Health and Safety
- AFL-CIO: Workplace Health and SafetyLinks to resources and advice for union workers and representatives.
- CISDOC (International Labour Organization)A database on safety and health at work produced by the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre. CISDOC indexes and abstracts articles and other key documents from over 35 countries.
- CU Ergo: Cornell University Ergonomics WebCU Ergo presents information from research studies and class work by students and faculty in the Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Group (CHFERG), which focuses on ways to enhance usability by improving the ergonomic design of hardware, software, and workplaces. Content includes current news on office economic, handy fact sheets on selecting ergonomic furniture and equipment and on computer use, and research studies.
- EPA Science Models and Research Tools (SMaRT)EPA Science Models and Research Tools (SMaRT) Search is a searchable inventory of freely available models, tools, and databases from EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD)
- eLCOSH: Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (Centers for Disease Control)The Electronic Library of Construction Safety and Health (eLCOSH), provides a wide range of materials on construction safety and health. Supported by NIOSH and the Center for Protection of Workers Rights (CPWR), online materials include: pocket cards, brochures, how-to manuals, chart books, newsletter, research reports, directories, training manuals and overheads, data sets, bibliographies, regulations, summaries of CD-ROMs and videos (and where to get them). English, Spanish, plus...
- MedlinePlus - Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental HealthMedlinePlus presents high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising. Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine/NIH.
- European Agency for Health and Safety at WorkThis agency is a central provider of information on workplace health and safety for the European Union. Find statistics, news, publication, and monitoring resources.
- Health (OECD)Valuable website for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) information on health and health systems. Statistics, policy statements, and information by OECD nations are available.
- Health and Safety Page (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employeees)The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, a public sector union, has a number of resources on health and safety in the workplace, including an extensive collection of web links, and online publications on ergonomics, workplace violence, and AIDS. This web page is the entry point.
- Health Topics--Occupational Health (World Health Organization)Provides policy papers on statistics on workplace health and safety as well as health protection and income security.
- Health, Safety and Environment Department (United Steelworkers)Resources from the United Steel Workers, including downloadable training modules.
- Healthfinder (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)A "gateway to reliable consumer health and human services information" on the web. including online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups.
- International Association of Industrial Accident Boards & Commissions (IAIABC)Homepage of IAIABC, an organization of workers' compensation specialists from a number of disciplines including Government officials & regulators, business and labor leaders, medical providers, law firms, insurance carriers, rehabilitation & safety experts. Find statistics and other reports on Workers' Compensation.
- MedLine Plus (National Library of Medicine)Published by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus is an information portal for health and medical information for the consumer. Offerings include medical journal articles, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, drug information, and the latest health news.
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)NIEHS, the National Institutes of Health's institute for basic research on environment-related diseases. Introduction to NIEHS, its history, research highlights, plus contact and visiting information.
- National Library Of Medicine: Health InformationGateway to a number of free medical databases on such topics as clinical trials, senior health, toxic substances, household products, genetics, and AIDS; see MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine’s web site for consumer health information, for consumer health information. -
- National Safety CouncilNSC is a nonprofit, international public service organization dedicated to protecting life and promoting health; members include businesses, labor organizations, schools, public agencies, private groups and individuals. Their many publications and training programs can be purchased through the web site; they also offer, free, fact sheets on over 80 safety topics, including those related to agricultural and environmental safety.
- New York State Workers' Compensation BoardSite includes information on Workers' Compensation Law, Self Insurance programs, managed care programs, and preferred provider programs.
- NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC-2 is a bibliographic database of occupational safety and health publications, documents, grant reports, and other communication products supported in whole or in part by NIOSH.
- Osh.NetA collection of Internet sites owned by a safety and health consulting firm.
- PubMedPubMed, a digital archive of life sciences journal literature, was developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM). This access point, called Entrez, is a search and retrieval system for a number of databases, including PubMed, PubChem, Taxonomy, a database of biomedical books, and many others.
- Right to Know Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets (N.J. Dept. of Health and Senior Services)An extensive collection of downloadable fact sheets, from Acenaphthene to Zirconium; many also available in Spanish.
- Safety and Health for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)This guide contains details of Agency funding schemes for good safety and health practice and a study of practical examples of successful occupational safety and health assistance services . It also provides access to a wide range of good practice information.
- Safety OnlineFeatures OSHA standards, EPA rulings and new developments in the safety industry with direct links to OSHA, EPA, and other sources of information. Also provides information on sources for safety products, training, and consultation.
- SafeWork: Occupational Safety and HealthSafeWork is an ILO program that aims to develop preventive policies and programs that will protect workers in hazardous occupations and sectors, to better equip governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations to address workers’ occupational health problems, and to document the social and economic impact of improving workers' protection.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Workplace TrendsFrom the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, SAMHSA features publications on drug and substance abuse in the workplace and a resource guide to setting up an employee assistance program.
- Science.govA portal (entry point) to the many science-related web sites published by the United State government; you can find sites by topic (ex., Health & Medicine, Environment) or by key word searching.
- Where to Find Material Data Safety Sheets on the Internet (Interactive Learning Paradigms Inc.)This site contains numerous links to other MSDS sites, including a link to a glossary of terms used on MSDSs.
- Center for Health Workforce StudiesThe Center for Health Workforce Studies is a not-for-profit research organization whose mission is to provide timely, accurate data and conduct policy-relevant research about the health workforce.
Safety and Health Statistics
- Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)Find statistics and time series for the U.S.
- Statistics and Data, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)OSHA has statistics on workplace injury, illness and fatalities. It also provides establishment-level stats on inspections and investigations. The latter is a good place to find out whether an establishment is unionized. See the A to Z guide for statistics.
- National Center for Health StatisticsThe National Center for Health Statistics' is the Nation’s principal health statistics agency; they compile statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of the Nation’s people.
- Social Security Administration Program Statistics and Data FilesFind information on health, disability, social security payments, trust funds, as well as international information.
- ILOSTATThe ILO's database of statistics, contains over 100 indicators covering more than 230 countries and economies. The Yearly indicators dataset contains standardized indicators for purposes of greater comparability across countries and relies heavily on the official submission of data by national authorities. The Short term indicators dataset contains monthly, quarterly and semi-annual data drawn from official websites of national authorities and is updated on a monthly basis. Additional data and tools are available from the site. This database replaces LABORSTA.
Safety and Health Publications
Askari, Elaine. Violence on the Job: A Guidebook for Labor and Management. Berkeley: Labor Occupational Health Program, 1997.
Bonomo, Perry & Daniel Seidler. Why Does Working @ My Computer Hurt So Much? N.Y. ErgAerobics, 1999. Easy-to-use guide to preventing and alleviating RSI (repetitive stress injury) symptoms. Many stretches and exercises for neck, back, shoulders, even face.
Labor Occupational Health Program. Tools of the Trade—A Health & Safety Handbook for Action. LOHP,2006. Includes tools for winning safety improvements, examples of successful h&s campaigns, and strategies for workplace h&s advocacy.
Available Online
AFSCME Women's Rights Dept. Domestic Violence: An AFSCME Guide for Union Action. Washington. D.C.: AFSCME.
Safe Jobs Now: An AFSCME Guide to Health and Safety in the Workplace