Starting Points on the Internet

Labor Unions - General Reference

Bollen, Peter. Great Labor Quotations: Sourcebook and Reader. Red Eye Press, Inc., 2000. Not comprehensive, but a fun and useful resource, especially for union newsletters and speechwriting. 

Doherty, Robert. Industrial and Labor Relations Terms: A Glossary.  Ithaca: ILR Press, 1989. Concise definitions and historical background for 300 words, phrases, and acronyms frequently used in the labor world.

Gifford, Court, ed.  Directory of U.S. Labor Organizations.  Wash, D.C.: Bureau of National Affairs, annual. Addresses, telephone numbers, names of major officers of major U.S. unions, state federations, and listings of locals by state (but minus addresses & phone numbers).  Statistical appendix includes BLS & AFL-CIO membership data.

Jacobs, Eva E., ed.  Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics. Lanham, MD: Bernan Press, annual. A collection of current and historical data tables derived from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor (2 vol.), ed. by Robert E. Weir and James P. Hanlan.Greenwood Press, 2004. A good reference book for your public or school library.

Murray, R. Emmett.  Lexicon of Labor: More Than 500 Key Terms, Biographical Sketches, and Historical Insights Concerning Labor in America, Rev. and updated ed. New Press, 2010. An inexpensive all-in-one labor reference book.