- CERIS CERIS (The Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies) gathers and links resources that will help users better understand Islam and the Islamic world. CERIS,a collaboration of academic, non-profit, and religious organizations in the tri-state area (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia), is based out of 4100 Posvar Hall. Pitt is a member of CERIS.
- Berita Database: Hosted by Ohio University Libraries, this indexes books, book chapters, journal aricles, conference paperss and upublished resources for Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Asean Nations.
- International Historical Statistics... Provides statistical data for the last 250 years (where applicable) for every country in the world. Separate volumes cover Europe, the Americas, and Africa, Asia and Oceania. Includes a guide to some of the major statistical sources for each country under "Official Sources". --International historical statistics : Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-2000 Olin Reference HA4675 .M552x 2003 +
Routledge Handbook of Political Islam by
ISBN: 9780415484732Publication Date: 2011-12-13This Handbook provides a multidisciplinary overview of one of the key political movements of our time. Drawing on the expertise from some of the top scholars in the world it examines theoretical and historical backgrounds, terrorism, strategy, case studies of Islamist movements in the developing world and the West, and the relationship with democracy and gender issues.
- Worldwide Political Science AbstractsWorldwide Political Science Abstracts provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy. The database is building on the merged backfiles of Political Science Abstracts, published by IFI/Plenum, 1975-2000, and ABC POL SCI, published by ABC-CLIO, 1984-2000. The references cited in the bibliography of the source article have been included for citations to core journals in political science, added to the database since 2001, and for all journals added since 2004. Each individual reference may also have links to an abstract and/or to other papers that cite that reference; these references are linked both within Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and across other social science databases available on the ProQuest platform.
Indexes and Portal - Accessible
- Index Islamicus
- 1906-present-
- Index Islamicus is an international bibliography of publications in European languages covering all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages, and literature. The database includes material published by Western orientalists, social scientists and Muslims. [Tutorial: For an explanation how BrillOnline’s personal tools and advanced search options work].
- 1906-present-
- Islamic Book Review Index Olin Library BP161.2 .I79 An annual publication which indexes reviews of books written about the Middle East. Cornell has volumes : 1-11 only (1985-1992).
- United Nations: Statistics Resource Guide
Provides links to major organizations and institutes and to relevant documents and databases. It also highlights the collections of the UNOG Library and UNCTAD on the topic of statistics - both print and online resources (books, articles, journals, and databases). Many of these resources contain full-text documents. In addition, key websites and web feeds (RSS) have been selected by your UNOG librarians to help you to keep up-to-date on this subject.
- Statistics Sources
A country-by-country guide to statistics sources for a wide variety of topics. Lists statistics-gathering bodies and, in many cases, specific publications. Also available in print, Olin Library Ready Reference Z 7551.S79. Shelved at the Reference Desk.
- ProQuest Statistical Insight Provides statistical data from U.S. government publications from 1973, state and private sources from 1980, and international organizations from 1983.
- International Statistical Agencies
Links to official statistics-gathering bodies, by country. Compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau