Stalinist Soviet Union (1928-1955)
- Zavodite pchel s 52 risunkami byCall Number: SF523 .C559 1928Publication Date: 1928Start keeping bees with 52 illustrations.
- Zhiry i voska: khimii︠a︡ i analiz byCall Number: TP678 .D37Publication Date: 1928Fats and waxes: chemical analysis
- Polnyĭ kurs pchelovodstva byCall Number: SF523 .L186Publication Date: 1928Full course on beekeeping
- Iskusstennyĭ vyvod pchelinykh matok byCall Number: SF531.55 .M26Publication Date: 1928Rearing queen bees.
- Promyshlennoe proizvodstva sotovogo meda, kak vodi︠a︡t pchel v chuzhikh stranakh: Perevod s angliiskogo spetsialista po pchelovodstvu Narodnogo komissariata zemledelii︠a︡ KH. Abrikosova byCall Number: SF523 .D389Publication Date: 1929Commercial production of honey, how bees are kept in foreign countries: Translation from English by the National Commissar of Land Use, Kh. N. Abrikosov
- Kak postroit' ramochniĭ ul'ei ruta i dadana byCall Number: SF532 .K88Publication Date: 1929How to build a frame hive, Root and Dadant
- Promyshlennoe pchelovodstvo v uslovii︠a︡kh dalʹnego vostoka byCall Number: SF523 .L541Publication Date: 1929Commercial beekeeping in the far east
- Pchelinye matki, vyvod, smena i selektsii︠a︡ ikh na promyshlennykh i plemennykh pchelnikakh byCall Number: SF531.55 .P4PPublication Date: 1929Queen bees, their rearing, replacing queen bees and their selection in commercial and communal apiaries
- Svetlye ul'i posledneĭ konstruktsii i kak ikh samim postroit' byCall Number: SF532 .I24Publication Date: 1930Light hives of the latest construction and how to build them yourself
- Pchelovodstvo: Perevod s poslednego Amerikanskogo izdanii︠a︡ 1928 g byCall Number: SF523 .P555pPublication Date: 1930Beekeeping: Translated from the latest American edition, 1928
- Pchelovodstvo na osnovakh izuchenii︠a︡ zhizni pchelinoĭ semʹi byCall Number: SF523 .T315Publication Date: 1932Beekeeping based on the study of colony behavior
- Rolʹ pchel v povyshenii semennoĭ produktsii li︠u︡tserny byCall Number: SB205.A4 K9Publication Date: 1934The role of bees in increasing seed yields in Medicago
- Sbornik nauchnykh rabot: Pod redaktsieĭ zam. direktora po nauchnoĭ chasti instituta S. P. Istomina. byCall Number: SF535 .M89Publication Date: 1936Collection of scientific reports: edited by substitute science director S. P. Istomin
- Pchelovodstvo: perevod s poslednego Amerikanskogo izdanii︠a︡ 1935 g. Kh. N. Abrikosova byCall Number: SF523 .R786aPublication Date: 1938Beekeeping: translated from the latest American edition 1935 by Kh. N. Abrikosov
- Moĭ opyt raboty na paseke byCall Number: SF532 .M316Publication Date: 1954My experience working in an apiary