What Is This?
The news database and aggregator entries in this guide bring together searching and access to multiple news sources. In most cases, the databases provide immediate access to the full text of the news sources. In some cases, they collect and link to or index the full-text sources maintained by others--individual newspapers, news publishers, and news sources, including television and radio. A few sources (e.g., CRL, ICON) point to extensive microfilm holdings.
Each entry contains the following information: database title linked to database; whether the library has a subscription which includes one-time purchases (available to Cornell users only); and a brief description including the time period covered, the format of the content, and languages (no language entry = English language only).
Links to News Databases
- ABYZ News LinksOpen access.
A collection of links to news sites worldwide. Coverage and format: Mainly current issues; some searchable archives; see individual sources. Includes some streaming video and audio; television, radio, and online news sources. Many languages. - Accessible ArchivesSubscription.
Coverage and format: 18th and 19th centuries. Includes African-American Newspapers (11 titles), Civil War Newspapers (3 titles), the Women's Suffrage Collection (8 parts), and Ben Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette (1728-1800). Plain text. - Access Newspaper Archive [former title] [now NewspaperArchive]Subscription restarted, August 23, 2021.
Wilmington, DE: NewspaperArchive.com, Heritage Archives. Subscription.
Includes some small-town U.S. newspapers not available elsewhere. Coverage varies by title. - Access World News(called America's Newspapers before 2005). Subscription.
Coverage and format: Current, from roughly the mid-1980s on (start dates vary widely). Over 7,000 newspapers, online news sites, and newswires, including some web-only titles. Also video from local television news programs. Coverage about half North American sources, half international sources. Includes some small-town U.S. newspapers. Plain text and video. about 100 titles available as color PDFs. Mainly in English.
African American Newspapers, see the America's Historical Newspapers entry below.
- Alt-Press WatchProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage mainly mid-1990s to date; a few titles to 1970s. Plain text with some PDFs. - Alternative Press Index Archive [1969-1990]Baltimore: Alternative Press Center. Subscription.
Coverage and Format: 1969-1990. API and APIA can be searched together in the EBSCO interface. - AltPressIndex [aka Alternative Press Index, 1991- ]Baltimore: Alternative Press Center. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1991 to date. API and APIA can be searched together in the EBSCO interface. - America's Historical NewspapersReadex/NewsBank. Purchased backfiles.
Includes Early American Newspapers, Series 1, 2, 3 and 6 (1690-1922); African American Newspapers, Series 1 (1827-1998) and 2 (1835-1956); Caribbean Newspapers (1718-1876); and Hispanic American Newspapers (1808-1980). Plain text and some images. - AP Images CollectionEBSCO. Subscription.
Coverage for images, 1915 to date. Images and graphics; some full text and streaming audio. - AsianWeek ArchiveDigitized searchable archive of this Asian-American newspaper published in San Francisco from 1979 through 2009. "The Voice of Asian America."
- Austrian Newspapers Online: ANNOWien: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Open access.
Coverage and format: Mainly 19th century; some more recent--see title list for complete coverage. Over 200 newspapers. PDFs. In German. - Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa HistóricaVirtual Library of the Historical Press. Open access.
Coverage varies by title: 1777 through the 20th century. PDFs. almost 2,000 historical newspapers developed by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. In Spanish. Search interface in English and several Spanish dialects. List of digitized serials. - C19: The Nineteenth Century IndexOne section of this ProQuest aggregator is Newspapers, including online access to the Cumulative Index to Niles' Register 1811–1849 and Stead's Index to Periodical Literature ["each annual volume (of Stead's) covering the previous year and emphasizing news and current affairs."]
- Center for Research Libraries CatalogYou can limit by Newspapers. More information about CRL's newspaper holdings. See also entries for ICON: International Coalition on Newspapers and World Newspaper Archive, below.
- China Core Newspaper DatabaseCCND. Beijing: Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 2000 to date. CAJ viewer download or PDFs that require Abode Font Pack download. In Chinese.
See also Kroch Library Asia Collection Databases page; filter by Subject: Newspapers and Periodicals. - Chinese Newspapers Collection [ProQuest Historical Newspapers].ProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1832-1953. PDFs. English only. - Chronicling America: Historic American NewspapersOpen access.
