- Arts of the Islamic World: From the Dome of the Rock to the Taj Mahal, the Coronation Mantle, the Ardabil Carpet, and more... c. 640 - 1924 C.E.
- Arab Acquis Corpus Arab-Acquis is a large dataset for evaluating machine translation between 22 European languages and Arabic. Arab-Acquis consists of over 12,000 sentences from the JRCAcquis (Acquis Communautaire) corpus translated twice by professional translators, once from English and once from French, and totaling over 600,000 words. This resource was developed at the Computational Approaches to Modeling Language (CAMeL) Lab in New York University Abu Dhabi.
Background Sources
Programs, Experts, and Resources in Middle East Studies permes - Middle East Studies Association
Graduate Programs in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies | US & Canada
Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise
SAGE Research Methods: Find resources to answer your research
Purpose of Background Research: Reference Sources Tip
Finding background information is an important part of the research process. Your textbook and encyclopedias are good places to find background knowledge. Please note that the information you gather form these types of sources is considered common knowledge and doesn't count toward your required amount of sources. Reference articles are great places to find information about the context of your paper but should seen as a beginning point of your research, reference materials will help you find more primary and secondary sources by:
- Learning about topics with which you are unfamiliar
- Giving you ideas about keywords to search for books and journal articles.
- Helping broaden or narrow your topic / refining your topic.
- Identifying important facts related to your topic - keywords, dates, events, history, and names and organizations, etc.
- Finding additional sources of information through bibliographies and works citedLeads to bibliographies which provide additional sources of information.
- Specialized Encyclopedias and Dictionaries: Reference works covering history, culture, politics, linguistics, literature, theater, film, art, architecture, and religion with an emphasis on Islam.
- Encyclopedias are useful for choosing a topic, educating yourself quickly, understanding various perspectives on a topic, variant spellings, vocabulary, and terminology, and providing bibliographies.
Introduction Guides & General Sources
- TeachMideast: Middle East Policy Council General Introductions to Social, Cultural, Regional, and Political topics.
- HAZINE - a guide to researching the middle east and beyond
- Travel Books Travel books were known as early as the 2nd century through the writings of Pausanias' Description of Greece and many travelers who followed him. The geographical coverage of this travel books collection is mainly the Middle East. The collection covers mid-19th c to around mid-20th c.
Books Addressing Muslims or Islam in the United States (1965-2022) (Bibliography) [Aziz, Sahar F. and Burress, Cynthia and Hankins, Rebecca, Books Addressing Muslims or Islam in the United States (1965-2022) (Bibliography) (March 1, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2734400].
Books by Bernard Lewis, 1916-2018 @ CORNELL
---Bernard Lewis: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks ...
- The Palgrave Handbook of Islam in Africa
- "Uyghurkitap, an online digital collection of Uyghur documents, is now open to public. The library contains 6,400 documents, including 500 manuscripts, 1,500 newspapers and magazines, and ~ 4,000 Uyghur language books."
An Introduction to the Modern Middle East by Combining elements of comparative politics with a country-by-country analysis, author David S. Sorenson provides a complete and accessible introduction to the modern Middle East. With an emphasis on the politics of the region, the text also dedicates chapters specifically to the history, religions, and economies of countries in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf, the Eastern Mediterranean, and North Africa. In each country chapter, a brief political history is followed by discussions of democratization, religious politics, women's issues, civil society, economic development, privatization, and foreign relations. In this updated and revised second edition, An Introduction to the Modern Middle East includes new material on the Arab Spring, the changes in Turkish politics, the Iranian nuclear issues, and the latest efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dilemma. Introductory chapters provide an important thematic overview for each of the book's individual country chapters and short vignettes throughout the book offer readers a chance for personal reflection.
ISBN: 9780813349220Publication Date: 2013-12-03Muhammad : critical concepts in religious studies by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is undoubtebly one of the most influential persons in history. He is not only the founder of one of the world religions, but has served as a role model for Muslims throughout history. The records of his deeds and sayings are among the most important sources in various fields of Islamic learning, such as Islamic law, ritual, piety, Sufism, or political theory. Muhammad has been a main object of research in Western scholarship on Islam, and there is a huge amount of articles and books devoted to various aspects of his life, the sources of his life and his role in Islamic tradition. These articles, however, are widely dispersed; some can be found in more popular journals and books, others in smaller, less readily available publications. It is therefore reasonable to bring together the most important articles and book chapters on Muhammad in a four volume set.
ISBN: 9781138791275Publication Date: 2015-06-25A Concise Guide to Islam (Introducing Islam) by
ISBN: 9781493442768Publication Date: 2023-09-26Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries by This edited volume examines the importance and significance of the Christian population in the Middle East and North Africa from the rise of Islam to present day. Specifically, the authors focus on the contributions of Christians to Arab politics, economy, and law. Using the current plight of Christians in the Muslim world (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt), the contributors analyze the origins of the crises and propose recommendations and strategies to foster religious freedom, human rights, and an inclusive political system that ensures equality of citizenship for all communities to participate fully in their societies.
ISBN: 9783319712031Publication Date: 2018-01-25A History of the Modern Middle East by A History of the Modern Middle East examines the profound and often dramatic transformations of the region in the past two centuries, from the Ottoman and Egyptian reforms, through the challenge of Western imperialism, to the impact of US foreign policies. Built around a framework of political history, while also carefully integrating social, cultural, and economic developments, this expertly crafted account provides readers with the most comprehensive, balanced and penetrating analysis of the modern Middle East. The sixth edition has been revised to provide a thorough account of the major developments since 2012, including the tumultuous aftermath of the Arab uprisings, the sectarian conflict in Iraq and civil war in Syria that led to the rise of ISIS, the crises in Libya and Yemen, and the United States' nuclear talks with Iran. With brand-new timelines in each part, updated select bibliographies, and expanded online instructor resources, A History of the Modern Middle East remains the quintessential text for courses on Middle East history.
Call Number: DS62.4 .C53 2017ISBN: 9780813349800Publication Date: 2016-08-02Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East by
Call Number: olin DS62.4 .K53 2011ISBN: 9780618958535Publication Date: 2010-01-08This unique primary source reader provides first-hand accounts of the events described in Middle Eastern history survey texts. The text is organized into ten chapters featuring chapter introductions and headnotes. The primary source documents cover the late 18th century through the beginning of the 21st, exploring political, social, economic, and cultural history and infusing the volume with the voices of real people.Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by This history of the Arab Israeli War of 1967 includes a basic outline of pre-1948 history of the region, the history of Zionism and the peace negotiations of the 1990s.
Call Number: DS119.7 .S618 2010ISBN: 9780312535018Publication Date: 2009-10-06Islam by
Call Number: olin BP163 .N2813x 2003ISBN: 0060507144Publication Date: 2002-12-24In this informative and clear introduction to the world of Islam, Seyyed Hossein Nasr explores the following topics in depth: *What Is Islam? *The Doctrines and Beliefs of Islam *Islamic Practices and Institutions *The History of Islam *Schools of Islamic Thought *Islam in the Contemporary World *Islam and Other Religions *The Spiritual and Religious Significance of IslamA Companion to the History of the Middle East by
Call Number: Olin Library oversize DS62 .C63 2005 +ISBN: 1405106816Publication Date: 2005-09-12The Modern Middle East by This hugely successful, ground-breaking book is the first introductory textbook on the Modern Middle East to foreground the urban, rural, cultural and gender histories of the region over its political and economic history. Distancing himself from more traditional modernising approaches, Ilan Papp#65533;s concerned with the ideological question of whom we investigate in the past rather than how we investigate the past. Papp#65533;egins his narrative at the end of the First World War with the Ottoman heritage, and concludes at the present day with the political discourse of Islam. Providing full geographical coverage of the region, The Modern Middle East: opens with a carefully argued introduction which outlines the methodology used in the textbook provides a thematic and comparative approach to the region, helping students to see the peoples of the Middle East and the developments that affect their lives as part of a larger world includes insights gained from new historiographical trends and a critical approach to conventional state- and nation-centred historiographies includes case studies, debates, maps, photos, an up-to-date bibliography and a glossarial index. This third edition has been brought right up to date with recent events, and includes the developments through the Arab Spring, more economic history, much more focus on gender history and discussion of religion in the region from a broad perspective. Accessible and original, The Modern Middle East continues to energise discussion and stimulate debate on the region#65533;s history, and provides new insights and perspectives on its story.
ISBN: 9780415829502Publication Date: 2014-02-12Islam and Modernity by The relationship between Islam and modernity has generated and rich but complex literature. While competing accounts sometimes appear incommensurable, there is at least some convergence on the view that Islam and modernity reflect an unsettled encounter. For some this is self-evident because the relationship rests on contested foundational questions, not least: whose modernity and which Islam? For others it is a less a theoretical and more a historical issue, in so far as there has been a process underway in which Islam has proved slow in 'catching up'. This Major Work gives space to an evolving conversation between Islam and four component parts of modernity. It has a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context.  
Call Number: olin BP166.14.M63 I847 2017ISBN: 9781138930827Publication Date: 2017-02-23Shariah by Sharia is by now a term that most Americans and Europeans recognize, though few really understand what it means. Often portrayed as a medieval system used by religious zealots to oppress women and deny human rights, conservative politicians, media commentators, and hardline televangelistsstoke fear by promoting the idea that Muslims want to impose a repressive Sharia rule in America and Europe. Despite the breadth of this propaganda, a majority of Muslims - men and women - support Sharia as a source of law. In fact, for many centuries Sharia has functioned for Muslims as a positivesource of guidance, providing a moral compass for individuals and society. This critical new book by John L. Esposito and Natana Delong-Bas aims to serve as a guide for what everybody needs to know in the conversation about Sharia, responding to misunderstandings and distortions, and offeringanswers to questions about the origin, nature, and content of Sharia.
