Collective Bargaining Resources

Collective Bargaining Books

AFSCME.  We’re Worth It!  An AFSCME Guide to Understanding and Implementing Pay Equity.   Wash. D.C.:  AFSCME.  [also available online at:

Better, Maurice B. Contract Bargaining Handbook for Local Union Leaders. Washington, D.C.: BNA: 1993. A nuts-and-bolts handbook.

Coalition of Labor Union Women. Bargaining for Family Benefits: A Union Member's Guide. N.Y.: Coalition of Labor Union Women, 1992. Successful programs and contract clauses negotiated by unions across the country.  This book is slightly out-of-date and out-of print, but still useful. Check labor libraries for copies.

Spatz, Donald.  Contract Costing for Union Negotiators (with CD).  MD: USC, 2009.

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