict" Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submissions: English.
- Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam "The Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam was launched in 2019 by the Institute for the Contemporary Study of Islam, based in the UK, to investigate Islam and Muslims in the contemporary world. Although we may consider any submissions that fall within the scope of the journal, we are keen on publishing articles that address some of the most pressing issues that Muslims face in the contemporary world, such as: innovative methods in Islamic law; developing trends in the Muslim world (e.g. new forms of Atheism, Deism, and Agnosticism); Islam and politics; sectarianism in the Muslim world; Islamophobia; Islam and social change; Islam and human rights; Muslim-Christian relations; methodological developments in Quranic studies; and hadith studies.
- Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association
- Majallat al-Adab [Archives] al-Adab was founded in 1953 Lebanese novelist Suhayl Idris (1925-2008). A monthly periodical, Majallat al-Adab is still considered one of the leading literary journals. Since 2015, al-Adab has been published electronically. But back issues (1953-2012) are now also available online, on the al-Adab Archives website. Issues can be browsed by date of publication, and articles can be individually downloaded and saved as PDF, or printed.
- Majallah al-ʻArabīyah lil-fiqh wa-al-qaḍāʼ [Rabat] : al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah li-Majlis Wuzarāʼ al-ʻAdl al-ʻArab, 1985- [At head of title: Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah. "Majallah ʻilmīyah mutakhaṣṣiṣah tuʻná bi-shuʼūn al-tashrīʻ wa-al-qaḍāʼ." Published in: Rabat, Morocco, 1985- ; Cairo, Egypt, <Oct. 1998-> Vol. numbering drops with no. 3. Issued by: Majlis Wuzarāʼ al-ʻAdl al-ʻArab. Amānah al-ʻĀmmah, 1985- ; Majlis Wuzarāʼ al-ʻAdl al-ʻArab. Amānah al-Fannīyah, <Oct. 1998-> Olin Library Oversize KBL .M35 +
- Manazir Journal - Published by the University of Bern. vol. 1; 2019- ISSN: 2673-4354. "Manazir Journal is a peer-reviewed academic Platinum Open Access journal dedicated to visual arts, architecture and cultural heritage in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Every.
- Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies is a bi-annual electronic publication devoted to disseminating original research on migration from, to, and within the region now commonly known as the ‘Middle East.’ Its primary focus is on the Eastern Mediterranean. However, its scope also extends to Iran, Turkey, Greece and the Balkans, Egypt, and the Arabian Peninsula, and to all parts of the world affected by Middle Eastern migration, from the Americas and Africa to Australia and South-East Asia.
- Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph - USJ Proche et du Moyen-orient ancien et médiéval dans les domaines suivants : Archéologie - Histoire - Épigraphie - Etudes sémitiques - Philologie - Histoire de la philosophie et des sciences - Histoire des religions - Islamologie - Arménologie - Littérature - Histoire de l'art.
- Memoria. Fontes minores ad Historiam Imperii Ottomanici pertinentes. This publication series makes accessible in English primary sources on Ottoman history for academic research with an emphasis on narrative texts, which have gone largely unnoticed.
- The Middle East journal, 1947- paper/microfilm 1947-present - e-journal 1947-present
- Middle East journal of culture and communication The Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (MJCC) provides a transcultural academic sphere that engages Middle Eastern and Western scholars in a critical dialogue about culture, communication and politics in the Middle East.
- The Middle East Journal Middle East Institute / 1947 General info: Various disciplines, "relating to the post-World War II Middle East, including Pakistan, the Caucasus and Central Asia." More general and overview articles than statistical or studies. Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submissions: English
- Middle East Policypaper 1992-2007 e-journal 1997-present
- Middle Eastern Studies paper 1964-2006 e-journal 1964-present
- Middle East Quarterly Middle East Forum / 1994 General info: "Publishing studies, interviews, commentary, and reviews that tackle wide range of contemporary concerns of the Middle Eastern affairs -- from politics to economics to culture, across a region that stretches from Morocco to Afghanistan. Articles should mostly focus on the Middle East itself then (in almost all cases) end with policy recommendations for governments or other institutions"
- Middle Eastern Studies Taylor & Francis / 1964 General info: "Provides up-to-date academic research on the history & politics of the Arabic-speaking countries in the middle East & North Africa as well as on Turkey, Iran & Israel, particularly during the nineteenth & twentieth centuries.” Pub cycle: 6 issues/yr Language of submissions: UK English.