Call Number: KBP144 .E76 2018ISBN: 9780199325054Publication Date: 2018-04-11Ethnic Minorities in Democratizing Muslim Countries by This book explores the ways in which democratizing Muslim countries treat their ethnic minorities' requests of inclusiveness and autonomy. The author examines the results of two important cases--the securitization of Kurds in Turkey and the "autonomization" (a new concept coined by the study) of Acehnese in Indonesia--through multiple hypotheses: the elites' power interest, the international factors, the institutions and history of the state, and the ontological security of the country. By examining states with ethnic diversity and very little religious diversity, the research controls for the effect of religious conflict on minority inclusion, and so allows expanded generalizations and comparisons. In non-Muslim majority countries, and in so called "mature democracies," the problem of the inclusion of old or new ethnic minorities is also crucial for the sustainability of the "never-ending" democratization processes.
ISBN: 3319755730Publication Date: 2018-05-17Early Arab-Zionist Negotiation Attempts, 1913-1931 by
ISBN: 0714632147Publication Date: 1983-09-01First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.Religions of the Middle East by
ISBN: 9780836873382Publication Date: 2006-07-01The Idea of the Muslim World by When President Barack Obama visited Cairo in 2009 to deliver an address to Muslims worldwide, he followed in the footsteps of countless politicians who have taken the existence of a unified global Muslim community for granted. But as Cemil Aydin explains in this provocative history, it is a misconception to think that the world's 1.5 billion Muslims constitute a single religio-political entity. How did this belief arise, and why is it so widespread? The Idea of the Muslim World searches for the intellectual origins of a mistaken notion and explains its enduring allure for non-Muslims and Muslims alike. Conceived as the antithesis of Western Christian civilization, the idea of the Muslim world emerged in the late nineteenth century, when European empires ruled the majority of Muslims. It was inflected from the start by theories of white supremacy, but Muslims had a hand in shaping the idea as well. Aydin reveals the role of Muslim intellectuals in envisioning and essentializing an idealized pan-Islamic society that refuted claims of Muslims' racial and civilizational inferiority. After playing a key role in the politics of the Ottoman Caliphate, the idea of the Muslim world survived decolonization and the Cold War, and took on new force in the late twentieth century. Standing at the center of both Islamophobic and pan-Islamic ideologies, the idea of the Muslim world continues to hold the global imagination in a grip that will need to be loosened in order to begin a more fruitful discussion about politics in Muslim societies today.
Call Number: olin BP52 .A94 2017ISBN: 9780674050372Publication Date: 2017-04-24Introducing Islam by Just what is Islam and what does it mean to be a Muslim in the world today? Since the events of 9/11 and 7/7, Islam has become one of the most controversial and misunderstood religions in the world.Introducing Islamencourages students to put aside their preconceptions and explore this fascinating religion. William Shepard traces the history of Islam from its origins in the life and career of Mohammed, through its classical expressions, to its interactions with the West in the modern world. A chapter is devoted to each major topic, including The Quran, Islamic law, Islamic theology, and the Sufi movement, as well as community rituals and Islamic art and culture. There is a survey of modern developments and four chapters are dedicated to individual countries, Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Indonesia. Fully revised and updated, the second edition of this core textbook adds crucial material on contemporary issues such as women in Islam and democratization and human rights. Illustrated throughout, the book also includes learning objectives, a glossary of key Arabic terms, comprehensive further reading lists and critical thinking boxes, helping students to critically engage with the material in each chapter. Further teaching and learning resources are available on the companion website at www.routledge.com/cw/shepard.This book continues to be essential reading for students of Islam worldwide.
ISBN: 9780415533454Publication Date: 2014-02-14Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey by This reference work provides a needed ready reference to the essential information on and analytical discussion of basic ideas, notions, concepts, doctrines, ideologies, leaders, intellectuals, thinkers, ideologues, groups, and movements of Islamic fundamentalism or Islamism in the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. In one volume, Moussalli provides information about not only the origins and actions of Islamic fundamentalists, but the ideas and principles on which they are based. An invaluable source for both the broad pictures of Islamic fundamentalism and the specific details.
ISBN: 0810836092Publication Date: 1999-09-08What Is Political Islam? by
ISBN: 9781626376922Publication Date: 2018-02-10Northern Africa : a guide to reference and information sources by This annotated bibliography describes a variety of print and electronic reference sources published in the past two decades about Northern Africa, including the Maghreb, the Sahel Region, and the Horn of Africa. The book is organized in three sections. The first part covers general reference works, the second part addresses area studies references by subject, and the third section covers reference sources by region and country. Each citation includes all bibliographic information except price.
ISBN: 1563086840Publication Date: 2000-08-15Left-Handed in an Islamic World by
ISBN: 0998147710Publication Date: 2017-01-25This is the memoir of an American anthropologist living in the Arab world with his family. His stories derive from across a number of different societies and time frames, and bring into play the larger Middle East context from 1968 to 2012.The Caliphate - Formation, Fragmentation and Modern Interpretations by Although the Caliphate was formally abolished ninety years ago, it had already ceased to exist as a unitary and effectively administered political institution many centuries earlier. The ever widening gap between political ideal and historical reality is also reflected in the varying conceptualizations and theories of the Caliphate developed by Islamic religious scholars and Muslim intellectuals past and present. However, recent events in the Islamic world show that the idea of a Caliphate still appeals to Muslims of varying persuasions. This three-volume reference work tracks the history of the Caliphate as what many Muslims believe to be a genuine and authentic Islamic political institution: From its emergence in seventh-century Arabia until highly contested and controversial attempts of its revival at the beginning of the twenty-first century by radical Islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq. No matter how grandiose such interpretations of a seemingly archaic institution may be, they show the Caliphate's longevity as a rallying point - real or symbolic - for Muslims across the world. Volume I: Origins and Formation Volume II: Challenges and Fragmentation Volume III: Modern Interpretations
Call Number: olin BP166.9 .C35 2015 [v.1-3]ISBN: 9783940924520Publication Date: 2015-04-30Understanding Contemp Islamic Crises by
ISBN: 9789087282677Publication Date: 2017-08-15The A to Z of Islam by
ISBN: 0810845059Publication Date: 2002-08-06After the Prophet by Narrative history at its most compelling,After the Prophetallows readers to grasp the power and depth of the Shia-Sunni split as never before. Even as Muhammad lay dying, the battle over who would succeed him as the ruler of the Muslim people had begun. And as Lesley Hazleton shows in her gripping historyAfter the Prophet, the battle has never ended. This is the foundation story of the Shia-Sunni split in Islam, a magnificent tale of power, intrigue, assassination, and passionate faith. Starting in Arabia in the year 632 and reaching its terrible breaking point fifty years later in Iraq, it still shapes modern headlines from Iran’s Islamic Revolution to the Iraq civil war. The succession crisis set Muhammad’s son-in-law, the philosopher-warrior Ali, in opposition to the controversial Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife. She would defy all expectations by leading an army against Ali, urging on her warriors in the thick of battle. The ultimate breaking point came when soldiers of the first Sunni dynasty massacred seventy-two warriors led by Ali’s son, Hussein, at Karbala in Iraq, forging the Shia-Sunni split in blood. Hussein’s ordeal would quickly become the Passion story at the core of Shia Islam, and history would be transformed into sacred history. Balancing past and present, Lesley Hazleton shows how this story is alive in Middle Eastern hearts and minds today, as though it had just happened. Even as she tells what happened in the seventh century, she never lets the reader lose sight of where those events have left us, and why they matter so much now as the struggle for dominance in the Muslim world plays out in the cities and mountains of Iraq and Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Placed squarely at the volatile intersection of religion and politics, history and current events, the vividly narratedAfter the Prophetis compulsive reading-and an emotional and political revelation for Western readers. From the Hardcover edition.
ISBN: 9780385523936Publication Date: 2009-09-15Jewish-Muslim Relations in Past and Present : A Kaleidoscopic View by
ISBN: 9789004345737Publication Date: 2017Islam by
ISBN: 0195396006Publication Date: 2010-07-02Allah's Commonwealth by
ISBN: 9780671215644Publication Date: 1974-04-01Modernist Islam, 1840-1940 by Modernist Islam was a major intellectual current in the Muslim world during the 19th and 20th centuries. Proponents of this movement typically believed that it was not only possible but imperative to show how "modern" values and institutions could be reconciled with authentically Islamicideals. This sourcebook brings together a broad range of writings on modernist Islam from across the Muslim world. It makes available for the first time in English the writings of many of the activists and intellectuals who made up the early modernist Islamic movement. Charles Kurzman and a team ofsection editors, each specializing in a different region of the Islamic world, have assembled, translated, and annotated the work of the most important of these figures. With the publication of this volume, an English-speaking audience will have wider access to the literature of modernist Islam thandid the makers of the movement themselves.
ISBN: 0195154673Publication Date: 2002-10-03Theology and Society in the Second and Third Century of the Hijra by Theology and Societyis the most comprehensive study of Islamic intellectual and religious history, focusing on Muslim theology. With its emphasis on the eighth and ninth centuries CE, it remains the most detailed prosopographical study of the early phase of the formation of Islam. Originally published in German between 1991 and 1995, Theology and Societyis a monument of scholarship and a unique scholarly enterprise which has stood the test of time as an unparalleled reference work.
ISBN: 9789004323179Publication Date: 2016-11-17Muslim Worldviews and Everyday Lives by el-Aswad introduces the concepts of worldviews/cosmologies of Muslims, explaining that the different types of worldviews are not constructed solely by religious scholars or intellectual elite, but are latent in Islamic tradition, embedded in popular imagination, and triggered through people's everyday interaction in various countries and communities. He draws from a number of sources including in-depth interviews and participant observation as well as government documents and oral history. Through the perspectives of ethno-cosmology, emic interpretation of sacred tradition, modernity, folklore, geography, dream, imagination, hybridity, and identity transformation, he examines how culturally and religiously constructed images of the world influence the daily actions of people in various Muslim communities. The worldviews of Sunnis, Shi'as, and Sufis are covered in turn, and Muslims in the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, and suburban Detroit are the focus. el-Aswad also discusses the effects of Western attempts at imposing its essentially secular worldview through the process of globalization and how cyberspace has promoted connectivity among Muslim communities and, especially in the United States, opened up unlimited options and new possibilities.
