Where are the papers?
Current Print Issues:
Olin Library subscribes to a number of print newspapers (Asian newspapers are in Kroch Library). Some current print issues of newspapers are available in paper until superseded by microfilm. The current issues are available in Room B12, Olin Library. Older print issues are also currently shelved in B12 Olin Library. Examples of U.S. newspapers available in print (most are available on microfilm or online after about 3 months):
- Albany Times-Union
- Buffalo News
- Ithaca Journal
- Ithaca Times
- New York Times
- Texas Observer
- USA Today
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
Current Online Issues:
Library Press Display, aka PressDisplay.com, contains full-color online versions of newspapers from over 50 countries for the last 90 days, including today's paper. For other databases with today's news, see A Guide to News Research: Recent News for a linked list.
Back Issues on the Web:
Archives of newspaper articles are available through many of the news databases the Library subscribes to. See News Collections Online: News Databases for a linked list.
You can also find major newspapers and online news services by using ABYZ NewsLinks which gathers links to news sources worldwide. Look for a search box or an archives link on these pages to find articles in back issues. Some sites do not have archives. Length of time archived also varies widely.
Back Issues on Microfilm:
The back issues of many newspapers are available on physical reels of microfilm (The New York Times is Film 288, for example). As a result of the renovation project on the B (Lower) Level of Olin Library, all the newspaper microfilm has moved to the Library Annex. Search the Cornell Library Catalog by journal title for the exact holdings for newspaper microfilm collections. For example see this catalog record for our New York Times microfilm holdings. You can request delivery of microfilm reels to any library unit using the Library Annex Request Form. Cornellians may also request scans of newspaper articles on microfilm. Go to https://cornell.hosts.atlas-sys.com/nonetid/home.html. Sign in and click on the New Requests menu at the top of the resulting web page.
If you don't find what you want, ask for help from the Olin Library reference staff.