General Maps * Introductory
Four Maps that Explain Islam in the Middle East and Asia /
40 maps that explain the Middle East - Vox
4 Maps That Explain Wars In The Middle East And North Africa
7 Maps That Explain the Middle East | HuffPost
These 7 maps explain the Middle East - Business Insider
40 maps that explain the world - The Washington Post
Maps | Center for Middle Eastern Studies | The University of Chicago
Maps of the Middle East - The Gulf/2000 Project - SIPA - COLUMBIA
OpenStreetMap is an open, editable map of the world, with data that can be created and used by anyone.
Online Maps
- Middle East Historical Maps Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas, Austin.
- Islamic Heritage Project (IHP), Harvard University [MAPS] Selected from the Harvard Map Collection, this online collection contains over 50 historic maps from the 16th to 20th centuries and provides a "detailed cartographic record of the regions documented by IHP’s manuscripts and texts." (web site)
- Maps of the Middle East | Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Historical Maps of the Islamic World A collection of maps covering the history of the Islamic world from its beginning / by Cristian Ionita, Ph. D.
Turkey : Cultural Heritage Map of Turkey (Hrant Dink Foundation) "Cultural Heritage Map of Turkey is a product of Hrant Dink Foundation’s cultural heritage inventory project. The map records Armenian, Greek, Syriac, and Jewish cultural heritage in order to make visible the multiple cultures and facets of different communities in Anatolia. Information on public buildings such as churches, schools, monasteries, cemeteries, synagogues, and hospitals has been gathered from primary and secondary sources, as well as from various archives, and has been shared through this online map. Cultural Heritage Map of Turkey is a work in progress; it will live and flourish, first and foremost, by way of the contribution and feedback of its users."
Palestine Open Maps A platform for map-based exploration and immersive storytelling. This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities.
Palestine Open Maps: using open source tools for historic maps research
Jerusalem Maps "The Maps and Cartography section contains two kind of documents: original maps of Jerusalem reproduced here as a tool for researchers, and links to existing sets of Jerusalem maps—both historical and contemporary. Riwaq’s Jerusalem Maps: The current stock that opens the collection contains five maps based on a ten-year survey of the old city undertaken by Riwaq: The Centre for Architectural Conservation. It contains a historical map identifying the evolution of sites according to the historic era (Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Fatimid, Ottoman, etc.), as well as markers identifying the condition, nature, size of buildings and residency in the walled city. Those maps can be downloaded and used by researchers provided source reference is identified. (Copyright Riwaq: Bireh, Palestine)—Higher resolution images are available from the Centre directly."
Sinai peninsula map The UT Austin web collection of maps includes this spectacularly detailed map showing the Sinai Peninsula (most of it, at least): more sinai pininsula
The map showing Shubra in 1958 can be found here: Street map of Cairo from the 60's or 70's which would include Shubra al-Khaymah?
Atlases & Maps in Olin Library
Historical Atlas of the Middle East by
Call Number: Olin Reference G2206.S1 F7x 1993ISBN: 0133909158Publication Date: 1993-03-01Atlas of the near East : State Formation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1918-2010 by
ISBN: 9789004344297Publication Date: 2017-07-14The Atlas of the Near East offers an in-depth examination of the economic, social, and demographic dynamics of the Arab Near East, defined here as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine, in the period from 1918 to 2010. It discusses the central problem of aridity, the effects of foreign domination, Arab nationalism, Baʿathism, and communitarianism. It addresses the makeup of the population, the region's development, economic issues, cities, and urban areas. It assesses the partition of Palestine and the geography of the Occupied Territories, and concludes with a chapter on the geopolitics of the Near East. With numerous maps, charts, and data published for the first time, it is key to a comprehensive understanding of the region.Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples by Originally published in 1957. Within the compact range of fifty-six maps, this atlas depicts clearly and concisely the expansion of Islam outwards from the Arabian Peninsula and outlines the rise and decline of the various Muslim states and dynasties over a territory stretching from Spain to China. Maps have also been devoted to trade products and routes, both in the heartland of Islam and in the basins of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This volume represents a series of maps which together present a full survey of the history of Islam in time and space.