Call Number: olin BP173.25 E42 2012ISBN: 9780759121195Publication Date: 2012-07-13Introduction to Islam by An Introduction to Islam, Fourth Edition, provides students with a thorough, unified and topical introduction to the global religious community of Islam. In addition, the author's extensive field work, experience, and scholarship combined with his engaging writing style and passion for the subject also sets his text apart. An Introduction to Islam, places Islam within a cultural, political, social, and religious context, and examines its connections with Judeo-Christian morals. Its integration of the doctrinal and devotional elements of Islam enables readers to see how Muslims think and live -- engendering understanding and breaking down stereotypes. This text also reviews pre-Islamic history so readers can see how Islam developed historically.
ISBN: 9780138144777Publication Date: 2010-01-11The Formation of Islam by Jonathan Berkey surveys the religious history of the peoples of the Near East from approximately 600 to 1800 c.e. After examining the religious scene in the Near East in late antiquity, he investigates Islam's first century, the "classical" period from the accession of the Abbasids to the rise of the Buyid amirs. He then traces the emergence of new forms of Islam in the middle period, deftly showing how Islam emerged slowly as part of a prolonged process.
ISBN: 0521588138Publication Date: 2002-12-23The Religion of Islam by
ISBN: 1258154811Publication Date: 2011-10-01Letters to a Young Muslim by
ISBN: 9781250119841Publication Date: 2017-01-03Islam and the European Empires by
ISBN: 9780199668311Publication Date: 2014-11-04The Atheist Muslim by
ISBN: 9781250094445Publication Date: 2016-11-22The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism by
ISBN: 9780231131308Publication Date: 2007-09-01The A to Z of Sufism by
ISBN: 9780810868274Publication Date: 2009-08-17The Qur'an by
ISBN: 0415326397Publication Date: 2005-12-16A History of the Arab Peoples by Despite newsmaking events in the Middle East, the Arab world has been poorly understood in the West, until now. Distinguished historian Albert Hourani's masterwork is a panoramic view encompassing twelve centuries of Arab history and culture.
ISBN: 9781441787934Publication Date: 2011-06-20Making the Arab World by How the conflict between political Islamists and secular-leaning nationalists has shaped the history of the modern Middle East In 2013, just two years after the popular overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian military ousted the country's first democratically elected president--Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood--and subsequently led a brutal repression of the Islamist group. These bloody events echoed an older political rift in Egypt and the Middle East: the splitting of nationalists and Islamists during the rule of Egyptian president and Arab nationalist leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. In Making the Arab World, Fawaz Gerges, one of the world's leading authorities on the Middle East, tells how the clash between pan-Arab nationalism and pan-Islamism has shaped the history of the region from the 1920s to the present. Gerges tells this story through an unprecedented dual biography of Nasser and another of the twentieth-century Arab world's most influential figures--Sayyid Qutb, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood and the father of many branches of radical political Islam. Their deeply intertwined lives embody and dramatize the divide between Arabism and Islamism. Yet, as Gerges shows, beyond the ideological and existential rhetoric, this is a struggle over the state, its role, and its power. Based on a decade of research, including in-depth interviews with many leading figures in the story, Making the Arab World is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the roots of the turmoil engulfing the Middle East, from civil wars to the rise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Call Number: DS63.1 .G47 2018ISBN: 9780691167886Publication Date: 2018-04-03Northern Africa by
ISBN: 1563086840Publication Date: 2000-08-15This annotated bibliography describes a variety of print and electronic reference sources published in the past two decades about Northern Africa, including the Maghreb, the Sahel Region, and the Horn of Africa. The book is organized in three sections. The first part covers general reference works, the second part addresses area studies references by subject, and the third section covers reference sources by region and country. Each citation includes all bibliographic information except price.Muslim Diasporas in the West by This major works collection surveys the nature of Muslim diasporas in the west from a sociological perspective, exploring the issues of migration, integration, identity, politics, Islamophobia, and radicalisation. This four-volume collected works is the state of the art on the research and scholarship on Muslim diasporas in the West carried out over the last four decades. From canonical works to the latest trends in study, these contributions have added to the understanding of ethnicity, equality and diversity in relation to Muslims in the west. These article explore the philosophies of multiculturalism, integration, and interculturalism. They also analyse issues of identity politics, Islamophobia, and radicalisation. The research carried out on Muslims in the west has had a significant impact on the study of Muslim minorities in other parts of the world. This major works collection suitably captures the significance of past research and its importance for further scholarship in relation to Muslims and Islam across Europe, North America, and Australia.
Call Number: Olin BP52.5 .M883 2017ISBN: 9781138187955Publication Date: 2016-12-13
Current interest*Spotlight
University systems in the Arab East by Sari Hanafi.
- Youth and the Prospects for Human Development in a Changing Reality / Published: New York : United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States, 2016.
- 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report - ScholarlyCommons [Top Think Tanks in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)->Table 13, p. 70]
Euro-Islam.info is an active network of researchers and scholars who conduct comparative research on Islam and Muslims in Europe and the USA and disseminate key information to politicians, media, and the public. Sponsored by the Cadbury Centre at the University of Birmingham, the site is recognized in academic, political and media circles as the most reliable online reference for Islam in Europe.
Religions of the book - faculty.fairfield.edu Three world religious traditions have their origins in the Middle East-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-but there are also a number of more highly localized traditions. These include Zoroastrianism (primarily in Iran); the Druze of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel; and the Kurdish-speaking Yazidi-s of northern Iraq, each with their own traditions of religious identity and practice. [WORLD RELIGIONS -The Middle East and Central Asia: an anthropological approach].
Ta'seel Commons "Ta’seel Commons (Ta'seel meaning: “contextualization, to “give an asl (root) to”) is an online platform dedicated to the (re)invigoration of Islamic thought in a (post)modern world. Ta’seel Commons is an online space created for disseminating information on contemporary ‘Islams’ place in the modern world. In creating this space, we seek to impact discourses on and about Islam in the West and in the East, cutting across national and sectarian lines."
The Project on Middle East Political Science, POMEPS is based at the Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University and is supported by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York and a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation for Islam in a Changing Middle East. A collaborative network designed to enhance the broader Middle East’s political science field and its engagement with the broader academic discipline, public policy, and the public sphere.
Travel Books Travel books were known as early as the 2nd century through the writings of Pausanias' Description of Greece and many travelers who followed him. The geographical coverage of this travel books collection is mainly the Middle East. The collection covers mid-19th c to around mid-20th c.
Islam : religion, history, and civilization by The world's leading Islamicist offers a concise introduction to this rich and diverse tradition of 1.2 billion adherents. In this informative and clear introduction to the world of Islam, Seyyed Hossein Nasr explores the following topics in depth: *What Is Islam? *The Doctrines and Beliefs of Islam *Islamic Practices and Institutions *The History of Islam *Schools of Islamic Thought *Islam in the Contemporary World *Islam and Other Religions *The Spiritual and Religious Significance of Islam
Call Number: olin BP163 .N2813x 2003ISBN: 0060507144Publication Date: 2002-12-24Rethinking Islam Studies by Rethinking Islamic Studies upends scholarly roadblocks in post-Orientalist discourse within contemporary Islamic studies and carves fresh inroads toward a robust new understanding of the discipline, one that includes religious studies and other politically infused fields of inquiry. Editors Carl W. Ernst and Richard C. Martin, along with a distinguished group of scholars, map the trajectory of the study of Islam and offer innovative approaches to the theoretical and methodological frameworks that have traditionally dominated the field. In the volume's first section, the contributors reexamine the underlying notions of modernity in the East and West and allow for the possibility of multiple and incongruent modernities. This opens a discussion of fundamentalism as a manifestation of the tensions of modernity on Muslim cultures. The second section addresses the volatile character of Islamic religious identity as expressed in religious and political movements at national and local levels. In the third section, contributors focus on Muslim communities in Asia and examine the formation of religious models and concepts as they appear in this region. This study concludes with an afterword by accomplished Islamic studies scholar Bruce B. Lawrence reflecting on the evolution of this post-Orientalist approach to Islam and placing the volume within existing and emerging scholarship.
ISBN: 9781570038921Publication Date: 2010-05-30Key Islamic Political Thinkers by Islam has become a potent political force around the world since it reemerged in the late 1960's and 1970's as a religio-political alternative to failed nationalist ideologies. In countries throughout the world, individuals and movements have attempted to reconstruct the political, economic,and social dimensions of their societies along Islamic lines, taking different approaches to the shari`a and to the questions of whether and how to establish an Islamic state. Key Islamic Political Thinkers offers an examination of some of the leading intellectuals behind the resurgence of political Islam. The essays in this volume cover a selection of thinkers that is representative of the main strands of contemporary Muslim political thought. It starts with theforefathers of contemporary political Islam, Hasan al-Banna and Abu al A`la al-Mawdudi, analyzes the revolutionary ideas of Sayyid Qutb, Ali Shari`ati, and Ayatollah Khomeini, and ends with the "intellectuals" of political Islam, Hassan al-Turabi, Rashid al-Ghannoushi, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, MuhammadKhatami, and Abdolkarim Soroush, who exemplify the diversity and complexity of contemporary Muslim political discourse. This volume provides a valuable guide to the most important intellectual architects of the Islamic revival.