A major searchable database of over twelve million digitized newspaper pages from 2,300+ newspapers. Created by the NEH, Library of Congress, the National Digital Newspaper Project, and their partners in 32 states and DC.
Coverage and format: 1770-1963. PDFs. Site also has a searchable bibliography of US newspapers published between 1690 and the present.
Includes some small-town U.S. newspapers. Ten languages represented: primarily English, but also Spanish, German, French, and Italian.
Early American Newspapers, see the America's Historical Newspapers entry, above.
- Eastview Universal DatabasesEast View Publications. Subscription.
Includes Current Digest of the Chinese Press, Current Digest of the Russian Press [was Current Digest of the (Post-) Soviet Press] (1949 to date, English translations), Russian Central Newspapers in Russian and English including, but not limited to Izvestiia Digital Archive (1917-2010), Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009), Literaturnaia Gazeta Digital Archive (1929-2011), and Presna Libre Digital Archive (1951 to previous year) [Guatamala], and more. Complete title list on Eastview database home page. - The Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2020 [see notes for coverage and limitations]The Economist Historical Archive is a digitized, full-color version of the paper magazine through 2020 (note: for 2004-2020 Gale digitized the UK edition of The Economist).
ProQuest provides current online access to the digitized weekly print version of The Economist (see https://www.proquest.com/publication/41716/). Access to color PDFs for articles in The Economist begins in January 2018 in ProQuest; earlier coverage is incomplete.
Note: Neither of these databases has digitized the web version of The Economist. Searchable access to web-only articles is only available by using the search box on the web version's home page. Content unique to the web version is not available elsewhere. - Eight CenturiesParatext. Subscription.
Searchable news indexing (only) in this database:
Burlington Free Press, 1848-1870
Chronicling America (Library of Congress)--direct link in the entry for this database in the entry above
Granite Monthly, 1877-1930
New York Daily Tribune, 1875-1906
New York Times Index, 1863-1905--longer and fuller coverage in the ProQuest Historical Newspapers entry below
Niles' Register, 1811-1849
Oregon Spectator, 1846-1854
Palmer's Index to the The Times (London), 1880-1890--longer and fuller coverage in the Times [of London] entry below - Eighteenth Century Journals: A Portal to Newspapers and Periodicals, c1685-1835Adam Matthew. Purchased backfile.
Coverage and format: circa 1685-1835. High-quality PDFs. Includes journalism (news, magazines) of all kinds from Britain, Ireland, and some of the British colonies of the era (India, the Caribbean, Canada, etc.). - Ethnic NewsWatchProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1959 to date in two files. In English and Spanish. Plain text with some PDFs. Publications by and for ethnic and minority groups. - euro|topicsA European press review with English, German, and French summaries for 28 European countries. Text is the translated lead paragraph of the article. Some entries link to the full text online in original language and some only to the source news site. The euro|topics Media page links to country-by-country and title-by-title reviews of the European press.
- FactivaDow Jones. Subscription.
Coverage and format: Current. Back to 1980s for some titles. Primarily business news. Plain text. English. The Newsstand section shows articles from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal (U.S. edition), and Washington Post for the last two weeks. NOTE: Five major U.S. daily newspapers (Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post and their web versions) can be searched in U.S Major Dailies database.
Use Search/Search Builder in Factiva to query the database content.
Factiva is limited to 10 simultaneous users. Some content not available in this academic version of the database. - Financial Times/FT.com:Financial Times Ltd. Subscription.
Coverage and format: Covers both FT.com and the Financial Times newspaper, January 2006 to date. Web pages for FT.com. Full page, full color PDFs for the newspaper. Available in two editions: International (the default) or UK. Cornell students, staff and faculty will need to set up an account using their @cornell.edu email address when using this resource for the first time. - The Financial Times Historical ArchiveGale Cengage Learning (EMEA). Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1888 to 2021. For newer issues see the previous entry, above. See also Gale NewsVault, below, for cross-searching Gale newspaper archives. - Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily ReportsPurchased backfile.
Coverage and format: 1974-1996. Includes television and radio. English translations of content from news sources worldwide. Plain text. Continued by World News Connection. Original content in many languages. - Gale OneFile: News
Through the NOVELny program. Funded through June 30, 2025, by New York State. [Was Infotrac Newsstand; was Custom Newspapers]. Subscription.
