Government Document Defined * وثائق حكومية مستندات رسمية
A "government document" is an official, authoritative publication issued by or for a government body or agency and administrative organizations at all levels. In a broader sense, government publications include those issued by international organizations and agencies. Books, pamphlets, posters, periodicals, and online databases are also government documents if they are produced by a government agency.
Government Documents and Ephemeral Publications (Arab Countries)
Government Documents and Ephemeral Publications project from the Library of Congress’ Overseas Office in Cairo
[Available from: The Center for Research Libraries (CRL)]
Pamphlets about Algeria Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2711283~S1
Pamphlets about Egypt Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2728122~S1
Pamphlets about Jordan Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2728220~S1
Pamphlets about Lebanon, Iraq, Mauritania, the Middle East Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2912963~S1
Pamphlets about Oman Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2728834~S1
Pamphlets about Pan-Arab Organizations Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2910349~S1
Pamphlets about Saudi Arabia Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2728920~S1
Pamphlets about Sudan Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2728919~S1
Pamphlets about Syria and Morocco Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2912962~S1
Pamphlets about Tunisia Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2729096~S1
Pamphlets about West Bank Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2910381~S1
Pamphlets about Yemen Link to record: http://catalog.crl.edu/record=b2913001~S1
Government Documents * Middle East & North Africa
The Foreign Official Gazette database (FOG) contains records for approximately 650 official gazette titles from countries outside the United States. It serves as a “union list” of holdings within the major collections residing in North America, encompassing both CRL holdings as well as the holdings of five other major libraries.
Official Gazettes & Civil Society Documentation digitized and/or harvested from the web official gazettes from eleven African and Persian Gulf nations where the integrity of the public record is at risk. The content is available as an Open Access collection, and includes gazettes from Algeria, Congo (Rep.), Iran, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe.
Avalon Project - The Middle East 1916-2001 : A Documentary Record
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the collective voice of the Muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world.
Arabian Gulf Digital Archive Primary source documents about the Arabian Gulf Open to all The Arabian Gulf Digital Archive (“AGDA”) is an online archive that has been created to showcase historical and cultural material that tells the history of the Arabian Gulf. Offers digital material that spans two centuries, documenting events and personalities that have shaped and defined the region. AGDA contains, among other things, letters, memos, transcripts, photos and official correspondence from leaders and governments that shaped the events of their time. It’s a free and open resource for students, researchers, enthusiasts and anyone who is curious to explore the rich and varied past of the Arabian Gulf.
Documenting Iran-U.S. Relations, 1978-2015: The collection, U.S. Policy toward Iran: From the Revolution to the Nuclear Accord, 1978-2015, published on December 12, 2019, consists of 1,760 documents and almost 14,000 pages of materials mostly obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or culled from years of research at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration and its associated presidential library system. Additional records come from British archives and other sources and include selected Iranian materials.
Official Gazette Issued by Palestinian National Authority. Palestinian Official Gazette since 1994 after the Palestinian National Authority assumed its responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Legislations are arranged in chronological order according to the Official Gazette publications, i.e. according to issue number and date.
A select chronology and background documents relating to the Middle East : [prepared for the] Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. (2d rev. ed.) - 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975.
Middle East and Africa - Primary Sources Access ... - ProQuest Libguides
Confidential US Diplomatic Post Records, Middle East ... - ProQuest
Middle East - Government Documents / American University of Beirut Library)
Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique [FRANCE] Ministère français de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères (MEAE). Histoire diplomatique * Documents diplomatiques * Ministères des Affaires étrangères * Des diplomates : formation, récits et portraits * Droit international * Traités, accords et conventions * Protectorats et mandat français * Publications officielles étrangères ou intergouvernementales.
Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World
The book series Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World offers political and economic reports about the countries of the Islamic world from the mid-1970s until the present-day. The series is an invaluable resource for researchers and is also suitable for classroom use.
Document Sources
Ottoman Historical Documents by This collection of translated primary sources for Ottoman history shows how the major institutions of Ottoman government developed and functioned. Each chapter covers a key topic: Legitimation and Titulature; Princes; Recruitment into the Sultan's service; the Vizierate and the D?v?n; the Religio-Legal Institution; ??n?nn?mes (sultanic legislation); Taxation and Finance; Waqfs (endowments); and Treaties and Foreign Relations. Chapters include a brief introduction to provide context for the documents, annotations and a glossary explaining technical terminology and problems of interpretation.
ISBN: 9781474479363Publication Date: 2021-02-28
A select chronology and background documents relating to the Middle East / Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
Papers of the Palestinian Delegation / From Rashid Khalidi's book BROKERS OF DECEIT: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East.
AUB Political posters collected between the 1960s and the 1980s
The Palestine Poster Project Archives. © 2009–2019وثائق سجل الأحوال الشخصيّة | سفارة الولايات المتحدة في
وثائق سجل الأحوال الشخصيّة | سفارة الولايات المتحدة في لبنان
مدونة احداث العالم العربي ووقائعه، 1800- 1950 بحسب التسلسل الزمني / شكيب ارسلان] / اشراف وتحرير يوسف حسين ايبش، توما توفيق عريضه، يوسف قزما خوري المختارة، لبنان : الدار التقدمية, 2008
معجم العراق : سجل تاريخي سياسي إقتصادي إجتماعي ثقافي يبحث بإيجاز دقيق عن مختلف نواحي الحياة العامة في العراق منذ العهد العثماني حتى اليوم / عبد الرزاق الهلاي. / الهلالي، عبد الرزاق، مؤلف. بغداد : مطبعة النجاح، 1953.
Memory at Work = ديوان الذاكرة اللبنانية project, an online database of information related to Lebanon's civil wars.