ISBN: 9780190900342Publication Date: 2018-09-10Routledge Handbook on Middle East Security by Routledge Handbook on Middle East Securityprovides the first comprehensive look at Middle East security issues that includes both traditional and emerging security threats. Taking a broad perspective on security, the volume offers both analysis grounded in the 'hard' military and state security discourse but also delves into the 'soft' aspects of security employing a human security perspective. As such the volume addresses imminent challenges to security, such as the ones relating directly to the war in Syria, but also the long-term challenges. The traditional security problems, which are deep-seated, are at risk of being exacerbated also by a lack of focus on emerging vulnerabilities in the region. While taking as a point of departure the prevalent security discourse, the volume also goes beyond the traditional focus on military or state security and consider non-traditional security challenges. This book provides a state-of-the-art review of research on the key challenges for security in the Middle East; it will be a key resource for students and scholars interested in Security Studies, International Relations, Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies. earch on the key challenges for security in the Middle East; it will be a key resource for students and scholars interested in Security Studies, International Relations, Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies.
ISBN: 9781138749894Publication Date: 2019-03-07Islamic Movements in the Arab World, 1913-1966 by This set examines the progression of pan-Islamic organisations, movements and activists extant in the Arab states in the early twentieth century, particularly in the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia), Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and most of the Maghreb states, together with the involvement of Islamic institutions in regularising and interceding in aspects of both religious and secular life. The contents include primary source material on: early fundamentalist (Wahhabi) support for King Abdul Aziz from 1913; repercussions following the end of the Caliphate, 1920s; the World Islamic Conference in Mecca, 1926, opened by King Abdul Aziz; plans for a Pan-Islamic League, 1919; pan-Islamic activity in Jerusalem; Islamic propaganda missions to the Maghreb states; Saudi proposal for an Islamic pact; records of numerous Islamic conferences from the 1930s to the 1960s.
ISBN: 1852078006Publication Date: 1998-04-30Islamic History by Opening with a lucid overview of the rise and spread of Islam, from the seventh to the twenty-first century, this Very Short Introduction introduces the story of Islamic history, charting the evolution of what was originally a small, localized community of believers into an international religion with over a billion adherents. The book examines how Islam rose from the obscurity of seventh-century Arabia to the forefront of modern global concerns, and it highlights how we know what we claim to know about Islam's rise and development. Historian Adam J. Silverstein also discusses the peoples--Arabs, Persians, and Turks--who shaped Islamic history, and sheds light on three representative institutions--the mosque, jihad, and the caliphate--that highlight Islam's diversity over time. Finally, the book analyzes the roles that Islamic history has played in both religious and political contexts, while stressing the unique status that history enjoys among Muslims, especially compared to its lowly place in Western societies where history is often seen as little more than something that is not to be repeated.
ISBN: 9780199545728Publication Date: 2010-02-01The Modern Middle East: A Social and Cultural History [3rd Edition] by This hugely successful, ground-breaking book is the first introductory textbook on the Modern Middle East to foreground the urban, rural, cultural and gender histories of the region over its political and economic history. Distancing himself from more traditional modernising approaches, Ilan Papp¿s concerned with the ideological question of whom we investigate in the past rather than how we investigate the past. Papp¿egins his narrative at the end of the First World War with the Ottoman heritage, and concludes at the present day with the political discourse of Islam. Providing full geographical coverage of the region, The Modern Middle East: opens with a carefully argued introduction which outlines the methodology used in the textbook provides a thematic and comparative approach to the region, helping students to see the peoples of the Middle East and the developments that affect their lives as part of a larger world includes insights gained from new historiographical trends and a critical approach to conventional state- and nation-centred historiographies includes case studies, debates, maps, photos, an up-to-date bibliography and a glossarial index. This third edition has been brought right up to date with recent events, and includes the developments through the Arab Spring, more economic history, much more focus on gender history and discussion of religion in the region from a broad perspective. Accessible and original, The Modern Middle East continues to energise discussion and stimulate debate on the region¿s history, and provides new insights and perspectives on its story.
Call Number: olin DS63.1 .P37 2014ISBN: 9780415829502Publication Date: 2014-02-12The Last Ottoman Generation and the Making of the Modern Middle East by The modern Middle East emerged out of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, when Britain and France partitioned the Ottoman Arab lands into several new colonial states. The following period was a charged and transformative time of unrest. Insurgent leaders, trained in Ottoman military tactics and with everything to lose from the fall of the Empire, challenged the mandatory powers in a number of armed revolts. This is a study of this crucial period in Middle Eastern history, tracing the period through popular political movements and the experience of colonial rule. In doing so, Provence emphasises the continuity between the late Ottoman and Colonial era, explaining how national identities emerged, and how the seeds were sown for many of the conflicts which have defined the Middle East in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This is a valuable read for students of Middle Eastern history and politics.
ISBN: 9780521747516Publication Date: 2017-08-18Routledge Handbook of Minorities in the Middle East by The Routledge Handbook of Minorities in the Middle East gathers a diverse team of international scholars, each of whom provides unique expertise into the status and prospects of minority populations in the region. The dramatic events of the past decade, from the Arab Spring protests to the rise of the Islamic state, have brought the status of these populations onto centre stage. The overturn of various long-term autocratic governments in states such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, and the ongoing threat to government stability in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon have all contributed to a new assertion of majoritarian politics amid demands for democratization and regime change. In the midst of the dramatic changes and latent armed conflict, minority populations have been targeted, marginalized, and victimized. Calls for social and political change have led many to contemplate the ways in which citizenship and governance may be changed to accommodate minorities - or indeed if such change is possible. At a time when the survival of minority populations, and the utility of the label minority has been challenged, this handbook answers the following set of research questions: What are the unique challenges of minority populations in the Middle East? How do minority populations integrate into their host societies, both as a function of their own internal choices, and as a response to majoritarian consensus on their status? Finally, given their inherent challenges, and the vast, sweeping changes that have taken place in the region over the past decade, what is the future of these minority populations? What impact have minority populations had on their societies, and to what extent will they remain prominent actors in their respective settings? This handbook presents leading-edge research on a wide variety of religious, ethnic, and other minority populations. By reclaiming the notion of minorities in Middle Eastern settings, we seek to highlight the agency of minority communities in defining their past, present, and future.
ISBN: 9781138649040Publication Date: 2018-10-24The Middle East [ Critical Themes in Contemporary Security] by Since at least 2001, the Middle East has been the focal point of American foreign policy and military strategy. The shock of 9/11 brought the US and its allies first into Afghanistan and then, via grim momentum and fraught logic, into Iraq. But the United States has of course been engaged in the Middle East in one way or another continuously since the end of the Second World War, as have its Western partners and, indeed, Russia. The articles in this collection reflect this history: they are, in many ways, a record of the preoccupations of external actors who have shaped the region. On the other hand, they reflect, too, the deep divisions - and often the disorder - of the Middle East, its states, its non-state entities, and its people.
ISBN: 9781138613508Publication Date: 2018-08-01Pashas : traders and travellers in the Islamic world by Long before they came as occupiers, the British were drawn to the Middle East by the fabled riches of its trade and the enlightened tolerance of its people. The Pashas, merchants and travelers from Europe, discovered an Islamic world that was alluring, dynamic, and diverse. Ranging across two and a half centuries and through the great cities of Istanbul, Aleppo, and Alexandria, James Mather tells the forgotten story of the men of the Levant Company who sought their fortunes in the Ottoman Empire. Their trade brought to the region not only merchants but also ambassadors and envoys, pilgrims and chaplains, families and servants, aristocratic tourists and roving antiquarians. Unlike the nabobs who gathered their fortunes in Bengal, they both respected and learned from the culture they encountered, and their lives provide a fascinating insight into the meeting of East and West before the age of European imperialism. Intriguing, intimate, and original, Pashas brings to life an extraordinary tale of faraway visitors beguiled by a mysterious world of Islam.
Call Number: olin DS47 .M37 2009ISBN: 9780300126396Publication Date: 2010-01-05The Fatwa As an Islamic Legal Instrument by One of the most misunderstood aspects of Islamic legal practice and thought is the role and position of fatwas or legal opinions. This three-volume reference work offers a comprehensive overview of and detailed insights into: -the concept of the fatwa as a vehicle of legal opinion-making in Islam -its historical role in different parts of the Muslim world -and contemporary debates reflecting both the fatwa's enduring relevance and its ongoing contestation among Muslims today.
ISBN: 9783959940207Publication Date: 2018-12-15Islam and Muslims in the West by This book analyzes the development of Islam and Muslim communities in the West, including influences from abroad, relations with the state and society, and internal community dynamics. The project examines the emergence of Islam in the West in relation to the place of Muslim communities as part of the social fabric of Western societies. It provides an overview of the major issues and debates that have arisen over the last three to four decades surrounding the presence of new Muslim communities residing in Western liberal democracies. As such, the volume is an ideal text for courses focusing on Islam and Muslim communities in the West.
Call Number: Olin BP52.5 .D84 2019ISBN: 9783319925097Publication Date: 2018-08-13Political Muslims by In the last few decades, the media, academics, and the general public have put considerable focus on Muslim culture and politics around the world. Specifically, the rising population of young Muslims has generated concerns about religious radicalism, Islamism, and conflicts in multicultural societies. However, few studies have been devoted to how a new generation of Muslims is reshaping society in positive ways. In Political Muslims, Abbas and Hamid provide a new perspective on Muslim youth, presenting them as agents of creative social change and as active participants in cultural and community organizations where resistance leads to negotiated change. In a series of case studies that cross the globe, contributors capture the experiences of being young and Muslim in ten countries--the United States, Canada, Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, and Indonesia. They examine urban youth from various socioeconomic backgrounds, addressing issues that range from hybrid identities and student activism to the strategic use of music and social media. With diverse disciplinary and methodological approaches, Political Muslims gives readers a nuanced and authentic understanding of the everyday social, economic, and political realities of young people.
