- Indonesia Information Portal(Government of Indonesia site) Indonesian or English language options.
- Indonesia: General InformationSoutheast Asia Digital Library
- Indonesia: Online Research Resources(SEA Digital Library) Open Access Journals extensive list.
- Indonesia (World Bibliographical Series)(Online. Print copy is in dictionary stand in Asia reading room near the computers.) Older (1994) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard sources of information covering a large range of topics.
- Indonesian HeritageCall Number: REF DS615 .I532w 1996 (temporary online access to vol 1, Ancient History, and vol 3, Early Modern History)Publication Date: 1996-- (Jakarta : Published by Buku Antar Bangsa for Grolier International )10 volumes, each covering a specific topic (history, plants & wildlife, architecture, performing arts, religion, language & literature, visual arts...)
Historical Dictionary of Indonesia by
Call Number: REF DS633 .C75x 2015Publication Date: 2015 (Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield) 3rd. ed."This third edition of Historical Dictionary of Indonesia contains a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 900 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture."A History of Modern Indonesia Since c. 1200 by
Call Number: DS634 .R53 2008Publication Date: 2008 (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press) 4th edRecognized as the most authoritative general account of Indonesia, this revised and expanded fourth edition has been updated in light of new scholarship. New chapters at the end of the book bring the story up to the present day, including discussion of recent events such as the 2002 Bali terrorist bombings and the 2004 tsunami.
Indonesia Government Directories
Kroch Asia library has many Indonesia government guides. Some are listed under keyword search "official directory Indonesia"
- Pemerintahan-pemerintahan Indonesia -- Indonesian Governments GuideCall Number: Oversize JQ761 .A14 + (in Reference)Publication Date: 2002 (Jakarta : Citra Buana Masindo ; Singapore : Gold Group Asia/Pacific Pty. Ltd)Merger of national government guide and provincial & local government guide.
- Biografi/Profil Bupati & Walikota Seluruh IndonesiaCall Number: JS7191.A3 B56 2004 +Publication Date: 2005 ([Jakarta)Biography of regents and mayors in Indonesia.
- Direktori Pemerintahan Republik IndonesiaCall Number: JQ761.A1 D59 (most recent in Reference)Publication Date: 1995-- Jakarta : Mitra InfoDirectory of government of Republic of Indonesia (RI). Library has 1995-1998; 2000-2001/02; 2005/06; 2008/09, 2010/11
East Timor (Timor-Leste)
- Government of Timor-LesteOfficial web site.
- East Timor: General InformationSoutheast Asia Digital Library
- Timor (World Bibliographical Series)(Online. Print copy is in dictionary stand in Asia reading room near the computers.) Older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
- Historical Dictionary of East Timor byCall Number: REF DS649.5 .G85 2011Publication Date: 2011 ( Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press)Online version (click on title;) print copy in Kroch Asia Reference.
Timor Leste: Politics, History and Culture by
Call Number: DS649.5 .M65 2010Publication Date: 2010 (London ; New York : Routledge)