Information Sources -- Print Books
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature by Articles on 272 writers and topics important in Asian-American literature 1890's-2007, arranged in A-Z format. Entries include cross-references to other articles and list of further readings. Comprehensive table of contents in vol.1 is also organized by subjects. Bibliography of print & electronic resources.
Call Number: PS153.A84 G72 2009 (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2008 ( Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)Asian American Literature by "The main body of this study is organized non-chronologically into eight chapters, with each designed to reflect how the field has been energized by its demographic transformation, its growing intellectual heterogeneity, its defining moments, and its cross-cutting relationship with the trends in other disciplines"
Call Number: PS153.A84 L55 2023Publication Date: 2023 (London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic)Asian American Short Story Writers: An A-Z Guide by Essays on 49 short fiction writers [some also listed in Asian American Novelits], with biography, major works and themes, critical reception, and bibliography of works by and about the writer.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A828 2003 + (REF; inn Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2003 ( Westport, CT : Greenwood Press)Asian American Poets: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by Essays on 48 poets including biography, major works and themes, critical reception, and bibliography of works by and about the poet.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A826 2002 (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2002 ( Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)Asian American Literature: Reviews and Criticism of Works by American Writers of Asian Descent by Provides biographical info and substantive excerpts from literary criticism on Asian American writers, mostly contemporary [as of 1999] but some of historical importance. Introductory essays on developments and trends; photographs; title, author, genre and nationality indexes.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A82x 1999 + (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 1998 ( Detroit : Gale)Asian American Autobiographers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by Included are alphabetically arranged entries on 60 major autobiographers of Asian descent. Some of these, such as Meena Alexander and Maxine Hong Kingston, are known primarily for their writings; others, such as Daniel K. Inouye, are known largely for other achievements, which they have chronicled in their autobiographies. Each entry is written by an expert contributor and provides a reliable account of the autobiographer's life; reviews major autobiographical works and themes, including fictionalized autobiographies and autobiographical novels; presents a meticulously researched account of the critical reception of these works; and closes with a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. An introductory essay considers the history and development of autobiography in American literature and culture and discusses issues and themes vital to Asian American autobiographies.
Call Number: PS366.A74 A85x 2001 (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2001 ( Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)Asian American Writers by
Call Number: PS129 .D55 v.312 + (Uris Library Reference)Publication Date: 2005 ( Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale)Part of the Dictionary of Literary Biography series of books.Resource Guide to Asian American Literature by Twenty-five background essays focusing on fifteen novels and book-length prose narratives (among them Meena Alexander's Nampally Road, Louis Chu's Eat a Bowl of Tea, Monica Sone's Nisei Daughter, Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club) and six works of drama (including David Henry Hwang's M. Butterfly). Each essay contains information about the work, its popular and critical reception, a biographical sketch of the author, the historical context, major themes, critical issues, pedagogical topics, a list of comparative works, an assessment of resources, and a bibliography.
Call Number: PS153.A84 R47x 2001Publication Date: 2001 (New York : Modern Language Association of America)The Asian Pacific American Heritage: A Companion to Literature and Arts by "Fundamentals" section includes issues in reading Asian characters; Asian naming systems, "model minority" discourse. Book contains c.55 non-fiction entries by many writers on topics of The Family and the Self; Roots, Traditions, and Asian Pacific Life: the Old Country and its Cultural Legacy; Asian Pacific Culture: Diaspora; Literature; The Arts. Appendices for Chronology & Statistics; Cultural Lexicon.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A87x 1999Publication Date: 1999 ( New York : Garland Pub)Our Voices, Our Histories: Asian American and Pacific Islander Women by
Call Number: E184.A75 H895 2020 +Publication Date: 2020 ( New York : New York University Press)Writers of the Indian Diaspora: a Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by The fifty-eight writers included in this book book have roots in India--or in Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka--but represent diverse geographical areas of the Indian Diaspora. Each entry contains biographical information,an interpretive summary of the major works, provides an overview of the critical reception, and detailed primary and secondary bibliographies. Includes for example Anita Desai, Amitav Ghosh, Bharati Mukherjee, Santha Rama Rau, Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, V.S. Naipul,
Call Number: PR9485.45.N42 W92 1993 (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 1993 (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)
Information Sources -- E-Books
Oxford encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture by This project offers the largest and most comprehensive collection of scholarship on Asian American literature and culture to date. More than one hundred original and in-depth articles survey the historical foundations of this field; covers a wide-ranging selection of Asian American theatre, dance, music, visual arts, film, television, and media.
Publication Date: 2020 (New York : Oxford University Press,)Asian American Novelists:A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by (print & online).Alphabetically arranged entries for 70 Asian American novelists. Each entry provides a short biography, a discussion of major works and themes, a summary of the novelist's critical reception, and separate bibliographies of primary and secondary sources.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A825x 2000 (REF; in Asia reading room. Also online: click on title)Publication Date: 2000 (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press)- Cambridge Companion to Asian American Literature by this Companion works from the assumption that Asian American literature’s formal and generic complexities can best be understood as a refraction of the historical currents that have shaped the Asian presence in America and the American presence in Asia. We identify several historical thematics – including immigration, empire, war, globalization, and law. Discusses traditional genres as well as, for example, immigrant narratives, internment memoirs ,or diasporic narratives of return,. Also deals with concepts and changes in the development of identity.Publication Date: 2015 ( New York, NY : Cambridge University Press)
The Cambridge History of Asian American Literature by [This book] presents a comprehensive history of the field, from its origins in the nineteenth century to the present day. It offers an examination of all facets of Asian American writing: subjects from autobiography and Japanese American internment literature to contemporary drama and social protest performance,. This History traces the development of a literary tradition (while) presenting new critical approaches to Asian American literature.