Lebanese Civil War: 1975-1991: Projects
"Uyghurkitap, an online digital collection of Uyghur documents, is now open to public. The library contains 6,400 documents, including 500 manuscripts, 1,500 newspapers and magazines, and ~ 4,000 Uyghur language books."
Guides to Using Government Information
The Modern Middle East and North Africa : a history in documents by Winner of the Middle East Studies Association 2013 Undergraduate Education Award Utilizing a mix of documents--including photographs, posters, diaries, diplomatic records, archival sources, and literary works--The Modern Middle East and North Africa: A History in Documents is structured around an underlying theme of unity in diversity. This theme helps to offset students' stereotypical image of the Middle East and North Africa as an undifferentiated, monolithic, and unchanging part of the world inhabited mainly by terrorists and religious fanatics. Compiled and edited by two prominent historians, Julia Clancy-Smith and Charles Smith, the book's approach offers a compromise between conventional political and diplomatic histories and those focusing on social and cultural history. The authors demonstrate how the Middle East and North Africa have participated in and shaped the grand currents of global history during the past two centuries. Headnotes, extended captions, sidebars, introductory essays, and a robust photo program (including a documentary picture essay devoted to women and gender) provide an essential context framing the documents.
Call Number: DS37.7 .C53 2014 +ISBN: 9780195338270Publication Date: 2013-08-12Official publications on the Middle East : a selective guide to the statistical sources by
Call Number: uris A.D. White Z3013.8i .B53x 1985Publication Date: University of Durham, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies], 1985.International Government Information and Country Information by This is the only authoritative guide that offers a subject approach to the plentiful resources provided by international government organizations, national governments, and other foreign information sources. In addition to an overview section, 21 chapters cover rich resources of topical, statistical, and analytical information on agriculture and food; crime; health; human rights; laws and treaties; transportation; women and children; and more. Each chapter provides descriptions of Web sites, books, reports, and other important materials, and concludes with research strategies and tips on the most efficient ways to search for certain types of information. In addition to international and foreign government sources, this book covers resources from foreign organizations, foreign universities, and commercial publishers. Appendixes identify the acronyms and initialisms that are often used in place of international government organizations' full names; the organizations' Web site addresses are also listed. Students from high school to graduate level, researchers, and librarians will find this an important reference work.
ISBN: 1573564796Publication Date: 2004-06-30Legal Research in a Nutshell by Finding and using legal resources effectively is an essential skill for lawyers. This comprehensive but succinct guide covers research procedures using major online services, free Internet resources, and library materials. Several hundred websites are discussed and placed in context for effective and productive use in research. Discussion includes coverage of legislative history, administrative law, specialized and interdisciplinary resources, and research in international and comparative law. Appendices list state research guides and treatises and services by subject, and a companion website has a regularly updated list of URLs and illustrations of online and print resources. For more information and additional teaching materials, visit the companion site.
ISBN: 9781634604628Publication Date: 2016-02-24Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : a history with documents / by Navigate through this complex historical topic as Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict takes you through all the outside influences barring down on this volatile part of the world through perspectives from all sides of the struggle.
ISBN: 1319028055Publication Date: 2016-09-09
Search Engines
Popular statistical tables, country (area) and regional profiles
USA.gov™ is the U.S. government's official web portal, sponsored by the General Services Administration. The site offers a search of government web pages, government web pages by topic, access to government forms, and pages for citizens, business, government personnel, and visitors to the U.S.
Selected U.S. Government Documents at Cornell
- Foreign Relations of the United States / State Department Digital Collection"The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity." Online covers Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon-Ford Administrations. [1945-1976]
- Foreign Relations of the United States --In PrintCall Number: Olin Library JX233 .A3[1870-1931; 1932-1961/1963; 1964/1968; 1969/1976]
U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009 Contains full-text documents from U.S. intelligence agencies covering the Middle East and North Africa from the end of WWII to 2009. Includes CIA reports and briefings.
- 444 Days: Selected Records Concerning the Iran Hostage Crisis 1979-1981 / US National Archive – January 2017.
United States Central Command FOIA Reading RoomU.S. Central Command includes operations in the Middle East. Their FOIA reading room includes many records related to U.S. military operations in the Middle East since 9/11.
Department of Defense FOIA Reading Rooms The Department of Defense has over 30 FOIA reading rooms, including one for each branch of the military and each unified command. This page allows you to browse to each of them.
- CIA Freedom of Information Act Reading Room & CREST: CIA 25-Year Program Archive Historically significant documents more than 25 years old are required to be automatically declassified per a 1996 Executive Order. This search includes indexing for all documents that fall into this category, as well as all electronically available declassified documents. Browse a time period or search by name of a person, event, etc. You may get lucky and find some scans, or you may have to submit a FOIA request of your own if you find a document that may be useful to your research. Documents related to overseas intelligence activity will be included.
- FBI Records: The Vault The FBI's Electronic Reading Room of declassified documents focuses on investigations internal to the U.S., so look here if your topic focuses on events and people within the U.S. rather than relations between countries. See the A-Z index for large collections or search for a country, topic or person using the "search vault" option.
- Documenting Iran-U.S. Relations, 1978-2015: The collection, U.S. Policy toward Iran: From the Revolution to the Nuclear Accord, 1978-2015, published on December 12, 2019, consists of 1,760 documents and almost 14,000 pages of materials mostly obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or culled from years of research at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration and its associated presidential library system. Additional records come from British archives and other sources and include selected Iranian materials.
- Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) • 732 N Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401
- Homeland Security Digital Library (WSU ALL) "Documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management from a wide variety of sources including federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities."
Search Engines
USA.gov™ is the U.S. government's official web portal, sponsored by the General Services Administration. The site offers a search of government web pages, government web pages by topic, access to government forms, and pages for citizens, business, government personnel, and visitors to the U.S.