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Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in English on Arabic-Western Literary Relations, 1902-1997
Arabian Nights Bibliography / compiled by Ulrich Marzolph [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW YZ]
Bibliography of the Arabian Nights in Egypt compiled by Rasoul Aliakbari, University of Alberta, Canada.
Arabian Nights Bibliography (online) compiled by Ulrich Marzolph.
"The present Bibliography aims to list a representative selection of research publications on the Arabian Nights (Alf Laylah wa-laylah, Les Mille et une Nuits, Tausendundeine Nacht etc.) published in European languages, while also including some important books and articles published in other languages. Initially being based on the bibliography in The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia (Marzolph and van Leeuwen 2004, 811–852), the present Bibliography bears witness to the renewed and continued interest in the Nights resulting from its tercentenary celebrations in 2004. Aiming to be comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive, the Bibliography at present lists more than 500 items. It is conceived as an ongoing project and will be updated at regular intervals. Most items quoted treat particular aspects of the Arabian Nights, with the exception of items discussing the scholars to whose endeavours we owe the most important European editions. Numerous publications bearing a secondary relevance for the study of the Nights have not been included. Also, editions of the Nights in international languages are not listed, while a number of them contain important essays on the history and character of the Nights. The compiler appreciates comments and critique as well as suggestions for items to be added. As a further service to the scholarly community, we offer to supply scans of the items listed below, most of which are available here. In the future, we aim to link pdf-scans to specific items that are out of copyright."
Modern Arabic Literature in Translation by
ISBN: 0863565972Publication Date: 2005-05-01This indispensible guide to modern Arabic literature in English translation features not only a comprehensive bibliography but also chapters on fiction, drama, poetry, and autobiography, as well as a special chapter on Iraq's Arabic literature. By focusing on Najib Mahfuz, one of Arabic Literature's luminaries, and on poetry--a major, if not the major genre of the region-- Altoma assesses the progress made towards a wider reception of Arabic writing throughout the western world.Essays in Arabic Literary Biography by
Call Number: olin PJ7521 .E87 2009ISBN: 9783447059336Publication Date: 2009-08-01The three volumes of Essays in Arabic Literary Biography contain entries by leading specialists in the field of Arabic literature studies devoted to the major representatives of the literary heritage of Arabic culture within three specific periods: 950-1350 (ed. Terri DeYoung); 1350-1850 (ed. Joseph E. Lowry and Devin Stewart); and 1850-1950 (ed. Roger Allen). Each volume attempts to refl ect larger movements of cultural development and change within the realms of literary production and commentary during the given period. While the major names associated with each period are to be found, a particular effort has also been made to reflect the geographical diversity of the Arabic-speaking regions in the different historical periods involved. This volume contains biographical studies of thirty-eight Arabic literary fi gures who lived between 1350 and 1850, a neglected period of Arabic literary history. The essays situate the authors and their writings in local contexts of literary and cultural production, from Morocco to Iran, India and Indonesia, in many cases offering the fi rst comprehensive assessments of their lives and works. What emerges from the collection as a whole is a period characterized by institutional change, competition, conspicuous virtuosity, and diversity - when Christian and Shiite writers also played important roles. Although modern scholarship has seen these centuries as mired in cultural decadence and decline, the literary figures in this volume display astonishing inventiveness, both in their understanding and appropriation of the Arabic literary tradition as well as in their many formal innovations.Arabic Oration: Art and Function by
ISBN: 9789004394407Publication Date: 2019-06-20In Arabic Oration: Art and Function, a narrative richly infused with illustrative texts and original translations, Tahera Qutbuddin presents a comprehensive theory of this preeminent genre in its foundational oral period, 7th-8th centuries AD. With speeches and sermons attributed to the Prophet Muḥammad, ʿAlī, other political and military leaders, and a number of prominent women, she assesses types of orations and themes, preservation and provenance, structure and style, orator-audience authority dynamics, and, with the shift from an oral to a highly literate culture, oration's influence on the medieval chancery epistle. Probing the genre's echoes in the contemporary Muslim world, she offers sensitive tools with which to decode speeches by mosque-imams and political leaders today.