- Milestones: Commentary on the Islamic World Milestones offers commentary on theology, ethics, and contemporary politics that influence and affect the Islamic world.
Mizan: Journal for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations. A Bi-Annual, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal of Islamic Studies.
- AlMuntaqa Published by: Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt: (Dawḥah, Qatar), 2018.
Hosted by JSTOR.Summary: "An Open Access journal released by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), devoted to providing English speakers with access to a selection of the best research in the social sciences and humanities coming out of the Arab academy. Articles in this journal were originally written in Arabic for the ACRPS' other peer-reviewed publications journals."
ISSN: 2616-8073 - Muslims (Jamaica, New York, N.Y. : Online) Began in 1999. "The voice of Muslims." "New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Texas, Illinois, Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland."
- The Muslim world paper 1961-2006 e-journal 1978-present
- The Muslim world book review 1980-
- The Muslim World Journal Duncan Black McDonald Center, Hartford Seminary / 1911 General info: "Dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scholarly research on Islam and Muslim societies and on historical and current aspects of Muslim-Christian relations." Pub cycle: Quarterly Language of submission: English
- Muslim world journal of human rights 2004-
- The Muslim World League journal 1981-
- The Muslim world : a quarterly review of history, culture, religions & the christian mission in Islamdom
Nīrū-yi sivvum (Third Force), was the official daily newspaper of the Third Force, a prominent member of the pro-Mossadegh alliance between 1951 and 53. It was one of the strongest pro-Mossadegh parties and was active up until the day of the August 1953 coup against Mossadegh. This daily provides exceptional insight into the activities of the Third Force and enables close analysis of the circumstances which led to the coup.
Nashriyah: digital Iranian history آرشیو آنلاین نشریات دانشگاه منچستر These newspapers and periodicals, many of which have been only partially accessible inside Iran, cover the defining moments from the following three eras: The premiership of Mohammad Mossadegh and the August 1953 coup d'état against his government (1950-53)- The 1979 Revolution; and Containing more than 12,000 pages, the collection is freely accessible without restriction.- The late 1990s/early 2000s ‘reform era’ of former President Mohammad Khatami.
- NIDABA : AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL: CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES : LUND UNIVERSITY. This interdisciplinary Journal of Middle East Studies is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published digitally by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University. The journal is published bi-annually, and features original multi-disciplinary articles related to the study of the Middle East (broadly defined). Reflecting the general mission of CMES, the journal aims to publish articles that are theoretically informed, methodologically sound and analytically innovative. Nidaba’s goal is to contribute to informed public debates and policy formulations related to the Middle East. The journal welcomes submissions with a broad perspective. Interdisciplinary submissions are strongly encouraged.
- from OPARS
- ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies. A peer reviewed, international and interdisciplinary journal of Critical Muslim Studies. ReOrient is dedicated to rethinking those entities and events considered to lie outside the conceptuality of Western hegemony, culturally, geopolitically and philosophically ... seeks to explore the consequences of producing knowledge that is no longer organized around the axis of West and non-West.
- Shii Studies Review : A refereed journal with an international editorial and advisory board, the Shii Studies Review provides a scholarly forum for researchers specializing in all fields of Shii studies. Issued twice a year, the journal publishes peer-reviewed original studies, critical editions of classical and pre-modern texts, and book reviews on Shii law, ḥadīth, Qurʾānic exegesis, philosophy, kalām, ritual and practices, classical and contemporary literature, and other aspects of the history of Shiism. It is dedicated to the study of Imami, Ismaili, Zaydi, and other other trends in Shii thought throughout history.
