Introduction مقدمة

Classical Arabic literature, for the purposes of this guide, dates from the mid- 7th century CE, ca. 660, or the period following the advent of Islam. It was directly influenced by the historical events of its time.  Literary material attributed to the first phase of classical Arabic poetry, the marthiya (الرثاء)and the qasida (قَصِيدَة) genres both continued to evolve, reflecting imminent societal concerns.  These included the development of Islam, as well as the cultural symbiosis produced by its rapid expansion.  Therefore, poetic expression expanded in directions, which encouraged exploration of the self, political commitment, and deeper meditation.  As a result, poetic themes transformed, producing three new genres: the love poem (ghazal غزَل), the political poem (al-Shi'r al-siyasi الشعر السياسي), and the ascetic poem (zuhdiyya زهدّيات). Moreover, the development of Arabic poetry at the end of the 7th century and beginning of the 8th century was accompanied by a significant renewal of literary prose. This was evident in an intense diversification of the art of rhetoric, which reflected the eloquence of oratory discourse in a variety of themes.  It was also apparent in the creation of a new genre, the epistle, written in a fluid direct style that used picturesque expressions and strongly accented rhythms. Finally, this transformation was evident in the acclimatization of the fable, such as Kalila wa-Dimna (كليلة ودمنة) a collection of Indian fables, translated into Arabic by Ibn al-Muqaffa ابن المقفع)) in the 8th century.  Thanks to the reciprocity of these exchanges, these literary forms also transferred to other languages and cultures, such as Persian and Turkish.  Through the originality of their content and elegance of style, these works inaugurated a new literary period that embodied the creative contributions from a diversity of cultures that are shared today.


صدر الإسلام  * العصر الأموي * العصر العباسي * عصر الدول المتتابعة * العصر الأندلسي

Classical Sources * Background & Reference * مصادر ومراجع



*Arabian Nights Bibliography [ONLINE] compiled by Ulrich Marzolph.
"The present Bibliography aims to list a representative selection of research publications on the Arabian Nights (Alf Laylah wa-laylah, Les Mille et une Nuits, Tausendundeine Nacht etc.) published in European languages, while also including some important books and articles published in other languages. Initially being based on the bibliography in The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia (Marzolph and van Leeuwen 2004, 811–852), the present Bibliography bears witness to the renewed and continued interest in the Nights resulting from its tercentenary celebrations in 2004. Aiming to be comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive, the Bibliography at present lists more than 500 items. It is conceived as an ongoing project and will be updated at regular intervals. Most items quoted treat particular aspects of the Arabian Nights, with the exception of items discussing the scholars to whose endeavours we owe the most important European editions. Numerous publications bearing a secondary relevance for the study of the Nights have not been included. Also, editions of the Nights in international languages are not listed, while a number of them contain important essays on the history and character of the Nights. The compiler appreciates comments and critique as well as suggestions for items to be added. As a further service to the scholarly community, we offer to supply scans of the items listed below, most of which are available here. In the future, we aim to link pdf-scans to specific items that are out of copyright."

Literary Essays by Classical Arab Authors كتاب علم الأدب: مقالات لمشاهيرالعربJesuit scholar Louis Cheikho was born in Mardin, Turkey, and educated at the Jesuit school in Ghazīr, Lebanon. He remained associated with the seminary and its successor institution in Beirut, Université Saint-Joseph, throughout his life. Cheikho studied in Europe and eventually gained a world-wide reputation as a Semitist and authority on Eastern Christianity. Al-Machriq, the journal he founded in 1898, is a principal resource for scholars in these fields. It is supplemented by Melanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph and Proche-Orient Chrétien from the same publishers.

يُعد العمل المُقدّم هنا، وهو كتاب علم الأدب: مقالات لمشاهير العرب، ثاني مجلدين، وهو يحتوي على آراء بعض رواد الخطابة والبلاغة مثل ابن رشد وابن سينا وابن خلدون، أما النصف الثاني للكتاب فقد خُصِّص للشعر. يبدأ شيخو حديثه عن الشعر بمناقشة بعض آراء ابن رشد عن أرسطو. ومن هناك يتناول أهداف الشاعر مثل المدح والإقناع والاعتذار والسخرية مع ذكر مثال لكلٍّ منها. تعرَّض شيخو للنقد لبعض جوانب عمله، وذلك على الرغم من منزلته كباحث، حيث يرى البعض أن أعماله أفسدها ضيق الأفق والانحياز. وقد طُبع كتاب علم الأدب بعناية، فحركات التشكيل موضحة به بشكل كامل، كما أنه يتضمن تذييلاتٍ وفهرساً.

Concepts of Authorship in Pre-Modern Arabic Texts 

Poetry *الشعر *

الدواوين الشعرية


"خزانة الأدب ولب لباب لسان العرب"--بغدادي, عبد القادر بن عمر, 1621-1682
 /Baghdādī, ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn ʿUmar, 1621-1682--Khizānat al-adab wa-lubb lubāb lisān al-ʿArab
[al-Qāhirah]: al-Maṭbaʿah al-Mīrīyah [Būlāq], [1882]
[القاهرة]: المطبعة الميرية [بولاق]، [1882] 585 pp.
  • Vol. 1 خزانة الأدب
  • vol .2 خزانة الأدب

 خزانة الأدب vol .3

 خزانة الأدب vol .4

ابن حجة الحموي, تقي الدين أبو بكر بن علي, ?-1434  Ibn Ḥijjah al-Ḥamawī, Taqī al-Dīn Abū Bakr ibn ʿAlī, ?-1434 [al-Qāhirah]: al-Maṭbaʿat al-ʿĀmira [Būlāq], [1874] [القاهرة]: المطبعة العامرة [بولاق]، [1874]


ديوان مهيار الديلمي • مستودع الكتب • الموقع الرسمي للمكتبة الشاملة 

Abu'l-Hasan Mihyar al-Daylami was an Arabic-language poet of Daylamite origin during the Buyid period. Mihyar's poetry was dominated by metaphor, and he wrote in various poetic genres including ghazal, as well as writing elegies on Ali and Husayn ibn Ali

 (توفي 428 هـ / 1037 م) كاتب وشاعر فارسي الأصل، من أهل بغداد كان شاعرا جزل القول، مقدما على أهل وقته، وله ديوان شعر كبير يدخل في أربع مجلدات، وهو رقيق الحاشية طويل النفس في قصائده. ذكره الحافظ أبو بكر الخطيب في كتابه تاريخ بغداد وأثنى عليه

Select Bibliography


مقدمة ابن خلدون - الملخص الشامل

Geopolitics and Empire in the Background of 1001 Nights The 1001 Nights, also known as Arabian Nights, is often celebrated for its enchanting stories of magic, romance, and adventure. However, beneath the surface of these fantastical tales lies a fascinating reflection of the Islamic Golden Age’s geopolitical dynamics and imperial ambitions. The collection, which grew out of a rich oral tradition that spanned centuries and cultures, reflects the cultural syncretism of the time and the wide-reaching influence of the Islamic Empire. Through a close reading of specific stories, we can see the subtle portrayal of the geopolitics of the Abbasid Caliphate, the empire’s relationship with far-flung lands like China, India, and Byzantium, and the expanding influence of Islamic civilization across the medieval world.