Essays in Arabic Literary Biography by
Call Number: Olin PJ7521 .E87 2009ISBN: 9783447059336Publication Date: 2009-08-01The three volumes of Essays in Arabic Literary Biography contain entries by leading specialists in the field of Arabic literature studies devoted to the major representatives of the literary heritage of Arabic culture within three specific periods: 950-1350 (ed. Terri DeYoung); 1350-1850 (ed. Joseph E. Lowry and Devin Stewart); and 1850-1950 (ed. Roger Allen). Each volume attempts to refl ect larger movements of cultural development and change within the realms of literary production and commentary during the given period. While the major names associated with each period are to be found, a particular effort has also been made to reflect the geographical diversity of the Arabic-speaking regions in the different historical periods involved. This volume contains biographical studies of thirty-eight Arabic literary fi gures who lived between 1350 and 1850, a neglected period of Arabic literary history. The essays situate the authors and their writings in local contexts of literary and cultural production, from Morocco to Iran, India and Indonesia, in many cases offering the fi rst comprehensive assessments of their lives and works. What emerges from the collection as a whole is a period characterized by institutional change, competition, conspicuous virtuosity, and diversity - when Christian and Shiite writers also played important roles. Although modern scholarship has seen these centuries as mired in cultural decadence and decline, the literary figures in this volume display astonishing inventiveness, both in their understanding and appropriation of the Arabic literary tradition as well as in their many formal innovations.Modern Arabic Literature in Translation by
ISBN: 0863565972Publication Date: 2005-05-01This indispensible guide to modern Arabic literature in English translation features not only a comprehensive bibliography but also chapters on fiction, drama, poetry, and autobiography, as well as a special chapter on Iraq's Arabic literature. By focusing on Najib Mahfuz, one of Arabic Literature's luminaries, and on poetry--a major, if not the major genre of the region-- Altoma assesses the progress made towards a wider reception of Arabic writing throughout the western world.African Lives by
Call Number: Africana Library (Africana Center) DT18 .A644 2013ISBN: 9781588268877Publication Date: 2013-03-01African Lives, a pioneering anthology of memoirs and autobiographical writings, lets the people of Africa speak for themselves¿telling stories of struggle and achievement that have the authenticity of lived experience.
The collection draws from the work of many of Africa¿s finest writers and most significant personalities from across the continent and spanning several centuries. Enhancing the material, Geoff Wisner¿s introduction and biographical notes provide important context for the selections and also highlight the challenges that African memoirs pose to the preconceptions of Western readers. The result is a book that is both an absorbing read and a valuable resource for courses on Africa.
- al-Aʻlām : qāmūs tarājim li-ashhar al-rijāl wa-al-nisāʼ min al-ʻArab wa-al-Mustaʻribīn wa-al-mustashriqīn1954-59. Ziriklī, Khayr al-Dīn, 1893-1976 Book[Cairo? : s.n., 1954-59]Arabical-Ṭabʻah 2, mazīdah, muḥallāt bi-al-khuṭūṭ wa-al-rusūm.Olin LibraryD198.3 .Z81
Aʻlām al-adab al-ʻArabī al-muʻāsịr : siyar wa-siyar dhātīyah 2013.Bayrūt : al-Maʻhad al-Almānī lil-Abhạ̄th al-Sharqīyah fī Bayrūt ; Würzburg : Ergon in Kommission, 2013. Olin LibraryPJ7521 .A43 2013.
Aʻlām al-adab al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir : siyar wa-siyar dhātīyah. Campbell, Robert B., 1926-— 1996. Bayrūt, Lubnān : Yuṭlab min Dār al-Nashr Frānts Shṭaynar Shtūtgart : al-Maʻhad al-Alamānī lil-Abḥāth al-Sharqīyah, 1996. Uris LibraryA.D. White Z3014.L56 C18 1996.
Fawāt al-aʻlām maʻa al-istidrākāt wa-al-isʹhām fī itmām al-Aʻlām2000. Rifāʻī, ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz. Bookal-Riyāḍ : Dār al-Rifāʻī, 2000.Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1.Olin LibraryD198.3.Z813 R53 2000
The Fihrist of al-Nadīm : a tenth-century survey of Muslim culture1970. Fihrist. English. Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq, active 987 BookNew York, Columbia University Press, 1970.English
Kitāb al-Fihrist2009. Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq, active 987 BookLondon : Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 2009.ArabicUri. s LibraryA.D. White Z7052 .I2 2009.
Kitāb Kashf al-ẓunūn ʻan asāmī al-kutub wa-al-funūn[1892-1894?]Kashf al-ẓunūn ʻan asāmīʾ al-kutub wa-al-funūn. Kâtip Çelebi, 1609-1657 Book[Istanbul] : Maṭbaʻat al-ʻĀlam, [1892-1894?]Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1.Uris LibraryA.D. White Z7052 .K19 1892 +Online
al-Durr al-thamīn fī asmāʼ al-muṣannifīn2009. Ibn al-Sāʻī, ʻAlī ibn Anjab, 1196 or 1197-1275. [Beirut] : Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 2009.Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1. Olin LibraryPJ7553 .I26 2009.
Die geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihre werke1882. Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand, 1808-1899 BookGöttingen : Dieterichsche verlagbuchhandlung, 1882.German. Library AnnexOversize Z7052 .W95 +
Min aʻlām al-adab al-muʻāṣir Ramādī, Muḥammad Jamāl al-Dīn.— 1962? [al-Qāhirah] Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabi [1962?] Olin LibraryPJ7538 .R16.