ISBN: 9780815635659Publication Date: 2018-12-21Being Modern in the Middle East : Revolution, Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Arab Middle Class by In this innovative book, Keith Watenpaugh connects the question of modernity to the formation of the Arab middle class. The book explores the rise of a middle class of liberal professionals, white-collar employees, journalists, and businessmen during the first decades of the twentieth century in the Arab Middle East and the ways its members created civil society, and new forms of politics, bodies of thought, and styles of engagement with colonialism. Discussions of the middle class have been largely absent from historical writings about the Middle East. Watenpaugh fills this lacuna by drawing on Arab, Ottoman, British, American and French sources and an eclectic body of theoretical literature and shows that within the crucible of the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, World War I, and the advent of late European colonialism, a discrete middle class took shape. It was defined not just by the wealth, professions, possessions, or the levels of education of its members, but also by the way they asserted their modernity. Using the ethnically and religiously diverse middle class of the cosmopolitan city of Aleppo, Syria, as a point of departure, Watenpaugh explores the larger political and social implications of what being modern meant in the non-West in the first half of the twentieth century. Well researched and provocative, Being Modern in the Middle East makes a critical contribution not just to Middle East history, but also to the global study of class, mass violence, ideas, and revolution.
Call Number: olin DS63.6 .W38 2006ISBN: 9781400866663Publication Date: 2014-12-19Muslims of Europe: The ‘Other’ Europeans by The interchange between Muslims and Europe has a long and complicated history, dating back to before the idea of 'Europe' was born, and the earliest years of Islam. There has been a Muslim presence on the European continent before, but never has it been so significant, particularly in WesternEurope. With more Muslims in Europe than in many countries of the Muslim world, they have found themselves in the position of challenging what it means to be a European in a secular society of the 21st century. At the same time, the European context has caused many Muslims to re-think what is essential tothem in religious terms in their new reality.In this work, H.A. Hellyer analyses the prospects for a European future where pluralism is accepted within unified societies, and the presence of a Muslim community that is of Europe, not simply in it."
ISBN: 9780748639472Publication Date: 2009-09-30The Gulf and the Struggle for Hegemony : Arabs, Iranians and the West in Conflict by
Call Number: Olin JQ1840 .B37 2016ISBN: 0692793194Publication Date: 2016-11-30History and policy work on the Arabian Gulf region.The Kurds : history, religion, language, politics by Kurdish identity in the Ottoman Empire / Janet Klein -- A religious landscape of the Kurds / Diane King -- The language varieties of the Kurds / Jaffer Sheyholislami -- Kurdish political parties in Turkey / Walter-Josef Fend -- The changing faces of the PKK / Walter Posch -- Kurdish political parties in Syria / Sabina Catar -- Kurdish political parties in Irak / Sebastian Bauer -- Kurdish political parties in Iran / Simone Langanger -- Map : Kurds in the Middle East.
ISBN: 9783950364361Publication Date: Vienna : Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, [2015] ©2015Emerging Scholarship on the Middle East and Central Asia by Emerging Scholarship on the Middle East and Central Asia: Moving from the Periphery provides fresh analysis and cutting-edge critique of phenomena and events across the region. Working out of diverse disciplinary traditions, the authors call on varied theoretical frameworks in order to challenge entrenched stereotypes and long-standing perspectives. This volume explores emerging directions in scholarship across a range of issues, including: the Gulf; Saudi strategizing; Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran; contemporary Turkish politics; the current Syrian conflict; Middle Eastern and Central Asian art; perceptions of security threats from Afghanistan; and the potential future role of China in the region. The authors in this volume have given wide-berth to dominant approaches to scholarship on the region, while grappling with overlooked issues and marginal populations in order to advance new frameworks. On the Periphery deserves a central place in future scholarly engagement with the Middle East and Central Asia.
ISBN: 9781498558426Publication Date: 2018-09-15The Boko Haram Reader by Since it erupted onto the world stage in 2009, people have asked, what is Boko Haram, and what does it stand for? Is there a coherent vision or set of beliefs behind it? Despite the growing literature about the group, few if any attempts have been made to answer these questions, even thoughBoko Haram is but the latest in a long line of millenarian Muslim reform groups to emerge in Northern Nigeria over the last two centuries. The Boko Haram Reader offers an unprecedented collection of essential texts, documents, videos, audio, and nashids (martial hymns), translated into English fromHausa, Arabic and Kanuri, tracing the group's origins, history, and evolution. Its editors, two Nigerian scholars, reveal how Boko Haram's leaders manipulate Islamic theology for the legitimisation, radicalization, indoctrination and dissemination of their ideas across West Africa. Mandatory readingfor anyone wishing to grasp the underpinnings of Boko Haram's insurgency, particularly how the group strives to delegitimize its rivals and establish its beliefs as a dominant strand of Islamic thought in West Africa's religious marketplace.
ISBN: 9780190908300Publication Date: 2018-07-01Imams in Western Europe by As European Muslims and Muslims in the Middle East diverge, imams in Europe have emerged as major agents of religious authority who shape Islam's presence in Western societies. This volume examines the theoretical and practical questions concerning the evolving role of imams in Europe. To what extent do imams act as intermediaries between European states and Muslim communities? Do states subsidize imam training? How does institutionalization of Islam differ between European states?
ISBN: 9789462983830Publication Date: 2018-06-15Female Religious Authority in Shi'i Islam by Islamic religious authority is conventionally understood to be an exclusively male purview. Yet when dissected into its various manifestations--leading prayer, preaching, issuing fatwas, transmitting hadith, judging in court, teaching law, theology, and other Islamic sciences and generally shaping the Islamic scholarly tradition--nuances emerge that hint at the presence of women in the performance of some of these functions. This collection of case studies, covering the period from classical Islam to the present, and taken from across the Shi?i Islamic world, reflects on the roles that women have played in exercising religious authority across time and space. Comparative reflection on the case studies allows for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the conditions and developments--whether theological, jurisprudential, social, economic, or political--that enhanced or stifled the flourishing of female religious authority in Shi?i Islam.
ISBN: 9781474426602Publication Date: 2019-05-01Remaking Women : feminism and modernity in the Middle East by Contrary to popular perceptions, newly veiled women across the Middle East are just as much products and symbols of modernity as the upper- and middle-class women who courageously took off the veil almost a century ago. To make this point, these essays focus on the "woman question" in the Middle East (most particularly in Egypt and Iran), especially at the turn of the century, when gender became a highly charged nationalist issue tied up in complex ways with the West. The last two decades have witnessed an extraordinary burst of energy and richness in Middle East women's studies, and the contributors to this volume exemplify the vitality of this new thinking. They take up issues of concern to historians and social thinkers working on the postcolonial world. The essays challenge the assumptions of other major works on women and feminism in the Middle East by questioning, among other things, the familiar dichotomy in which women's domesticity is associated with tradition and modernity with their entry into the public sphere. Indeed, Remaking Women is a radical challenge to any easy equation of modernity with progress, emancipation, and the empowerment of women. The contributors are Lila Abu-Lughod, Marilyn Booth, Deniz Kandiyoti, Khaled Fahmy, Mervat Hatem, Afsaneh Najmabadi, Omnia Shakry, and Zohreh T. Sullivan.The book is introduced by the editor with a piece called "Feminist Longings and Postcolonial Conditions," which masterfully interfaces the critical studies of feminism and modernism with scholarship on South Asia and the Middle East.
ISBN: 0691057923Publication Date: 1998-07-21A History of the Muslim World Since 1260 by A History of the Muslim World since 1260continues the narrative begun by A History of the Muslim World to 1750 by tracing the development of Muslim societies, institutions, and doctrines from the time of the Mongol conquests through to the present day. It offers students a balanced coverage of Muslim societies that extend from Western Europe to Southeast Asia. Whereas it presents a multifaceted examination of Muslim cultures, it focuses on analysing the interaction between the expression of faith and contemporary social conditions. This extensively updated second edition is now in full colour, and the chronology of the book has been extended to include recent developments in the Muslim world. The images and maps have also been refreshed, and the literature has been updated to include the latest research from the last 10 years, including sections dedicated to the roles and status of women within Muslim societies throughout history. Divided chronologically into three parts and accompanied by a detailed glossary, A History of the Muslim World since 1260is a perfect introduction for all students of the history of Muslim societies.
ISBN: 9781138742468Publication Date: 2018-04-30Global Governance and Muslim Organizations by There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, represented on the world stage by 57 states, as well as a host of international organizations and associations. This book critically examines the engagement of these states in systems of global governance and with a variety of policy regimes, including climate change, energy, migration, humanitarian aid, international financial institutions, research and education. Chapters explore the dynamics of this engagement, the contributions to global order, the interests pursued and some of the contradictions and tensions within the Islamic world, and between that world and the 'West'. An in-depth perspective is provided about the traditional and new forms of multilateralism and the policy spaces formed which provide new opportunities for the Muslim and non-Muslim world alike.
ISBN: 9783319925608Publication Date: 2018-09-14
Web References * Guides & Aggreagated Online Resources
Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World
The book series Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World offers political and economic reports about the countries of the Islamic world from the mid-1970s until the present-day. The series is an invaluable resource for researchers and is also suitable for classroom use.
Archives in the Middle East
- Iraq National Library and Archives
AUB Libraries Digital Collections is a gateway to our digitized and preserved collections featuring manuscripts, maps, photos, posters, books, multimedia and other resources. This online growing repository aims to continuously disseminate knowledge about AUB, the region, our history and cultural heritage for the purpose of research, teaching and education. It is also a hub for collaboration with other departments, faculties, scholars in addition to external partners libraries and institutions to support digital scholarship initiatives.
