Highlighted Article
- "Defend (and Understand) Your Transgender Members"Written by Andrea Bowen and published by Labor Notes, the article defines key terms and describes concrete ways that unions can support their transgendered members in the workplace and at the bargaining table.
About these Resources
These resources have been compiled by Sarah Hughes and Kitty Krupat following the Beyond Marriage Equality panel at the 2014 UALE Summer School.
- Pride at WorkPride At Work is a nonprofit organization and an officially recognized constituency group of the AFL-CIO. They organize mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBT Community for social and economic justice.
- Trans Student Equality Resources - InfographicsTSER's trans*-related infographic series. View and download the "Trans Umbrella" graphic and more.
- Trans Women of Color Collective"Creating revolutionary change by uplifting the narratives, leadership and lived experiences of trans women of color."