Labor Centers and Colleges - Info and Publications
These are just a few of the university-based labor centers in the US. These sites also have links to useful information including audio-visual material, pulbications and research summaries.
- University/College Members - UALE (United Association for Labor Education)This listing of the University and College members of UALE is the most comprehensive list of college-based labor education programs in the U.S.
- Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR), University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahuSite has an eLibrary of on-line sources, including digitalized versions of books and documentary films.
- Center for Labor Research and Education, UCLAThis site sells a number of the Center's reports and publications. An on-line version of the Center's publication "Labor Education News" is available.
- Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies (Empire State College)The site makes available on-line versions of a number of their publications.
- Labor Relations and Research Center, Univ. of Mass.This site includes of summary of the current research by the LRRC faculty.
- Labor Studies Center - Wayne State University"The Labor Studies Center is a comprehensive labor and employment educational extension center that is dedicated to improving the lives of working people while contributing to an organization’s economic success."
- Murphy Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies, CUNYAbstracts and table of contents for New Labor Forum, published by the Institute are available here. Subscriptions can be purchased and accessed at this site
- National Labor CollegeAffiliated with the AFL-CIO, the National Labor College at the George Meany Center offers undergraduate and graduate programs as well as continuing labor training workshops.
- School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR), Cornell UniversityILR offers a number of different programs for the union student and labor unions, in addition to standard undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs that span the "World of Work".
Labor Education Resources
- Labor Education Resources - UALE (United Association for Labor Education)The United Association for Labor Education is an organization of labor educators, and the site contains many resources for the labor educator. This page will link you to curricula, bibliographies, and more.
- CIRL (Community of Industrial Relations Libraries)The Community of Industrial Relations Librarians (formerly the Committee of Industrial Relations Librarians) is an international group of information professionals from academic, union, government, corporate, and nonprofit organizations in the field of industrial relations and human resource management who cooperate on projects, share resources and information, and learn from one another.
Books on Labor Education
Burke, Bev, et al. Education for Changing Unions. Toronto: Between the Lines Productions, 2003.
Applying the principles of popular education to labor unions, the authors discuss the job of union educator, designing effective education programs, and “our favorite union education activities”. [available in U.S. through Highlander bookstore]
Louie, Miriam Ching and Linda Burnham. WEdGE: Women's Education in the Global Economy. Oakland, Calif.: Women of Color Resource Center, 2000.
This popular education workbook explains in easy-to-read language how global restructuring affects women both here and abroad, and how women are fighting back.
Project South. Popular Education for Movement Building: A Project South Resource Guide, Vol. II. Atlanta: Project South.
Workshops on Work & Wages, Public Education & Movement Building, plus facilitation tips, group guidelines. Order from website:
Project South. Today’s Globalization: A Toolkit For Popular Education In Your Community, 2nd ed. Atlanta: Project South, 2005.
Exercises and “games” to use to educate people about the historical development of globalization and its current effects. Order from website:
Wertheimer, Barbara Mayer, ed. Labor Education for Women Workers. Phil.: Temple Univ. Press, 1981.
How to put together training and education programs for union women. Written by labor educators, many of whom have been involved in summer schools past and present