Bibliothèques d'Orient "This searchable web site began in 2016 by the Bibliothèque National de France and seven heritage and research libraries in Cairo, Alexandria, Beirut, Istanbul and Jerusalem. It was created to reveal the permanence and wealth of the scientific, intellectual and interreligious exchanges in this region. It is for researchers, teachers and students, and for all those who want to broaden their understanding of this region of the world, in its historic depth, so as better to grasp current events. It will be updated over time when new resources are obtained. Collaboration of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France and international partners to create and curate open access thematic collections of digitized material from and about the Middle East."
Pew Research Center
[Read or download hundreds of books in Persian that are banned in Iran]
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina [English]
- “Knowledge Production Project” by Jadaliyya, “a dynamic, open-access archive, search tool, and data visualization platform. This project, almost a decade in the making, endeavors to collect, catalogue, and and make available for analysis knowledge produced on the Middle East since 1979 in the English language, in eight databases.”
- Publications of the Biblioteca Alexandrina (the new Library of Alexandria)
- Jewish Virtual Library- This site on Zionism provides an overview of origins of the modern state of Israel
- Avalon Project (Middle East 1916-2001) Avalon Project at Yale University
- The Arabic Papyrology Database "The Arabic Papyrology Database is a tool enabling you to access the editions of Arabic documents written on different material such as papyrus, parchment or paper. Those productive editions are an often unraised treasure for almost every aspect of Islamic history up to the 16th c. A.D. "
- "The CFR Campus LibGuide highlights a selection of free educational resources about U.S. foreign policy and international affairs from the Council on Foreign Relations. You can link to this LibGuide from your website or copy it to create or supplement your own LibGuides."
- The Arab League This Backgrounder explains the history and the role of the Arab League, a loose confederation of 22 Arab nations.
- Crisis Guide: Pakistan This interactive presentation traces Pakistan's evolution and the competing internal and external influences that have contributed to regular upheaval and stunted political and economic development.
- The Islamic State (ISIS) With Iraq weakened and a civil war raging in Syria, it’s unclear whether local forces and a U.S.-led international coalition can roll back the self-proclaimed Islamic State, explains this Backgrounder.
- The Sunni-Shia Divide This InfoGuide explains the religious root of tensions in the region that hinder unity in Arab countries.
- Syrian Civil War Five Years On Protests in Syria have descended into a civil war, giving rise to Islamic State militants and an outpouring of refugees and defying attempts at resolution.
The Project on Middle East Political Science, POMEPS is based at the Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University and is supported by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York and a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation for Islam in a Changing Middle East. A collaborative network designed to enhance the broader Middle East’s political science field and its engagement with the broader academic discipline, public policy, and the public sphere.
- The Time of the Kurds The Kurds are one of the world's largest peoples without a state. Their history is marked by marginalization and persecution.
- U.S.-Saudi Relations The U.S.-Saudi relationship, long bound by common interests in oil and security, is showing strains over what some analysts see as waning U.S. involvement in the Middle East and a more assertive Saudi foreign policy.
- Yemen in Crisis Yemen’s mounting internal divisions and a Saudi military intervention have spawned an escalating political, military, and humanitarian crisis. The upheaval has intensified already high tensions in the Middle East.
Kindle Arabic Books. Explore the Kindle Arabic Book Store for Arabic Best Sellers , Hot New Releases, and more.
Digital Humanities * The Middle East-Islam
"The Middle East Digital Humanities Digest". The blog is created and managed by the American University in Cairo library's Digital Humanities Program.
Digital Islamic Humanities Project | Brown University | Providence, RI
Digital Humanities | Islamic History Commons Public Group ... on the digital methods of studying historical data. .... Group logo of Approaches to the Study of the Middle East.
Vicav – Viennese Corpus of Arabic Varieties The Vienna Corpus of Arabic Varieties (VICAV) was set up with two main purposes in mind: to serve as a virtual research platform targeting the particular needs of Arabic dialectology and to serve as a test bed for newly developed text technological methodologies and tools.
Digital History of British Colonial Cairo: Media and the Potentialities of History The project aims at developing a site to publish electronic articles that use various audio-visual media to reconstruct an understanding of the history of Cairo under British occupation. It is based on the employment of media and maps in order to achieve two objectives: 1) overcome publication barriers that prevent the optimal use of the possibilities of Digital Media, 2) provide a new style of critical historical writing about Cairo to readers in Arabic.
The Digital Humanities and Islamic and Middle East Studies by
Call Number: Olin BP42 .M85 2016ISBN: 9783110374544Publication Date: 2016-03-21Over the past few decades, humanistic inquiry has been problematized and invigorated by the emergence of what is referred to as the digital humanities. Across multiple disciplines, from history to literature, religious studies to philosophy, archaeology to music, scholars are tapping the extraordinary power of digital technologies to preserve, curate, analyze, visualize, and reconstruct their research objects. The study of the Middle East and the broader Islamic world has been no less impacted by this new paradigm. Scholars are making daily use of digital tools and repositories including private and state-sponsored archives of textual sources, digitized manuscript collections, densitometrical imaging, visualization and modeling software, and various forms of data mining and analysis. This collection of essays explores the state of the art in digital scholarship pertaining to Islamic & Middle Eastern studies, addressing areas such as digitization, visualization, text mining, databases, mapping, and e-publication. It is of relevance to any researcher interested in the opportunities and challenges engendered by this changing scholarly ecosystem.
A Select Bibliography
New Books in Middle Eastern Studies
Essential Readings on Political Islam (by Peter Mandaville)
As befits a topic that is global in scope, increasingly controversial in nature, and the focus of academic inquiry for more than half a century, the literature on political Islam is voluminous. The readings presented here represent some of the most important efforts to study contemporary Islamism using the tools, methodologies, and academic rigor associated with the humanities and social sciences. Though hardly exhaustive, this list will provide the reader with a sense of how the study of political Islam—in major publications either written or available in English—as an object of academic inquiry has evolved over the years.
History of The Islamic Peoples - Carl Brockelmann
with a review of events, 1939-1947, by Moshe Perlmann ; translated by Joel Carmichael and Moshe Perlmann.
Current trends in Islamist ideology
(Online) Journal/Periodical Washington, D.C. : Hudson Institute English
Bibliography of the
Arabic Bible: A Classified and Annotated History of Scholarship
English language books in Turkish and Ottoman Studies
Turkology Annual Online "Systematic bibliography for Turkology and Ottoman Studies."
"Uyghurkitap, an online digital collection of Uyghur documents, is now open to public.
The library contains 6,400 documents, including 500 manuscripts, 1,500 newspapers and magazines, and ~ 4,000 Uyghur language books."
World Almanac of Islamism 2014 by From Western Europe to Asia, from the Middle East to the Horn of Africa, societies are finding themselves under growing assault from radical Islamist forces. In some countries, such as Spain and France, the challenge posed by radical Islam is still limited in scope and embryonic in nature. But in others, including Somalia and Pakistan, it poses a mortal danger to the future of the existing state. The World Almanac of Islamism is the first comprehensive reference work to detail the global reach of Islamism across six continents. Each country study, written by leading subject-matter experts, examines the full scope of the Islamist phenomenon, from the activities of radical Islamist groups to the role of Islamist actors and ideas in society to the response--or complicity--of the local government. An additional series of "movement" studies explores the global reach, ideology, and capabilities of the world's most powerful transnational Islamist movements. Finally, Almanac includes regional summaries and a global overview designed to provide context and strategic insights into current and emerging trends relating to Islamism the world over. Features of the new edition include: - Three new country studies (Nigeria, Brazil, Tanzania) - Two new movement studies (the Gulen movement and Boko Haram) - Updates to all original chapters - Consolidation of trends/analyses into one "Global Overview"
ISBN: 9781442231436Publication Date: 2014-01-30A Concise Guide to Islam (Introducing Islam) by For many in the English-speaking world, Islam remains a mysterious religion. What is Islam in the first place? Does it mean "peace," or does it mean "submission"? Can it mean both? What is jihad? Sharia? Hadith? Who is Allah? What is a caliph, caliphate, or infidel? In this compact volume, an expert in the study of Islam provides explanations for more than one hundred important Islamic concepts and terms, which are divided into major sections: texts, history, faith and belief, practice and religious duties, jurisprudence, and movements. Ayman Ibrahim first introduces the section, then defines each concept or term briefly. Readers can read a chapter at a time or flip through the book to find concepts or terms as needed. Each term is described based on original Muslim sources, mainly written in Arabic, as well as ample scholarly studies.This introductory guide is written for anyone with little to no knowledge of Islam. It complements the author's A Concise Guide to the Quran and A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad. Together, these three volumes are useful as a set of resources on Islam.
ISBN: 9781493442768Publication Date: 2023-09-26Northern Africa by This annotated bibliography describes a variety of print and electronic reference sources published in the past two decades about Northern Africa, including the Maghreb, the Sahel Region, and the Horn of Africa. The book is organized in three sections. The first part covers general reference works, the second part addresses area studies references by subject, and the third section covers reference sources by region and country. Each citation includes all bibliographic information except price.
ISBN: 1563086840Publication Date: 2000-08-15The Routledge Handbook of Global Islam and Consumer Culture by The Routledge Handbook of Global Islam and Consumer Culture is an outstanding inter- and transdisciplinary reference source to key topics, problems, and debates in this challenging research field. The study of Islam is enriched by investigating religion and, notably, Islamic normativity (fiqh) as a resource for product design, attitudes toward commodification, and appropriated patterns of behavior. Comprising 35 chapters (including an extended Introduction) by a team of international contributors from chairholders to advanced graduate students, the handbook is divided into seven parts: Guiding Frameworks of Understanding Historical Probes Urbanism and Consumption Body Manipulation, Vestiary Regimes, and Gender Mediated Religion and Culture Consumer Culture, Lifestyle, and Senses of the Self through Consumption Markets These sections examine vibrant debates around consumption, frugality, Islamic jurisprudence and fatwas in the world economy, capitalism, neoliberalism, trade relations, halalization, (labor) tourism and travel infrastructure, body modification, fashion, self-fashioning, lifestylization, Islamic kitsch, urban regeneration, heritage, Islamic finance, the internet, and Quran recitation versus music. Contributions present selected case studies from countries across the world, including China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Qatar, Pakistan, and Turkey. The handbook is essential reading for students and researchers in Islamic studies, Near and Middle Eastern studies, religious studies, and cultural studies. The handbook will also be very useful for those in related fields, such as politics, area studies, sociology, anthropology, and history.