Coverage and format: around 1980 to date. Plain text. Publications list. - Gale Primary Sources[was Artemis: Primary Sources]. Gale Cengage. Subscription.
Cross-searches eighteen of Gale's online digital history resources. Click on "See What's Inside: Learn More" to see the complete list of archives and the date coverage for each archive. All of the news titles in Gale NewsVault are included plus additional collections with partial newspaper content. - Gale Primary Sources: Newspapers/Periodicals [was NewsVault]Gale Cengage. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1604 to 2020. Cross search or individually search the following Gale news archives:
- 17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers,
- The Economist Historical Archive (1843-2020),
- Financial Times Historical Archive (1888-2021),
- The Illustrated London News Historical Archive (1842-2003),
- Nineteenth-Century U.S. Newspapers,
- The Times [of London] Digital Archive,
- The Sunday Times [of London] Digital Archive,
- Times Literary Supplement (TLS) Historical Archive.
- Gallica: Bibliothèque NumériqueBibliothèque nationale de France. Subscription.
Over 50 French and Algerian daily newspapers (titres de presse quotidienne publiés).
Coverage and format: Nineteenth century to about WWII. To search or browse daily newspapers, click on Les principaux quotidiens. Searchable PDFs. In French. - GenderWatchProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage and format: 1970s to date. PDFs and HTML. Includes newspapers and newsletters, but also scholarly journals; magazines; regional publications; books; and NGO, government, and special reports. - Global NewsstreamAggregates all the ProQuest Newsstream databases in one searchable interface, including U.S. Newsstream with all regional Newsstreams, Canadian Newsstream, and International Newsstream (Asian, Australian & New Zealand, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern & African).
Current, searchable full-text access to five major U.S. daily newspapers (Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post) is now available in the U.S. Major Dailies database, a subset of Global Newsstream. See more details in the U.S. Major Dailies entry below.
Coverage and format: 1980s to date. Plain text. - Global Press ArchiveEast View Information Services. Part subscription, part open access.
International collection of digitized newspapers. - Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980Readex. Purchased backfile.
"the single largest compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries."--from the Summary in the catalog record.
Cross-searchable with other Readex historical newspapers databases in America's Historical Newspapers. - ICON: International Coalition on NewspapersOpen access.
Bibliographic information only. List of international newspapers preserved on microfilm. The Center for Research Libraries catalog includes specific holdings. Titles available from CRL via ILL. ICON's searchable union list of international newspapers; good historical data with preservation status and holdings information. Many languages. - Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003Gale Cengage. Purchased backfile.
Coverage and format: 1842-2003. Full-color scanned images. Fully searchable. - ithaca JournalSubscription.
Searchable full text, 08/09/1999 to present. Plain text. See also ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Collection (below) that covers the Ithaca Journal,1914-2013. PDFs. And the NYS Historic Newspapers database that covers pre-1914 Ithaca newspaper titles, including earlier versions of the Ithaca Journal. - Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS)Covers 1957 to 1995.
"This unique collection features English translations of foreign-language monographs, reports, serials, journal and newspaper articles, and radio and television broadcasts from regions throughout the world. With an emphasis on communist and developing countries...." -- from the Summary in the catalog record - Keesing's World News ArchiveSubscription cancelled 05/2024.
News digest service. Coverage and format: 01/05/1931 to 04/2016. Plain text. - L'Archivio Storico La StampaSingle-title database.
A full-text, searchable digital archive of one of Italy's major newspapers (based in Turin) covering February 1867 through December 2005. PDF page views. In Italian. - Latin American NewsstreamProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage and format: Mostly mid 2000s to date, some from the late 1990s. Plain text. In English, French, Guarani, Portuguese, and Spanish.
92 titles from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. Includes downloadable title list. - Le Temps: Archives historiquesOpen access.
The Journal de Genève, Gazette de Lausanne and the Nouveau Quotidien, forerunners of Le Temps. Coverage and format: 1798 to 1998. PDFs. In French. Search interface in French, German, English, Italian. - Library PressDisplayPress Reader/ProQuest. Subscription.
