Many public libraries subscribe to databases that library-card holders may use for free. These databases vary but generally include full text articles related to business, health, general science and more. Contact your local library for more information.
Academic libraries located at community colleges and state supported universities may also offer relevant sources for members of the public.
- New York State Library - Databases and E-JournalsDatabase access is available to NYS residents with a NYS driver license or NYS Library card.
- JerseyClicksThe databases on the JerseyClicks website are available to library card holding residents of New Jersey.
- Massachusetts LibrariesDatabases can be accessed by Massachusetts residents with a Mass Library Card.
Finding Articles
- CQ ResearcherCQ Researcher contains reports on single themes such as labor standards, religion and health.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar searches the "free web" for citations and text of articles from academic journals. Check citation year! They are not listed in chronological order. If you are using Google Scholar on campus, it will link to the full-text from a Cornell database (if one is available).