ISBN: 9780367715830Publication Date: 2024-09-16Muhammad: critical concepts in religious studies by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is undoubtebly one of the most influential persons in history. He is not only the founder of one of the world religions, but has served as a role model for Muslims throughout history. The records of his deeds and sayings are among the most important sources in various fields of Islamic learning, such as Islamic law, ritual, piety, Sufism, or political theory. Muhammad has been a main object of research in Western scholarship on Islam, and there is a huge amount of articles and books devoted to various aspects of his life, the sources of his life and his role in Islamic tradition. These articles, however, are widely dispersed; some can be found in more popular journals and books, others in smaller, less readily available publications. It is therefore reasonable to bring together the most important articles and book chapters on Muhammad in a four volume set.
ISBN: 9781138791275Publication Date: 2015-06-25The House of Islam: A Global History by "Ed Husain has become one of the most vital Muslim voices in the world.The House of Islamcould very well be his magnum opus." -Reza Aslan, #1New York Timesbestselling author ofZealot "This should be compulsory reading." -Peter Frankopan, author of the international bestsellerThe Silk Roads Today, Islam is to many in the West an alien force, with Muslims held in suspicion. Failure to grasp the inner workings of religion and geopolitics has haunted American foreign policy for decades and has been decisive in the new administration's controversial orders. The intricacies and shadings must be understood by the West not only to build a stronger, more harmonious relationship between the two cultures, but also for greater accuracy in predictions as to how current crises, such as thegrowth of ISIS, will develop and from where the next might emerge. The House of Islam addresses key questions and points of disconnection. What are the roots of the conflict between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims that is engulfing Pakistan and the Middle East? Does the Koran encourage the killing of infidels? The book thoughtfully explores the events and issues that have come from and contributed to the broadening gulf between Islam and the West, from the United States' overthrow of Iran's first democratically elected leader to the emergence of ISIS, from the declaration of a fatwaon Salman Rushdie to the attack on the offices ofCharlie Hebdo. Authoritative and engaging, Ed Husain leads us clearly and carefully through the nuances of Islam and its people, taking us back to basics to contend that the Muslim world need not be a stranger to the West, nor our enemy, but our peaceable allies.
Call Number: olin BP161.3 H858 2018ISBN: 9781632866394Publication Date: 2018-06-19Between the Ottomans and the Entente: : the First World War in the Syrian and Lebanese Diaspora, 1908-1925 by Since 2011 over 5.6 million Syrians have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and beyond, and another 6.6 million are internally displaced. The contemporary flight of Syrian refugees comes one century after the region's formative experience with massive upheaval, displacement, and geopoliticalintervention: the First World War.In this book, Stacy Fahrenthold examines the politics of Syrian and Lebanese migration around the period of the First World War. Some half million Arab migrants, nearly all still subjects of the Ottoman Empire, lived in a diaspora concentrated in Brazil, Argentina, and the United States. They facednew demands for their political loyalty from Istanbul, which commanded them to resist European colonialism. From the Western hemisphere, Syrian migrants grappled with political suspicion, travel restriction, and outward displays of support for the war against the Ottomans. From these diasporiccommunities, Syrians used their ethnic associations, commercial networks, and global press to oppose Ottoman rule, collaborating with the Entente powers because they believed this war work would bolster the cause of Syria's liberation. Between the Ottomans and the Entente shows how these communitiesin North and South America became a geopolitical frontier between the Young Turk Revolution and the early French Mandate. It examines how empires at war-from the Ottomans to the French-embraced and claimed Syrian migrants as part of the state-building process in the Middle East. In doing so, theytransformed this diaspora into an epicenter for Arab nationalist politics.Drawing on transnational sources from migrant activists, this wide-ranging work reveals the degree to which Ottoman migrants "became Syrians" while abroad and brought their politics home to the post-Ottoman Middle East.
ISBN: 9780190872137Publication Date: 2019-03-18Useful Enemies by From the fall of Constantinople in 1453 until the eighteenth century, many Western European writers viewed the Ottoman Empire with almost obsessive interest. Typically they reacted to it with fear and distrust; and such feelings were reinforced by the deep hostility of Western Christendomtowards Islam. Yet there was also much curiosity about the social and political system on which the huge power of the sultans was based. In the sixteenth century, especially, when Ottoman territorial expansion was rapid and Ottoman institutions seemed particularly robust, there was even openadmiration.In this path-breaking book Noel Malcolm ranges through these vital centuries of East-West interaction, studying all the ways in which thinkers in the West interpreted the Ottoman Empire as a political phenomenon - and Islam as a political religion. Useful Enemies shows how the concept of "orientaldespotism" began as an attempt to turn the tables on a very positive analysis of Ottoman state power, and how, as it developed, it interacted with Western debates about monarchy and government. Noel Malcolm also shows how a negative portrayal of Islam as a religion devised for political purposes wasassimilated by radical writers, who extended the criticism to all religions, including Christianity itself.Examining the works of many famous thinkers (including Machiavelli, Bodin, and Montesquieu) and many less well-known ones, Useful Enemies illuminates the long-term development of Western ideas about the Ottomans, and about Islam. Noel Malcolm shows how these ideas became intertwined with internalWestern debates about power, religion, society, and war. Discussions of Islam and the Ottoman Empire were thus bound up with mainstream thinking in the West on a wide range of important topics. These Eastern enemies were not just there to be denounced. They were there to be made use of, in argumentswhich contributed significantly to the development of Western political thought.
ISBN: 0198830130Publication Date: 2019-07-09Suez deconstructed : an interactive study in crisis, war, and peacemaking by The Suez crisis of 1956―now little more than dim history for many people―offers a master class in statecraft. It was a potentially explosive Middle East confrontation capped by a surprise move that reshaped the region for years to come. It was a diplomatic crisis that riveted the world’s attention. And it was a short but startling war that ended in unexpected ways for every country involved.
Call Number: olin DT107.83 .Z45 2018ISBN: 9780815735724Publication Date: 2018New Issues in Mediating the Israel-Palestine Deadlock by The essays in this book, originally published in a special issue of the journal International Negotiation(vol. 23.1, 2018), are intended to enhance America's ability to mediate Israel-Palestine conflict. Every American president for the last thirty years, down to Donald Trump, has chosen to engage in this effort. To help understand and evaluate these efforts, and to focus upon the more promising mediation directions, these essays analyze mediation options in detail.I. William Zartman accentuates special challenges of third party mediation. Amira Schiff critiques John Kerry's mediation effort made on behalf of the Obama Administration. Galia Golan outlines mediation requirements in light of past American mediation efforts. Walid Salem suggests a new paradigm centered upon symmetry rather than asymmetry to assist Israel-Palestine peacemaking. And Barry Steiner studies a specific mediation action proposal.
ISBN: 9004393285Publication Date: 2019-02-21A Companion to the History of the Middle East by A Companion to the History of the Middle East offers a fresh account of the multifaceted and multi-layered history of this region. A fresh account of the multifaceted and multi-layered history of the Middle East Comprises 26 newly-commissioned essays by leading international scholars Primarily focused on the modern and contemporary periods Covers religious, social, cultural, economic, political and military history Treats the region as four differentiated political units Iran, Turkey, Israel and the Arab world Includes a section on current issues, such as oil, urban growth, the role of women, and democratic human rights
ISBN: 1405106816Publication Date: 2005-09-12The Greater Middle East and the Cold War by At the height of the Cold War, the US sought to maintain power and influence in the Greater Middle East - the region from Morocco to India -in the context of a growing threat from Russia and the decline of British imperialism. This original and important study illuminates this tense period in international relations, offering many new insights into the global situation of the 1950s and 1960s. Roby Barrett casts fresh light on US foreign policy under Eisenhower and Kennedy, drawing on extensive research in archives and document collections from Kansas to Canberra and numerous interviews with key policy makers and observers from both the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations. He explores the application of the Cold War containment policy through economic development and security assistance, highlighting the fundamental similarities between the goals and application of foreign policy in the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations as well as the impact of British influence on the process. And in the process this book draws some unexpected conclusions, arguing that Eisenhower's policies were ultimately more successful than Kennedy's, and offers an important and revisionist contribution to our understanding of the Cold War and the Middle East.