Full-color PDFs. Coverage and format: mainly latest 90 days; some newspaper titles (Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, and Globe & Mail, for example) have shorter backfiles. A few newspaper titles have multi-year backfiles. Many languages. - Meet the PressAlexander Street. Purchased backfile.
Coverage and format: 1947 to 12/29/2013. More than 1,500 hours of streaming video (early years, audio only) of this weekly news interview and debate program. Coverage during the early years is incomplete.
See also the entry for Television News Archive further down in this list. - MideastWire.comSubscription.
Coverage and format: Current. September 2005 to date. Selected articles from news sources and newsletters. English translations from Arabic and Farsi. Plain text. Added links to current source home page when available. - NewspaperArchiveWas Access Newspaper Archive.
Wilmington, DE: NewspaperArchive.com, Heritage Archives. Subscription.
Covers numerous small-town U.S. newspapers unavailable elsewhere. Mainly 19th- and early 20th-century content. - Newspapers.comAvailable to residents of New York State from the New York Public Library. Free sign up required.
- Nexis UniSuccessor to LexisNexis Academic. Subscription.
Coverage and format: roughly 1980 to date. Includes television and radio transcripts. Plain text. Mainly English and Western European languages. Click News in the What are you interested in? box on the home page and search. - Nineteenth Century U.S. NewspapersGale. Purchased backfile.
In English.
"over 400 newspaper titles sourced from 18 U.S libraries and archives" -- Publisher's note. - NYS Historic NewspapersOpen access.
Coverage and format: 1803 to date. Over 200 newspapers published in New York. Date coverage varies widely by title. A few titles are current. Includes some small-town New York newspapers.
Scanned page images; full-text searchable (but beware of the low quality of search results; some of the text that is used for searching is of poor quality). Browse the title list for precursors of today's Ithaca Journal, including the Ithaca Journal & General Advertiser (8/8/1827 to 1847), the Ithaca Journal Advertiser (1847 to 1866) and the parallel title, the Ithaca Daily Journal (7/3/1872 to 12/31/1913). - Pan-Arab News IndexSubscription.
See access instructions in the catalog record. - Paper of RecordPartially absorbed by Google News Archive. Paper of Record consisted of the page PDFs of an oddball selection of newspaper titles mainly from Mexico, the U.S. and Canada in English and Spanish. Paper of Record has resurfaced as a subscription database. We do not subscribe.
- Press & Sun Bulletin (Binghamton)ProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage and format: Press & Sun Bulletin: 1/1/1999 to present. Plain text. See also ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Collection (below) that covers 1904-2012. PDFs. - ProQuest Digitized Newspapers [PQDN] / ProQuest Recent Newspapers [PQRNP]ProQuest. Subscription.
Thirty-one U.S. and Canadian newspaper titles and five regional newspaper collections are linked from the ProQuest Digitized Newspapers home page including the major U.S. newspapers in PQHN (see titles below). Using the Change databases link will list all the available individual titles plus the Regional Collections. The five multi-title Regional Collections covering 41 newspaper titles are also cataloged as ProQuest Recent Newspapers: Regional Collections.
Coverage for all titles starts from either 1/1/2008, 1/1/2009, 1/1/2010, 1/1/2011, or 1/1/2012 with a [one-week to three-month] embargo on full text, depending on the title. Full text is primarily publisher PDFs with searching of the full text.
Additional years of plain-text coverage for some titles in the ProQuest Recent Newspapers Northeast Regional Collection are available in US Northeast Newsstream. Click the Publications link at the top of the home page to browse the titles and see the years of coverage for each one.
Additional plain-text news coverage is also available in PQ's Global Newsstream database. A subset of Global Newsstream, U.S Major Dailies database covers five major U.S. newspapers. - ProQuest Historical NewspapersProQuest. Subscription plus purchased backfiles.
Coverage dates accurate as of last update to this page.
Search a single newspaper or cross-search any combination of newspapers in this collection.