- Textual Criticism of Persian Literature = Matnʹshināsī-i adab-i Fārsī = متنشناسى ادب فارسى Published by : Dānishgāh-i Iṣfahān. Dānishkadah-ʼi Adabiyāt va ʻUlūm-i Insānī, Date: [2012]- ISSN: 2476-3268"The aim of the journal is to promote Persian literary texts and acquaint researchers with studies in the fields of commentary on Persian literary texts, explanation of difficult points in Persian literary texts, critical analysis of corrections of manuscripts, introducing and explaining manuscripts, aesthetic analysis of Persian literary texts and analysis of Persian literary texts via modern literary theories. The language of the journal is Persian and all submissions should be in this language. All procedures of submission, refereeing and announcement are done online and via the site of the journal. All submissions are blindly refereed by at least two experts."
Anatomy of a Scholarly Article
Anatomy of a Scholarly Article (Interactive webpage that highlights and describes common components of a scholarly article.)
Open Access Journals (Aggregated)
- from OPARS
*Middle East Virtual Library - MENALIB : JournalTocs FREE access to new tables of content from 14,228 journals collected from top publishers that you can access and have delivered to you, users, friends, via RSS as soon as they hit the database. You can also save the tables of content to your folder an access them on the web. The service includes number of publishers with Middle East related journals such as Brill, Taylor & Francis, Intellect and various university presses.
*Open Access historical newspapers and other periodicals in Middle Eastern Studies. Most titles on the list have been digitized by independent projects across the globe and may not have been fully cataloged. It is often difficult to find and access them on the web or through catalogs such as HathiTrust, Gallica,, WorldCat, etc.
11 Essential Digitized Collections for Middle East Historians - HAZINE
Islamic Studies and the Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies
Alphabetical List of Open Access Historical Newspapers and Other Periodicals in Middle East
The Directory of Open Access Repositories – OpenDOAR – lists several digital repositories in Egypt such as American University in Cairo’s DAR.
"AlSharekh Archive: 228 Arabic journals, 277,000 articles by 46,281 writers.
AlSharekh Archive from Sakhr, is one of the most distinguished Arabic digitization initiatives. It is the first and only one to focus on the content of literary journals providing online access to the content of 228 Arabic literary journals, from 23 Arab countries, dating from the early Arab renaissance (al Nahda) in the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the twenty-first century. Among the journals are Arab renaissance journals such as Al-Muqtataf, Al-Muqtabas, Al-Hilal, Al-Adib, Al-Ustadh, Al-Mashriq, Al-Jamaa and others. Authors of the journal articles include prominent Arab writers such as Gerji Zidan, Taha Hussein, Yaqub Sarrouf, Hafez Ibrahim, Albert Adeeb and many others. The AlSharekh Archive s’ site is very easy to use and navigate. Users can browse the journal issues or search the metadata indexes of the articles. Journal articles are viewed as images and have not been converted into digital texts because of difficulties in Arabic OCR. -
Anthropology of the Middle East - Online ISSN: 1746-0727 - Print ISSN: 1746-0719. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange between anthropologists and other social scientists working in and on the Middle East. The journal's aim is to disseminate, on the basis of informed analysis and insight, a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and thereby to achieve a greater appreciation of Middle Eastern contributions to our culturally diverse world. Anthropology of the Middle East (AME) is published twice a year, in the spring and autumn. Issues are often themed and on occasion guest edited. Each issue contains articles on specific research projects and outcomes on Middle Eastern topics. A section titled "Notes from the Field" features research in progress. Book reviews and shorter reports on books, films and conferences are also included.
Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine A digitization project from the National Library of Israel which has digitized 27 newspapers from 1908-1948. Project URL:
Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (2017 - current). Formerly known as Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia)
Directory of Free Arab Journals (DFAJ) : DFAJ collects journals issued in Arabic, English, and French languages in all branches of human knowledge.
Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals are peer-reviewed and open access.
Islamic Perspective Journal The Journal of Islamic Perspective published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) is a peer-reviewed Journal of the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies, affiliated to the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS).
Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization by Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, School of Social Sciences and Humanities,University of Management and Technology [Johar Town Lahore , Pakistan].