Call Number: Olin DS63.2.U5 B37 2007ISBN: 9781845113933Publication Date: 2007-06-15Christian-Muslim Relations by
ISBN: 9789047443681Publication Date: 2009-01-01Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 1 (CMR1) is a history of all the known works on Christian-Muslim relations from 600 to 1500. It comprises introductory essays and over 200 detailed entries containing descriptions, assessments and compehensive bibliographical details of individual works.If the Oceans Were Ink : an unlikely friendship and a journey to the heart of the Quran by
Call Number: olin BP80.P69 A3 2015ISBN: 9780805098198Publication Date: 2015-04-07The Many Faces of Political Islam by
ISBN: 9780472099719Publication Date: 2007-11-19Islam by
ISBN: 0826418376Publication Date: 2006-01-26The Caliphate : the history of an idea by
ISBN: 9780465094394Publication Date: 2016-10-01The Lonely War : one woman's account of the struggle for modern Iran by In the summer of 2009, as she was covering the popular uprisings in Tehran for the New York Times, Iranian journalist Nazila Fathi received a phone call. "They have given your photo to snipers," a government source warned her. Soon after, with undercover agents closing in, Fathi fled the country with her husband and two children, beginning a life of exile. In The Lonely War, Fathi interweaves her story with that of the country she left behind, showing how Iran is locked in a battle between hardliners and reformers that dates back to the country's 1979 revolution. Fathi was nine years old when that uprising replaced the Iranian shah with a radical Islamic regime. Her father, an official at a government ministry, was fired for wearing a necktie and knowing English; to support his family he was forced to labor in an orchard hundreds of miles from Tehran. At the same time, the family's destitute, uneducated housekeeper was able to retire and purchase a modern apartment--all because her family supported the new regime. As Fathi shows, changes like these caused decades of inequality--especially for the poor and for women--to vanish overnight. Yet a new breed of tyranny took its place, as she discovered when she began her journalistic career. Fathi quickly confronted the upper limits of opportunity for women in the new Iran and earned the enmity of the country's ruthless intelligence service. But while she and many other Iranians have fled for the safety of the West, millions of their middleclass countrymen--many of them the same people whom the regime once lifted out of poverty--continue pushing for more personal freedoms and a renewed relationship with the outside world. Drawing on over two decades of reporting and extensive interviews with both ordinary Iranians and high-level officials before and since her departure, Fathi describes Iran's awakening alongside her own, revealing how moderates are steadily retaking the country.
Call Number: olin DS318.81 .F38 2014ISBN: 9780465069996Publication Date: 2014-12-09This orient isle : Elizabethan England and the Islamic world by "In 1570, when it became clear she would never be gathered into the Catholic fold, Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope. On the principle that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend', this marked the beginning of an extraordinary English alignment with the Muslim powers who were fighting Catholic Spain in the Mediterranean, and of cultural, economic and political exchanges with the Islamic world of a depth not again experienced until the modern age. England signed treaties with the Ottoman Porte, received ambassadors from the kings of Morocco and shipped munitions to Marrakesh. By the late 1580s hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Elizabethan merchants, diplomats, sailors, artisans and privateers were plying their trade from Morocco to Persia."
Call Number: Olin DA47.9.I74 B76 2016ISBN: 0241004020Publication Date: London : Allen Lane, 2016.The Imperatives of Progressive Islam by With the proliferation of transnational Muslim networks over the last two decades, the religious authority of traditionally educated Muslim scholars, the uluma, has come under increasing scrutiny and disruption. These networks have provided a public space for multiple perspectives on Islam to be voiced, allowing "progressive" Islamic worldviews to flourish alongside more (neo)traditional outlooks. This book brings together the scholarship of leading progressive Muslim scholars, incorporating issues pertaining to politics, jurisprudence, ethics, theology, epistemology, gender and hermeneutics in the Islamic tradition. It provides a comprehensive discussion of the normative imperatives behind a progressive Muslim thought, as well as outlining its various values and aims. Presenting this emerging and distinctive school of Islamic thought in an engaging and scholarly manner, this is essential reading for any academic interested in contemporary religious thought and the development of modern Islam.
Call Number: Olin BP161.3 .D835 2017ISBN: 9781138218017Publication Date: 2017-02-09Reading Orientalism by The late Edward Said remains one of the most influential critics and public intellectuals of our time, with lasting contributions to many disciplines. Much of his reputation derives from the phenomenal multidisciplinary influence of his 1978 book Orientalism. Said's seminal polemic analyzes novels, travelogues, and academic texts to argue that a dominant discourse of West over East has warped virtually all past European and American representation of the Near East. But despite the book's wide acclaim, no systematic critical survey of the rhetoric in Said's representation of Orientalism and the resulting impact on intellectual culture has appeared until today. Drawing on the extensive discussion of Said's work in more than 600 bibliographic entries, Daniel Martin Varisco has written an ambitious intellectual history of the debates that Said's work has sparked in several disciplines, highlighting in particular its reception among Arab and European scholars. While pointing out Said's tendency to essentialize and privilege certain texts at the expense of those that do not comfortably it his theoretical framework, Varisco analyzes the extensive commentary the book has engendered in Oriental studies, literary and cultural studies, feminist scholarship, history, political science, and anthropology. He employs "critical satire" to parody the exaggerated and pedantic aspects of post-colonial discourse, including Said's profound underappreciation of the role of irony and reform in many of the texts he cites. The end result is a companion volume to Orientalism and the vast research it inspired. Rather than contribute to dueling essentialisms, Varisco provides a path to move beyond the binary of East versus West and the polemics of blame. Reading Orientalism is the most comprehensive survey of Said's writing and thinking to date. It will be of strong interest to scholars of Middle East studies, anthropology, history, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, and literary studies.
Call Number: Olin DS61.85 .V37 2007ISBN: 9780295987583Publication Date: 2007-11-01Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World by Following the tradition and style of the acclaimed Index Islamicus, the editors have created this new Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World. The editors have surveyed and, in many cases, annotated a wide range of books and articles from collected volumes and journals published in all European languages (except Turkish) between 1906 and 2011. The editors have ensured that material from a wide range of scholarly traditions and approaches has been consulted in order to make this comprehensive bibliography an indispensable tool for everyone involved in the study of material culture in Muslim societies.
ISBN: 9789004170582Publication Date: 2012-04-03The Americans at War with the Ottoman Empire by We live in an age of proxy warfare across the Middle East, and of mercenary armies operating across Africa and on the fringes of Europe. America's current foreign policy, or at least its representation in the media, seems to suggest there has been a deep and lasting conflict between the Islamic East and the West. This book seeks to trace the origins of this idea, by uncovering a new history of American mercenary ambitions in the late 18th Century through to the modern age. Eric Covey begins with a focus on the US army which fought the Ottoman Empire in the Tripolitan War of 1801 - Thomas Jefferson, refusing to pay tribute to the Barbary Coast states, went to war with the Pasha of Tripoli. But the conflict was not, as so often portrayed, centred around Christianity versus Islam. The war concerned trade agreements and customs, and various pirates, clientele states and smaller entities (such as the Kingdom of Naples) were involved. The East, as Covey shows, was then seen as a place of hope and adventure; where careers and fortunes could be made. Using source work form the USA to shed light on the Ottoman empire's internal workings, Covey links this early history together with the subsequent media representations of the 'orient' in Hollywood and popular culture, and shows how America's earliest interactions with the Middle East and North Africa were based around trade, profiteering and clientelism.
ISBN: 9781788311618Publication Date: 2019-01-24The Holocaust and the Nakba by In this groundbreaking book, leading Arab and Jewish intellectuals examine how and why the Holocaust and the Nakba are interlinked without blurring fundamental differences between them. While these two foundational tragedies are often discussed separately and in abstraction from the constitutive historical global contexts of nationalism and colonialism, The Holocaust and the Nakba explores the historical, political, and cultural intersections between them. The majority of the contributors argue that these intersections are embedded in cultural imaginations, colonial and asymmetrical power relations, realities, and structures. Focusing on them paves the way for a new political, historical, and moral grammar that enables a joint Arab-Jewish dwelling and supports historical reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. This book does not seek to draw a parallel or comparison between the Holocaust and Nakba or to merely inaugurate a "dialogue" between them. Instead, it searches for a new historical and political grammar for relating and narrating their complicated intersections. The book features prominent international contributors, including a foreword by Lebanese novelist Elias Khoury on the centrality of the Holocaust and Nakba in the essential struggle of humanity against racism, and an afterword by literary scholar Jacqueline Rose on the challenges and contributions of the linkage between the Holocaust and Nakba for power to shift and a world of justice and equality to be created between the two peoples. The Holocaust and the Nakba is the first extended and collective scholarly treatment in English of these two constitutive traumas together.
ISBN: 9780231182966Publication Date: 2018-11-13The Cambridge History of Iran [8 vols.] by The Cambridge History of Iran is an eight-volume survey of Iranian history and culture, and its contribution to the civilisation of the world. All aspect of the religious, philosophical, political, economic, scientific and artistic elements in Iranian civilisation are studies, with some emphasis on geographical and ecological factors which have contributed to that civilisation's special character. The aim is to provide a collection of readable essays rather than a catalogue of information. The volumes offer scope for the publication of new ideas as well as providing summaries of established facts. They should act as a stimulus to specialists, but are primarily concerned to answer the sort of questions about the past and present of Iran that are asked by the non-specialist. Volume I sets the physical stage for the human events which follow. In a sense it is a companion volume to the rest of the series. The whole volume is devoted to geography, geology, anthropology, economic life, and flora and fauna. The physical environment of Iran is seen not as an unmoving backcloth against which the human drama is played; rather it is seen as a natural element which shapes in distinct and recognisable ways the whole course of human activity in the country. Iran offers a picture of sharp identity as a geographical unit. In spite of highly varies and often harsh natural conditions at local level, a consistent and recognisable pattern of physiographical and climatic features emerges at the national level. Because of these features the Iranians as a people suffered many vicissitudes. The complex character of the relationship between terrain and people is the major theme of this volume.
Call Number: Olin Library DS272 .C17ISBN: 9780521069359Publication Date: 1968-10-01
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Arabic Bible: A Classified and Annotated History of Scholarship
Manuscripts | Digital Resources and Projects in Islamic Studies
The Maydan is proud to introduce a new initiative highlighting digital resources and projects in the field of Islamic Studies. Included in this roundup are manuscripts collections, digitized manuscripts, and manuscripts catalogues from universities and libraries around the world. *This is an ongoing project*
Manuscripts of the Muslim World project Manuscripts of the Muslim World will include digital editions of more than 500 manuscripts and 827 paintings from the Islamicate world broadly construed. Together these holdings represent in great breadth the flourishing intellectual and cultural heritage of Muslim lands from 1000 to 1900, coving mathematics, astrology, history, law, literature, as well as the Qur'an and Hadith. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts in Arabic and Persian, along with examples of Coptic, Samaritan, Syriac, Turkish, and Berber.