U.S. newspapers:
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (1868-1984)
Baltimore Sun (1837-1998)
Boston Globe (1872-2007)
Chicago Tribune (1849-2014)
Hartford Courant (1764-1998)
Los Angeles Times (1881-2015)
New Jersey Collection (coverage varies by title)
New York Collection (coverage varies by title)
New York Times (1851-2020)
New York Tribune / Herald Tribune (1841-1962)
Vermont Collection (coverage varies by title)
Wall Street Journal (1889-2012)
Washington Post (1877-2008)
African-American newspapers:
Chicago Defender (1910-2010)
New York Amsterdam News (1922-2010)
Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2010)
International newspapers:
ABC [Madrid] (1903-2010)
Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953)
Globe and Mail [Toronto] (1844-2020)
Hindustan Times (1924-2000)
Irish Times / Weekly Irish Times [Dublin] (1859-2021)
Le Monde (1944-2000) (French language)
Montreal Gazette (1785-2010)
The Times of India (1838-2011).
PDFs scanned from microfilm. English. Advertising content is searchable.
For Russian Central Newspapers, see EastView Universal Database. - ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York CollectionProQuest. Purchased backfiles.
Covers the Ithaca Journal,1914-2013. Extensive coverage of the Binghamton (1904-2012), Elmira (1891-2011), and Rochester (1884-2011) newspapers. - Service Newspapers of World War TwoPurchased backfiles: Modules I and II.
"Collection of newspapers produced by and/or for service members during and immediately after World War II (1939-1948), featuring titles from the major theatres, for both Allied and Axis forces."--AM collection home page - Television News Archive, Vanderbilt UniversitySubscription.
Coverage and format: 1968 to date. More than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline (since 1989). Includes commercials, searchable by brand name. Abstracts of all broadcasts. Online streaming video available for some broadcasts; remainder available on interlibrary loan.
See also the Meet the Press entry located previously in this list. - Timarit.isOpen access.
Some titles embargo the most recent 2 to 4 years.
Coverage and format: 1,886 Icelandic newspaper titles published in Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands, including Morgunbaðið (1913 to 12/13/2021) [4-year embargo] and DV: Dablaðið Vísir (1981- ). PDFs. Cross-searchable. Partial coverage of other titles. In Icelandic. - Times [of London]Gale NewsVault. Purchased archive.
Full coverage spread over three different databases:
Times [of London] Digital Archive (Monday - Saturday).
The Sunday Times Digital Archive, 1822 - 2021.
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive [catalog title: TLS historical archive].
Coverage and format: Times, 1785 - 2019; The Sunday Times, 1822 - 2021; Times Literary Supplement, 1902 - 2014, but see * Note below. Original PDFs and PDFs from scanned microfilm. All three titles are cross-searchable (along with other Gale news titles) in Gale NewsVault, and in Gale: Primary Sources, both described previously in this list.
* Note: Full-color PDFs of TLS. The Times Literary Supplement (01/01/2010 to date) are available from Exact Editions. - TV News ArchivePart of Internet Archive. Open access.
Coverage and format: 2009 to yesterday. Streaming video. US TV news shows searchable using the close-captioned text. - U.S. Major DailiesA subset of ProQuest's Global Newsstream database. Current, plain-text access back to 1980 for The New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune. Replaces Factiva as the go-to database for access to current and recent articles in these titles.
- U.S. Northeast NewsstreamProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage varies by title: 1980s to date. Plain text.
About 100 current newspaper titles from Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont plus additional non-newspaper titles. - U.S. Hispanic NewsstreamProQuest. Subscription.
Coverage varies by title: about 2004 to date. Plain text. In Spanish and English.
More than 50 Hispanic newspapers, newswires, websites, and blogs from U.S. publishers in both Spanish and English. - Weimar Studies Network: ResourcesOpen access.
Coverage varies by title: 1784-1945. PDFs. Links to a large number of digitized runs of German newspapers; magazines; and literary, art, and religion journals. In German. - World News ConnectionEastview. Purchased backfile.
English translations of content from news sources worldwide. Coverage and format: 1995-2013. (Coverage ended 12/31/2013). Includes television and radio. Plain text. Continues Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Original content in many languages. - World Newspaper ArchiveNewsBank. Available to Center for Research Libraries member institutions (Cornell is a member).
Coverage and format: around 1800 to 1922. Three geographical modules: Africa, Latin America, and South Asia. Full text searchable PDFs. An important new source of primary news sources from these areas. In the languages of the original publications.
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