Purchase Books about Labor
- AK PressThis antiauthoritarian bookseller carries many books on labor and organizing in the workplace.
- Apex Press - CIPA"The Apex Press publishes books to build democracy with equality — without which there can be no real democracy. This perspective shapes our work as an independent small publishing house. Our publishing program has a special focus on economic and social justice and world cultures."
- BNA Books: Labor and EmploymentBNA (Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.) is the largest publisher of labor relations books in the U.S.
- ILR Press - Cornell University"ILR Press publishes books about workplace issues, labor, management, and social policy. Written from a variety of perspectives, these books appeal to a diverse readership that includes scholars and students throughout the social sciences; practitioners, and, increasingly, the general public."
- Labor Notes BooksFrom the same people who publish Labor Notes magazine, LNB makes available books like Troublemakers Handbook, Democracy is Power and Working Smart among other titles.
- Monthly Review PressFollow this link to the labor books published by MRP.
- Powell's City of BooksPowell's City of Books is an independent, unionized bookstore in Portland, Oregon, that fills a whole city block with more than a million new, used, and out of print books. Order books online.
- UCS Books CatalogThis online bookstore is devoted to books for and about unions, including books about your union rights, novels, and children's books.
- Work Rights Press"Work Rights Press publishes the books of union labor lawyer Robert M. Schwartz, including The Legal Rights of Union Stewards, Strikes, Picketing and Inside Campaigns, The FMLA Handbook, and How to Win Past Practice Grievances. These books explain labor law in an authoritative yet reader-friendly manner and are sold at prices considerably below what is usually charged for legal materials. Work Rights Press can meet emergency delivery requests for union conferences or classes."
Borrow Books @ Your Library!
The public library is an excellent first stop towards finding the books you need about labor relations, labor law, and the labor movement. Even if they do not have the book in the library, they should be able to get it for you through the interlibrary loan network, which spans public and academic libraries throughout the U.S. Also, some college and university libraries are open to the public, and allow community members reading privaleges. If you don't see anything about these services on the Internet or in the Library, ask!
- WorldCatUse this worldwide multi-library catalog to find materials in libraries beyond Cornell University.
- Find Your Local Public LibrarySearch for your local public library by address, zip code, etc.
- Massachusetts LibrariesDatabases can be accessed by Massachusetts residents with a Mass Library Card.