Formerly known as Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (2017 - current).
Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies (mathal)
Journal of Muslim philanthropy and civil society Author: Center on American Muslim Philanthropy. Publisher: Plainfield, IN : Center on American Muslim Philanthropy, Date: 2017- ISSN: 2572-6544. he Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society (JMPCS), is a bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal published by the Center on Muslim Philanthropy in partnership with the IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship, and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Archive of Kurdish Periodicals: Arşîva Kurd offers numerous Kurdish periodicals from 1898 to the present.
Manazir Journal - Published by the University of Bern. vol. 1; 2019- ISSN: 2673-4354. "Manazir Journal is a peer-reviewed academic Platinum Open Access journal dedicated to visual arts, architecture and cultural heritage in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Every.
Nīrū-yi sivvum (Third Force), was the official daily newspaper of the Third Force, a prominent member of the pro-Mossadegh alliance between 1951 and 53. It was one of the strongest pro-Mossadegh parties and was active up until the day of the August 1953 coup against Mossadegh. This daily provides exceptional insight into the activities of the Third Force and enables close analysis of the circumstances which led to the coup.
Nashriyah: digital Iranian history آرشیو آنلاین نشریات دانشگاه منچستر These newspapers and periodicals, many of which have been only partially accessible inside Iran, cover the defining moments from the following three eras: The premiership of Mohammad Mossadegh and the August 1953 coup d'état against his government (1950-53)- The 1979 Revolution; and Containing more than 12,000 pages, the collection is freely accessible without restriction.- The late 1990s/early 2000s ‘reform era’ of former President Mohammad Khatami.
Periodicals List Shamaa database contains articles from no less than 100 refereed periodicals, both paper and electronic, specialized in the educational sciences, the humanities, and social sciences which have been put at its disposal through various channels. Shamaa also subscribes to no less than 60 periodicals, with full text coverage, dating back to 2007. These are received regularly, so that the articles are documented and indexed with precision.
Osmanlıca Makaleler Veri Tabanı * Article Database in Ottoman Language / Center for Islamic Studies (İSAM), Istanbul. A database of articles on Turkish history, literature, culture, and art, which includes the bibliographical identification of 52,500 articles and actual digital copies (in pdf).
جرائد Jarāʾid: A chronology of nineteenth-century periodicals in Arabic (1800-1900). [A Research Tool] Periodicals published in Arabic or in Arabic and in another language (like the usual pair of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish) or in Arabic written in a different script (like Judeo-Arabic) during the period from 1800 to 1900. “We chose to present the core data as a table containing information on titles, dates of first and last issue published, place(s) of publication, names of publishers and editors, language(s) of publication, and available collections. In addition, we provide various indexes of publishers and locations, as well as a bibliography of the most important secondary sources and available union catalogues. To search any part of the website, the browser's search function should be invoked (Ctrl-F for Windows, Cmd-F for Mac OSX). Please keep in mind that unicode symbols adhering to the IJMES transliteration must be used.”
The Univ. of Manchester Library has digitized more than 20 newspapers and periodicals--, mainly from the 1950s onwards. The titles so far shared online mainly date from the latter part of the 20th century: Offline, in recent years several 19th-century newspapers & periodicals are made available in print as facsimile reprints by the National Library of Iran.
The Endangered Archives Program has some Iranian collections digitized and are available online, the collections cover topics such as art and architecture. They will have more soon too. --
The cognitive acquisition of European key concepts in Asian and Middle Eastern societies (1860-1945) Persische Periodika / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Universität Bonn: Translatio digitization project.
E-journal & Periodicals [alphabetically]
Please note that while some electronic resources are freely available, others are subscription services provided by the E-Journal Titles / Cornell University Library, so remote access may be necessary when accessing from off-campus.
Al-Abhath is a refereed journal published annually by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the American University of Beirut. The journal publishes articles and reviews in the fields of Arab and Middle Eastern studies.
AION (filol.) Annali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" Founded in 1979 by the Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico, AION Sezione di Filologia e Letteratura Classica is currently published on behalf of the Dipartmento di Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo of the Università di Napoli.