ISBN: 9781315888156Publication Date: 2013-10-18An Historical Atlas of Islam by
Call Number: Olin Reference G1786.S1 H67 2002 ++ISBN: 9004122354Publication Date: 2001-12-01"An Historical Atlas of Islam" by William C. Brice was originally published by Brill in 1981. In 2001, Brill published a new edition of "An Historical Atlas of Islam / Atlas Historique de l'Islam," completely revised and substantially augmented by Professor Hugh Kennedy. This unique publication provides an overview of Islamic history from its inception up to the beginning of the twentieth century.Atlas of Islam, 1800-2000 by
ISBN: 9789004184497Publication Date: 2010-10-05An Atlas of Islamic History by
ISBN: 9781138821309Publication Date: 2015-01-07Atlas Al-Sirah Al-nabawiyah by
Call Number: Olin Library G2246.S1 A2 2002ISBN: 1592390005Publication Date: Bayrūt : Dār al-Fikr al-Muʻāṣir ; Dimashq : Dār al-Fikr, 2002.Atlas of the World's Religions by
Call Number: Olin Reference G1046.E4 A7 2007 ++ISBN: 0195334019Publication Date: 2007-12-01Maps cover the rise and spread of the world's religions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.The Palestine Question in Maps, 1878-2002 by
Call Number: Olin Reference G2206.S1 P353 2002 +ISBN: 99503050200Contains over 50 detailed maps with explanation and references.
Online Atlases
Atlas of the near East : State Formation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1918-2010 by
ISBN: 9789004344297Publication Date: 2017-07-20The Atlas of the Near East offers an in-depth examination of the economic, social, and demographic dynamics of the Arab Near East, defined here as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine, in the period from 1918 to 2010. It discusses the central problem of aridity, the effects of foreign domination, Arab nationalism, Baʿathism, and communitarianism. It addresses the makeup of the population, the region's development, economic issues, cities, and urban areas. It assesses the partition of Palestine and the geography of the Occupied Territories, and concludes with a chapter on the geopolitics of the Near East. With numerous maps, charts, and data published for the first time, it is key to a comprehensive understanding of the region.
Atlas: Middle East & North Africa -- Published by: Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Year: 2017. ISBN: 9780903109032. Contains topographic and thematic maps of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). For each of the five regions (Middle East 1, Middle East 2, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa 1, North Africa 2) maps of topography, ethnic and linguistic groups, religious and sectarian groups as well as oil and gas fields are shown. The featured countries have been selected according to various criteria, such as asylum application statistics and current regional developments.
Atlas: Syria & Iraq -- Published by: Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Year: 2016.
Historical Atlas of Islam Online & [Print] Olin Library Reference (Non-Circulating) Oversize+ G1786.S1 R9 2004 [Orig.: An historical atlas of Islam = atlas historique de l'Islam / edited by sous la direction de Hugh Kennedy].
From linguistic regions of the Islamic world to Iran under the Caliphate and the Greater Delhi Sultanate, a broad variety of topics is covered. New maps include: Yemen and the Hadramaut, Central Arabia and the Wahhabi expansion, Iran in the era of the Il-Khans and Timurids, environmental regions of the Muslim world, the fertile crescent in early Ottoman times, the Caucasus in early Islamic times, the Maghrib in the age of Almoravids and Almohads and many other regional groups. A wide variety of new city maps has been added including Sanaa, Damascus, Aleppo, Mosul, Baghdad, Cairo, Isfahan, Shiraz, Bukhara, Samarkand, Cordoba, Granada and Delhi.
Cairo Gazetteer : un thesaurus pour l'identification des monuments du Caire Au XIXe siècle, le voyage au Caire, deuxième ville après Rome pour l’exceptionnelle concentration de ses monuments, faisait partie du « grand tour » de nombreux artistes et architectes. Avec les édifices andalous et persans, l’architecture du Caire médiéval occupe une place centrale dans la découverte de l’art islamique. Les institutions patrimoniales européennes conservent ainsi des collections d’œuvres graphiques et photographiques de très grande valeur, dont l’intérêt est à la fois scientifique, artistique et, en raison de la disparition progressive de ce patrimoine architectural, historique. Ces fonds rassemblent parfois la seule documentation encore subsistante sur des édifices disparus, très dégradés ou radicalement transformés. Ces collections riches, variées et au caractère souvent unique restent cependant à peu près invisibles et inexploitées faute d’une indexation appropriée. Ce type de corpus soulève des difficultés particulières de traitement en matière d’identification et d’indexation, en raison des multiples variantes issues de la translittération, en caractères latins, des toponymes arabes. Il existe en effet de très nombreuses disparités dans l’orthographe des noms des monuments et cette « cacographie » demeure problématique pour le traitement documentaire et l’interopérabilité des données. Le laboratoire InVisu a donc établi un référentiel sur les monuments du Caire, sous la forme d’une table de concordance qui recense les variantes orthographiques des toponymes, et qui permet d’identifier, de décrire et de localiser les 600 édifices classés du Caire. Les monuments ont été localisés dans la base de données géographiques GeoNames (plus de 400 monuments créés), ce qui a permis de générer leurs coordonnées géographiques et d’exposer une partie des données de ce référentiel dans le Linked Open Data. Le projet Cairo Gazetteer vise la mise à disposition, au niveau de la communauté européenne des humanités numériques, de l’intégralité de ce référentiel en le publiant au format SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System).
