Ethnic Groups
To find materials in print and online, try a subject search for "ethnic relations Southeast Asia." (Results using this link are online only. For print books, eliminate the "online" limit.) Other keyword combinations could also be used in a search.
- Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia byCall Number: GN625 .L44 + Asia ReferencePublication Date: 1964 (New Haven, Human Relations Area Files Press )Peoples of Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
- Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia byCall Number: Oversize GN635.S58 L44 (Asia Reference)Publication Date: 1972-75 (New Haven, Human Relations Area Files Press )Peoples of Indonesia, Philippines, Andaman Islands
- Ethnographic Video Online65 videos in the search for "Southeast Asia." To narrow search, use another keyword such as name of a country.
- The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity byPublication Date: 2015 (Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer)"Demography of Race and Ethnicity in Southeast Asia" Chapter by Amarjit Kaur in the Asia section of the book, p.171-187.
Race Relations
- Fixing Fractured Nations: the Challenge of Ethnic Separatism in the Asia-Pacific by Asia's rising power and wealth offer its many oppressed ethnic minorities hope for greater political freedom and an end to violence. But the reality of this hope is cast into doubt by acute separatist conflict. This book provides fresh and factual assessments of separatist struggles and prospects for conflict resolution in eight countries of Asia.Publication Date: 2010 (Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macm)
- Identity and Ethnic Relations in Southeast Asia: Racializing Chineseness by Focusing on the consequences of migration, and cultural contact between the various ethnic groups, this book describes and analyses the nature of ethnic identity and state of ethnic relations, both historically and in the present day, in multi-ethnic, pluralistic nation states in Southeast Asia. Drawing on extensive primary fieldwork in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, the book examines the mediations, and transformation of ethnic identity and the social incorporation, tensions and conflicts and the construction of new social worlds resulting from cultural contact among different ethnic groups.Publication Date: 2010 (Dordrecht ; New York : Springer)
- Race and Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore by This book explores race and multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore from a range of different disciplinary perspectives, showing how race and multiculturalism are represented, how multiculturalism works out in practice, and how attitudes towards race and multiculturalism - and multicultural practices - have developed over time. Going beyond existing studies - which concentrate on the politics and public aspects of multiculturalism. (The book discusses] a range of empirical examples (drawn from extensive original research, covering diverse practices such as films, weblogs, music subcultures, art, policy discourse, textbooks, novels, poetry) which demonstrate overall how the identity politics of race and intercultural interaction are being shaped today.Call Number: (Also in print DS595 .R316 2009)Publication Date: 2009 (London ; New York : Routledge)
To find materials in print and online, try a search in the library catalog for "Gender Southeast Asia" or "Women Southeast Asia" (Results using these links are online only. For print books, eliminate the "online" limit.)
- GenderWatch (database)GenderWatch is a full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas
- The Flaming Womb: Repositioning Women in Early Modern Southeast Asia by This is the key introductory source for gender in Southeast Asia. The Princess of the Flaming Womb, the Javanese legend that introduces this pioneering study, symbolizes the many ambiguities attached to femaleness in Southeast Asian societies. Yet, despite these ambiguities, the relatively egalitarian nature of male-female relations in Southeast Asia is central to arguments claiming a coherent identity for the region.Call Number: HQ1745.8 .A683 2006Publication Date: 2006 (University of Hawaiʻi Pres)
- Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia by Drawing on rich ethnographic fieldwork from Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and Timor-Leste, the book examines both dominant and marginal constructions of heterosexual masculinity and the ways in which these are performed in different localized contexts in insular and mainland Southeast Asia.Call Number: HQ1088 .M4586 2012Publication Date: 2012 (New York, NY : Routledge)
- Intersections: Gender, History & Culture in the Asian ContextCall Number: Perth, W.A. : Murdoch University, School of Asian StudiesPublication Date: 1998 to current"Intersections is a refereed electronic journal conceived as an interactive forum for new research and teaching in the area of gender studies in the Asian region. "
- Thai Rainbow ArchiveDigitised Thai Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Magazines and Periodicals (Click on image to see issues)