- The American journal of Islamic social sciences 1985- <2016> Silver Spring, Md. : Jointly published by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists; International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1985-
- Annales Islamologiques Les Annales islamologiques sont une revue pluridisciplinaire annuelle, publiant en français, anglais et arabe, des études originales dans tous les domaines relatifs à l’Égypte et au monde arabo-musulman, du VIIe siècle à nos jours : histoire, histoire de l’art, archéologie, conservation et restauration, linguistique, littérature, droit, religion, histoire des sciences, ethnologie. Chaque numéro comprend un dossier thématique et des varia.
Anthropology of the Middle East - Online ISSN: 1746-0727 - Print ISSN: 1746-0719. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange between anthropologists and other social scientists working in and on the Middle East. The journal's aim is to disseminate, on the basis of informed analysis and insight, a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and thereby to achieve a greater appreciation of Middle Eastern contributions to our culturally diverse world. Anthropology of the Middle East (AME) is published twice a year, in the spring and autumn. Issues are often themed and on occasion guest edited. Each issue contains articles on specific research projects and outcomes on Middle Eastern topics. A section titled "Notes from the Field" features research in progress. Book reviews and shorter reports on books, films and conferences are also included.
- Arabic and Middle Eastern literatures
- Arabica
- Arabies | Le Mensuel du monde Arabe Arabies trends
- The art book
- ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology
- ArteEast Quarterly
- Asian journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies 国际合作项目:Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia)
- Avicenna
- Babylon: Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier ISSN: 2535-3098 Babylon - Nordic Journal of Middle Eastern Studies is the Nordic region's leading scientific journal of contemporary Middle East. The journal publishes academic articles, book reviews and reviews in the subject field. Contributions are mainly written in Scandinavian languages, but in certain cases, Babylon expresses English-language contributions from non-Scandinavian authors.
- Babylon– Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier er Nordens ledende vitenskapelige tidsskrift om samtidens Midtøsten. Tidsskriftet publiserer akademiske artikler, bokessay og anmeldelser innenfor fagfeltet. Bidragene er i hovedsak skrevet på skandinaviske språk, men Babylon trykker i utvalgte tilfeller engelskspråklige bidrag fra ikke-skandinaviske forfattere.
- Berkeley Law Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Law
- Biblica
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies - Taylor & Francis Online
- Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies) on JSTOR
- Bulletin de la Société de géographie d'Alger et de l'Afrique du Nord
- Business Middle East (Online)
- Business traveller Middle East
- Business Benchmark Middle East
- Center for Middle East Studies, U.C. Santa Barbara = CMES newsletter / Center for Middle East Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Contemporary Arab Affairs - Taylor & Francis Online
- Contemporary Islamic Studies
- Critique : journal of critical studies of Iran and the Middle East c1992-
- Dead Sea discoveries : a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature 1994-
- Digital Library for International Research, Middle East Research
- Domes (Milwaukee, Wis. : Online) Domes: digest of Middle East studies
- Eastern Mediterranean health journal (Online) = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ṣiḥḥīyah li-Sharq al-Mutawassiṭ. المجلة الصحية لشرق المتوسط
- Edebiyât (Online)
The Egyptian Gazette, a daily newspaper catering to English and French speaking residents of Alexandria, began publication in 1880. This website is product of a digital microhistory course at Florida State University, which was offered for the first time in fall 2016. The aim of this course is to produce a digital version of the paper for the years 1905-8, including full structure and content markup. This website presents the contents of the paper, and host student analysis of our findings.
- European journal of Turkish studies Articles in English, French, German, and Turkish. Paris, France : European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social science research related to contemporary Turkey. Topics include: ethnology, geography, history, political science, and sociology.
- HMEIR Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review
- Hawwa (Leiden, Netherlands : Online) journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world 2003-
- The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) is intended for those interested in urban design and planning, architecture, and landscape design in the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions.