Syria, Iraq & Afghanistan : Mapping migration, social media and topography
Authors: Wolfgang Taucher - Mathias Vogl - Peter Webinger
Published by: Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior
Date: 2017. 71 pages. ISBN: 9783950364392
Atlas Afghanistan by
ISBN: 9783903109100Publication Date: Vienna: Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, 2018
Special/Thematic Sources
Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine by Digital practices in social and political landscapes: Why two researchers can look at the same feature and see different things. Maps are widely believed to be objective, and data-rich computer-made maps are iconic examples of digital knowledge. It is often claimed that digital maps, and rational boundaries, can solve political conflict. But in Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine, Jess Bier challenges the view that digital maps are universal and value-free. She examines the ways that maps are made in Palestine and Israel to show how social and political landscapes shape the practice of science and technology. How can two scientific cartographers look at the same geographic feature and see fundamentally different things? In part, Bier argues, because knowledge about the Israeli military occupation is shaped by the occupation itself. Ongoing injustices--including checkpoints, roadblocks, and summary arrests--mean that Palestinian and Israeli cartographers have different experiences of the landscape. Palestinian forms of empirical knowledge, including maps, continue to be discounted. Bier examines three representative cases of population, governance, and urban maps. She analyzes Israeli population maps from 1967 to 1995, when Palestinian areas were left blank; Palestinian state maps of the late 1990s and early 2000s, which were influenced by Israeli raids on Palestinian offices and the legacy of British colonial maps; and urban maps after the Second Intifada, which show how segregated observers produce dramatically different maps of the same area. The geographic production of knowledge, including what and who are considered scientifically legitimate, can change across space and time. Bier argues that greater attention to these changes, and to related issues of power, will open up more heterogeneous ways of engaging with the world.
ISBN: 9780262036153Publication Date: 2017-06-30The Palestine question in maps, 1878-2002. by
Call Number: olin,ref Oversize G2206.S1 P353 2002 +ISBN: 99503050200Publication Date: 2002.Creating the Mediterranean by In Creating the Mediterranean: Maps and the Islamic Imagination Tarek Kahlaoui treats the subject of the Islamic visual representations of the Mediterranean. It tracks the history of the Islamic visualization of the sea from when geography was created by the Islamic state's bureaucrats of the tenth century C.E. located mainly in the central Islamic lands, to the later men of the field, specifically the sea captains from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries C.E. located in the western Islamic lands. A narrative has emerged from this investigation in which the metamorphosis of the identity of the author or mapmaker seemed to be changing with the rest of the elements that constitute the identity of a map: its reader or viewer, its style and structure, and its textual content.
ISBN: 9789004346192Publication Date: 2017-12-07Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914 : a geographic and demographic gazetteer / by
ISBN: 1909382426Publication Date: 2018This book is the singlemost important English-language publication on the demographic profile of Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire. It is based on a plethora of published and archival records, especially Armenian language materials that have not been cited in English language academic works. Such records are discussed at some length and should be an eyeopener to readers. Karayan also takes direct issue with some conventional works on the demography of the Ottoman Empire based on official Turkish archives. He makes a particularly poignant case study of his ancestral town of Aintab, showing the strength of the materials at his disposal and the weakness of official Turkish accounts for the city. Karayan lists over 4,000 Armenian inhabited towns and villages, replete with their old and new names, geographical coordinates, Armenian population as well as sources. According to Karayan, Ottoman Armenians numbered close to 2.5 million on the eve of WWI and the number who were lost in the Armenian Genocide was over 2 million people. His work includes a comprehensive index of village names for the perusal of readers.