Muʻjam al-mu'allifīn : tarājim muṣannifī al-kutub al-ʻArabīyah1993. Kaḥḥālah, ʻUmar Riḍā. BookBayrūt : Mu'assasat al-Risālah, 1993.Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1.Olin LibraryPJ7517 .K34 1993
Muʻjam al-udabāʾ : min al-ʻAṣr al-Jāhilī ḥattá sanat 2002 M2003. Jubūrī, Kāmil Salmān. BookBayrūt : Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah, 2003.Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1.Olin LibraryPJ7521 .J795 2003.
Qāmūs al-adab al-ʻArabī al-ḥadīth2007. BookMadīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Shurūq, 2007.Arabical-Ṭabʻah 1.Olin LibraryOversize PJ7521 .Q36 2007 +
Tārīkh al-adab al-ʻArabī1967-Brockelmann, Carl, 1868-1956 BookMiṣr : Dār al-Maʻārif, 1967-Arabic. Uris LibraryA.D. White Z7052 .B85 1968.
"Mapping Women Writers in the Mahjar" -- StoryMap from the Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies at NC State.
Bayrūt : al-Maʻhad al-Almānī lil-Abḥāth al-Sharqīyah, 2013.Arabic.الطبعة الثانية المزيدة.
Muʻjam al-udabāʾ al-Islāmīyīn al-muʻāṣirīn[1999]
Authors, Arab > 20th century > Biography. in subject headings
History of the Arabic Written Tradition Volume 1 by
Call Number: olin PJ7510 .B713 2016ISBN: 9789004323308Publication Date: 2016-11-10Brockelmann's History of the Arabic Written Tradition offers bio-bibliographic information about works written in Arabic and their authors, with an emphasis on manuscripts from the classical period. This originally multivolume reference work is divided in chronologically organized sections, which are subdivided by literary genre. Individual entries typically consist of a biographical section and a list of the author's works in manuscript and print, with references to secondary literature. The "Brockelmann" , now also available in English, is an indispensable research tool for anyone working on the Islamic world in general and the Middle East in particular.20th Century Arabic Writers by
Call Number: Uris Library Reference (Non-Circulating) PS129 .D55 v.346ISBN: 9780787681647Publication Date: 2008-12-05Dedicated for nearly thirty years to making literature and its creators more accessible and intriguing to researchers, the series presents signed, authoritative biographical and critical essays on writers from all eras and genres. Rigorously meeting the standards of librarians and instructors, signed entries are written by academic experts in the field and include illustrations and extensive bibliographies.Arab women writers : between rebellion and creativity : an analytical and comparative study of A. Soueif's The map of love and H. Barakat's The stone of laughter by
Call Number: PJ7525.2 S27 2011ISBN: 3846525480In the House of Silence autobiographical essays by Arab women writers by
Call Number: olin PJ7525.2 .I53x 1998ISBN: 1859640230Publication Date: 1998-10-06To complement the novels in Garnet's award-winning Arab Women Writers series, In the House of Silence is a collection of autobiographical writings by thirteen leading Arab women authors. Through these testimonies the women describe their experiences and expose the often-difficult conditions under which their narratives were woven. Patterns emerge, which run throughout their testimonies - experiences of confinement, subjugation, the struggle for education and the eventual use ofwriting as a way out. They speak of their own reasons for writing, of how experiences in family life, politics, exile and even imprisonment have affected them and their work, and of how their motivation has been both tested and reinforced by various setbacks and the struggle for recognition. Startlingly honest, these testimonies will be essential reading for all those interested in women's roles in Arab society and the ways that these roles are changing.Essays in Arabic Literary Biography by
Call Number: Olin PJ7521 .E87 2009ISBN: 9783447059336Publication Date: 2009-08-01The three volumes of Essays in Arabic Literary Biography contain entries by leading specialists in the field of Arabic literature studies devoted to the major representatives of the literary heritage of Arabic culture within three specific periods: 950-1350 (ed. Terri DeYoung); 1350-1850 (ed. Joseph E. Lowry and Devin Stewart); and 1850-1950 (ed. Roger Allen). Each volume attempts to refl ect larger movements of cultural development and change within the realms of literary production and commentary during the given period. While the major names associated with each period are to be found, a particular effort has also been made to reflect the geographical diversity of the Arabic-speaking regions in the different historical periods involved. This volume contains biographical studies of thirty-eight Arabic literary fi gures who lived between 1350 and 1850, a neglected period of Arabic literary history. The essays situate the authors and their writings in local contexts of literary and cultural production, from Morocco to Iran, India and Indonesia, in many cases offering the fi rst comprehensive assessments of their lives and works. What emerges from the collection as a whole is a period characterized by institutional change, competition, conspicuous virtuosity, and diversity - when Christian and Shiite writers also played important roles. Although modern scholarship has seen these centuries as mired in cultural decadence and decline, the literary figures in this volume display astonishing inventiveness, both in their understanding and appropriation of the Arabic literary tradition as well as in their many formal innovations.