- Ilāhīyāt-i taṭbīqī = Comparative Theology = Journal of Comparative Theology. Published : Isfahan, Iran : Dānishgāh-i Iṣfahān,
Date: 2010- ISSN 2322-3421 - In Persian and English - International journal of Middle East studies (Online)
- Iran journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies BIPS encourages research in all academic fields of activity, but it has traditionally supported archaeology, ancient history, Persian literature (poetry and prose), linguistics, religion, medieval and the modern history of the Persianate world. This list is not exclusive, and IRAN would be happy to consider other subjects for inclusion within the journal.
- Iran Nameh
- İslâm araştırmaları dergisi = Turkish journal of Islamic studies
- Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal * Sponsored by New York Law School.
- Islamic Perspective Journal The Journal of Islamic Perspective published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) is a peer-reviewed Journal of the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies, affiliated to the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS).
- Israel affairs (Online) Israeli history, politics, literature, art, strategic affairs, economics, the Arab–Israeli conflict, Israel–diaspora relations ... articles and reviews ... an international multidisciplinary journal.
- Issues: a monthy information service of the Arab American Institute
- Jadaliyya Jadaliyya is a free ezine founded in 2010. It features English, Arabic, French, and Spanish-language content by academics, journalists, activists, and artists from and/or on the Middle East and is produced by the Arab Studies Institute.
- JANER Journal of ancient Near Eastern religions (Online)
- JANES Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society
- JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society - back issues via JSTOR
- Journal of Arab affairs (Online)
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies (Online)
- Journal of Arabic Literature
- JHS Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- JIHS Journal of International History Studies
- Journal of Islamic law (Online)
- Journal of Islamic law & culture
- Journal of Islamic studies (Oxford, England : Online)
Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World "Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World (MCMW) aims to be a new reference for field archaeologists, (art) historians, anthropologists, curators, and scholars and students of the (art) history, archaeology, architecture, anthropology & ethnography of the Muslim world. This readership represents a new broader definition of material culture that includes not only artefacts, architectural structures and monuments, but also crafts. The journal also aims to inform (other) disciplines and historiographies, by including (unreviewed) archaeological field surveys for example. The journal focuses on un(der)explored Muslim regions outside of the Middle East and Nord Africa: sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Ocean, Central Asia, India, South-East Asia and Europe.
- Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
- Journal of Muslim philanthropy and civil society Author: Center on American Muslim Philanthropy. Publisher: Plainfield, IN : Center on American Muslim Philanthropy, Date: 2017- ISSN: 2572-6544. he Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society (JMPCS), is a bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal published by the Center on Muslim Philanthropy in partnership with the IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship, and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists - مجلة اتحاد الأثریین العرب Print ISSN: 2537-026X. Online ISSN: 2537-0278 Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists is an annual academic journal that publishes specialized research and studies in the fields of archeology, museums, restoration and Arab national civilizations, published by the General Union of Arab Archaeologists and the Union of Arab Universities since 2000 to date. It publishes research studies in several languages: Arabic, English, French and German and has an international and regional refereeing committee. Due to the success achieved by the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, the Editorial Department considered the publication of a new issue of the Journal in foreign languages, in order to raise the level of academic research of Arab archaeologists at the international level. There is no doubt that the Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists is the result of an archeological academic interaction and movement not only in Egypt but among all archaeologists in the Arab world from the ocean to the Gulf.
- JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam "The Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam was launched in 2019 by the Institute for the Contemporary Study of Islam, based in the UK, to investigate Islam and Muslims in the contemporary world. Although we may consider any submissions that fall within the scope of the journal, we are keen on publishing articles that address some of the most pressing issues that Muslims face in the contemporary world, such as: innovative methods in Islamic law; developing trends in the Muslim world (e.g. new forms of Atheism, Deism, and Agnosticism); Islam and politics; sectarianism in the Muslim world; Islamophobia; Islam and social change; Islam and human rights; Muslim-Christian relations; methodological developments in Quranic studies; and hadith studies.
- JSIJ Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal
- JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
- Kikah
- Archive of Kurdish Periodicals: Arşîva Kurd offers numerous Kurdish periodicals from 1898 to the present.
