- Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (Government Portal)Official web site.
- Vietnam: General InformationSoutheast Asia Digital Library
- Vietnam: Online Research Resources and Books(SEA Digital Library) Books, Open Access Journals, Digital Collections, Vietnam War, Overseas Vietnamese Communities
- Vietnam (World Bibliographical Series)(Online. Print copy is in dictionary stand in Asia reading room near the computers.) Older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
Historical Dictionary of Vietnam by
Call Number: REF DS 556.25 D85 2006Publication Date: 2006 (Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press) 3rd. ed.The third edition of this dictionary focuses on the recent changes and leadership of Vietnam while giving due attention to the earlier kingdoms, the period of French Indochina, the wars for liberation, the Vietnam War, and much more. Hundreds of cross-referenced A to Z dictionary entries are included on political, economic, social and cultural aspects as well as the major cities and geographic features. This book also contains a chronology and introduction that traces Vietnam's history, as well as a bibliography.Vietnam: A New History by
Call Number: DS556.5 .G66 2016Publication Date: 2016: New York : Basic Books" Now, over forty years after the end of the American war in Vietnam, the events which created the modern state of Vietnam can be seen in truly historical perspective. Christopher Goscha's Vietnam: A New History tells the story of this fascinating and complex country on its own terms, emphasizing the contingency that characterizes Vietnam's history and the diversity of its people, polities, geography, and experiences as both colonized and colonizers"The History of Vietnam by
Call Number: DS556.5 .C67 2008Publication Date: 2008 (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)"The History of Vietnam" ... examines Vietnam's complete history, from the 2nd century BCE to the present.A History of the Vietnamese by
Call Number: DS556.5 .T38 2013Publication Date: 2013 (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press)"The history of Vietnam prior to the nineteenth century is rarely examined in any detail. In this groundbreaking work, K. W. Taylor takes up this challenge, addressing a wide array of topics from the earliest times to the present day - including language, literature, religion and warfare - and themes - including Sino-Vietnamese relations, the interactions of the peoples of different regions within the country, and the various forms of government adopted by Vietnam throughout its history. A History of the Vietnamese is based on primary source materials ... "Sources of Vietnamese Tradition by
Call Number: REF DS 556.42 S69 2012 (In Reference, copy 2 in stacks; also full-text online; click on title)Publication Date: 2012 (New York : Columbia University Press)"This work covers Vietnamese culture from its origins to the present. Vietnamese culture is heterogeneous, reflecting the country's shifting geography and multiple peoples over the past two thousand years. The book is divided into seven parts: Vietnamese origins, the Buddhist era, the Confucian era, the Trinh-Nguyen and Tay Son eras, the Nguyen dynasty, the Colonial era, and the era of independence"Vietnam War: the Essential Reference Guide by
Publication Date: 2013 (electronic resource)"[This book] provides a compendium of the key people, places, organizations, treaties, and events that make up the history of the war, explaining its causes, how it was conducted, and its far-reaching consequences. Written by recognized authorities, this ready-reference volume provides essential information all in one place and includes a comprehensive list of additional sources for further study, a detailed chronology ...,biographies of major political figures and military leaders, and primary source documents..."The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War by
Call Number: REF DS557.7 E53x 2011 + 4 vols.Publication Date: 2011 (Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO)2nd. edition. Includes many photographs and illustrations. Contains more than 200 primary sources in a separate documents volume, with full introductions for each. Presents an extensive chronology of historic events and a glossary of terms. Provides cross-references and bibliographies.