: هي مجلة دراسات ليبية تهدف الى توفير منصة (منتدى) يتم من خلاله طرح ومناقشة الأفكار والقيم والتكوينات الاجتماعية والتاريخ والواقع الحالي لليبيا بأسلوب نقدي يهدف الى فهمها بصورة أوضح
Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies aims to provide a forum for critically understanding the complex ideas, values, social configurations, histories, and material realities in Libya. Lamma is a space where scholars and students from inside and outside of Libya gather to redefine and reshape “Libyan Studies”.
Gîrki, muro meyelle ekedimîee êski kûdi ŋgurtai daha ndoŋi yê deledi yê hôkora tusa-ã yê adaga-ã yê terih nû Lîbiya du togusî čîĩ yêe ŋgûrtii.ⵍⴰⵎⵎⴰ: ⵜⴰⵙⵓⵏⵜ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵖⵔⵉ ⴰⴼ ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ⵜⵖⵙⵙ ⴰ ⵜⴼⴽ ⵜⵓⴼⵔⴹⴰ ⵉ ⴰⵙⵡⵏⵏⴳⵉⵎ ⴷ ⵉⵙⵙⴰⵏ ⵏ ⵜⴰⴳⴳⵓⵜ ⵏ ⵜⵎⴽⵜⵉⵢⵉⵏ, ⴰⵣⵍⵉ, ⵜⵉⴳⴰⵢ ⵏ ⵓⴳⴷⵓⴷ, ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ ⴷ ⴰⵙⵖⵡⵙ ⵏ ⵜⵓⴷⵔⵜ ⵏ ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ.
- Lectio Difficilior
- Majallat al-Adab [Archives] al-Adab was founded in 1953 Lebanese novelist Suhayl Idris (1925-2008). A monthly periodical, Majallat al-Adab is still considered one of the leading literary journals. Since 2015, al-Adab has been published electronically. But back issues (1953-2012) are now also available online, on the al-Adab Archives website. Issues can be browsed by date of publication, and articles can be individually downloaded and saved as PDF, or printed.
- Mathal/Mashal: Journal of Islamic and Judaic Multidisciplinary Studies
- متنشناسى ادب فارسى Published by : Dānishgāh-i Iṣfahān. Dānishkadah-ʼi Adabiyāt va ʻUlūm-i Insānī, Date: [2012]- ISSN: 2476-3268"The aim of the Textual Criticism of Persian Literature = Matnʹshināsī-i adab-i Fārsī = journal is to promote Persian literary texts and acquaint researchers with studies in the fields of commentary on Persian literary texts, explanation of difficult points in Persian literary texts, critical analysis of corrections of manuscripts, introducing and explaining manuscripts, aesthetic analysis of Persian literary texts and analysis of Persian literary texts via modern literary theories. The language of the journal is Persian and all submissions should be in this language. All procedures of submission, refereeing and announcement are done online and via the site of the journal. All submissions are blindly refereed by at least two experts.
- Memoria. Fontes minores ad Historiam Imperii Ottomanici pertinentes. This publication series makes accessible in English primary sources on Ottoman history for academic research with an emphasis on narrative texts, which have gone largely unnoticed.
- MENAdoc
- MERIA Middle East Review of International Affairs
- Middle East and North Africa business report
- Middle East business intelligence
- Middle East Business (Arabic)
- Middle East business news
- Middle East journal of business
- Middle East critique Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK : Routledge Continues: Critique (Saint Paul, Minn. : Online) Three times a year
- MEED Middle East Economic Digest London, Middle East Economic Digest, ltd., etc.
- Middle East intelligence Bulletin New York : United States Committee for a Free Lebanon and the Middle East Forum, 1999-
- Middle East Journal Washington : Middle East Institute, 1947-
- Middle East law and governance (Online)
- Middle East policy
- Middle East quarterly With roots going back to 1990, the Middle East Forum has been an independent tax-exempt 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization based in Philadelphia since 1994. Mission: The Middle East Forum promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats.
- Middle East report [Published by: Blackwell Publishers for the Middle East Research and Information Project, winter 1998-Place of publication varies: Washington, D.C., Mar./Apr. 1989-fall 1998; Malden, Mass., winter 1998-
- Many issues also have a theme title.]
- MERIA Middle East Review of International Affairs
- Middle East women’s studies review
- Milestones: Commentary on the Islamic World Milestones offers commentary on theology, ethics, and contemporary politics that influence and affect the Islamic world.
- The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies
Mizan: Journal for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations. A Bi-Annual, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal of Islamic Studies.
- MDZ Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum
- AlMuntaqa Published by: Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt: (Dawḥah, Qatar), 2018.
Hosted by JSTOR.Summary: "An Open Access journal released by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), devoted to providing English speakers with access to a selection of the best research in the social sciences and humanities coming out of the Arab academy. Articles in this journal were originally written in Arabic for the ACRPS' other peer-reviewed publications journals."
ISSN: 2616-8073 - Muslim World
- Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education
NIDABA : AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL: CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES : LUND UNIVERSITY. This interdisciplinary Journal of Middle East Studies is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published digitally by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University. The journal is published bi-annually, and features original multi-disciplinary articles related to the study of the Middle East (broadly defined). Reflecting the general mission of CMES, the journal aims to publish articles that are theoretically informed, methodologically sound and analytically innovative. Nidaba’s goal is to contribute to informed public debates and policy formulations related to the Middle East. The journal welcomes submissions with a broad perspective. Interdisciplinary submissions are strongly encouraged.
al-Istighrab/Occidentalism للمركز الإسلامي للدراسات الإستراتيجية published in Lebanon ; aims at understanding the "Occident" critically
- Orientalia Suecana [Uppsala, Sweden : Dept. of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University] The first issue of Orientalia Suecana appeared in 1952. Its founder was Erik Gren (1904–1959), Reader in Classical History and Archaeology at Uppsala University and librarian at the University Library. The journal succeed to the journal Le Monde Oriental, published in Uppsala in years 1906–1946. Most of the contributions in the early volumes were primarily philological, with a wider view towards historical, and especially religious-historical issues. More recently, besides the articles dealing with antiquity, Orientalia Suecana has published numerous studies on present-day topics and phenomena. While maintaining its philological focus on texts, the journal is open to linguistic and literary researches in the fields of Semitic, Iranian, Turkic, Indic, and Chinese studies.
- Oxford University Research Archive
- Pan Arab news index
- Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture
- Persée
- from OPARS
- Religious Studies Review
- RBL Review of Biblical Literature
- Sehepunkte
- Shii Studies Review : A refereed journal with an international editorial and advisory board, the Shii Studies Review provides a scholarly forum for researchers specializing in all fields of Shii studies. Issued twice a year, the journal publishes peer-reviewed original studies, critical editions of classical and pre-modern texts, and book reviews on Shii law, ḥadīth, Qurʾānic exegesis, philosophy, kalām, ritual and practices, classical and contemporary literature, and other aspects of the history of Shiism. It is dedicated to the study of Imami, Ismaili, Zaydi, and other other trends in Shii thought throughout history.
- Studia Graeco-arabica
- ارشيف المطبوعات السورية | Syrian Prints Archive "an independent documentary project, that works on archiving periodic Syrian prints issued since the outbreak of the March 2011 Revolution, as these prints are a part of the Syrian written memory, and a facet of the new-born pluralism in Syria.
- Syrian Studies Association Newsletter
- Transoxiana
- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law
- Washington report on Middle East affairs
- "Y’alla poems, stories, essays, and novel excerpts translated from Persian, Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic or any other language pertaining to the Middle East and North Africa.
- Zetischrift fuer arabische Linguistik = Journal of Arabic Linguistics
Osmanlıca Makaleler Veri Tabanı * Article Database in Ottoman Language / Center for Islamic Studies (İSAM), Istanbul. A database of articles on Turkish history, literature, culture, and art, which includes the bibliographical identification of 52,500 articles and actual digital copies (in pdf).