Publication Date: 2016 ( New York, NY : Cambridge University Press)Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature by More than 200 authors are included in the 337 entries in this book. Two major developments in the field— the blurring of boundaries between Asia and Asian America and the increasing participation of Southeast and South Asian immigrants— resulted in cross-pollination between the fields of Asian-American studies and postcolonial studies. Canonical authors and their major works are treated at length; new authors and minor works are introduced briefly.
Publication Date: 2007 ( New York : Facts On File)Historical Dictionary of Asian American Literature and Theater by 2nd edition. This book contains a chronology, from 1887 to the present, an overview introduction, including sections on East Asian-, Southeast-Asian- and South Asian-Americans; and over 700 cross-referenced entries on authors, books, terms and genres as well as more general ones describing the historical background, cultural features, techniques, and major theatres and clubs. Extensive bibliography with general works and on specific authors.
Publication Date: 2022 (Lanham : Scarecrow Press, Inc) (also in print in Asia Reference, PS153 A84 X814 2022The Routledge Companion to Asian American and Pacific Islander Literature by (print & online) ..Offers an introduction as well as a range of critical approaches to this field. Divided into three sections, the volume discusses themes and methodologies distinctive to Asian American Literature. Addresses historical periods, geographies, literary identities; genres and forms.
Call Number: PS153.A84 R68 2014 + (in Olin Library)Publication Date: 2014 ( London ; New York : Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group)The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature Since 1945 by (print & online) Guiyou Huang traces the history of Asian American literature from the end of World War II to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Huang covers six genres: anthology, autobiography/memoir, drama, fiction, poetry, and short fiction; reviews major historical developments and social movements; explains key literary terms; and offers a narrative, A-to-Z guide of major Asian American writers and their works, plus their critical reception.
Call Number: PS153.A84 H8 2006 (in Olin Ref)Publication Date: 2006 ( New York : Columbia University Press)Eating Identities: Reading Food in Asian American Literature by Food...distinguishes us from others, who practice different foodways. Xu reveals how cooking, eating, and food fashion Asian American identities in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, class, diaspora, and sexuality. She provides lucid and informed interpretations of seven Asian American writers (John Okada, Joy Kogawa, Frank Chin, Li-Young Lee, David Wong Louie, Mei Ng, and Monique Truong) and places these identity issues in the fascinating spaces of food, hunger, consumption, appetite, desire, and orality. Asian American literature abounds in culinary metaphors and references....
Call Number: PS153.A84 X8 2008Publication Date: 2008 (Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press)Drawing New Color Lines: Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives by [This book] examines how Japanese manga and Asian popular culture have influenced Asian American comics; how these comics and Asian American graphic narratives depict the "look" of race; and how these various representations are interpreted in nations not of their production. Three sections covering Comics, Caricatures, and Race in North America; North American Representations of Race across the Pacific; Manga Goes West and Returns. Each chapter in the sections has an extensive bibliography.
Publication Date: 2014 (Hong Kong University Press)
(Print books, cont.)
The Asian American Avant-Garde: Universalist Aspirations in Modernist Literature and Art by Audrey Wu Clark traces a genealogy of counter-universalism in short fiction, poetry, novels, and art produced by writers and artists of Asian descent who were responding to their contemporary period of Asian exclusion in the United States, between the years 1882 and 1945.Believing in the promise of an inclusive America, these avant-gardists critiqued racism as well as institutionalized art. [The book] explores the ways in which these artists and writers responded to their racialization and the Orientalism that took place in modernist writing.
Call Number: PS153.A84 C56 2015 (in Olin Library)Publication Date: 2015 (Philadelphia : Temple University Press)The State of Race: Asian/American Fiction after World War II by In The State of Race, Sze Wei Ang argues that globalization has led to new ways of using racial stereotypes as shorthand for complex social relations in disparate national contexts. .... Focusing on a series of Asian American and Malaysian texts, Ang tracks the significance of two figures in particular--the model minority and the communist spy. Appearing in novels, politics, and popular culture, these tropes anchor powerful narratives about race, global capital, and state sovereignty
Call Number: PN56.R16 A54 2019Publication Date: 2019 (Albany : State University of New York Press)Transnationalism and the Asian American Heroine: Essays on Literature, Film, Myth, and Media by This collection examines transnational Asian American women characters in various fictional narratives. It analyzes how certain heroines who are culturally rooted in Asian regions have been transformed and re-imagined in America, playing significant roles in Asian American literary studies as well as community life. The interdisciplinary essays display refreshing perspectives in Asian American literary studies and transnational feminism from four continents.
Call Number: PS153.A84 T75 2010Publication Date: 2010 (Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co)Asian American Literature and the Environment by This book is a study of representations of the environment in Asian American literature. Authors included are Amy Tan, Maxine Hong Kingston, Ruth Ozeki, Ha Jin, Fae Myenne Ng, Le Ly Hayslip, Lan Cao, Mitsuye Yamada, Lawson Fusao Inada, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Milton Murayama, Don Lee, and Hisaye Yamamoto.
Call Number: PS153.A84 A74 2014 (in Olin Library)Publication Date: 2014 (New York : Routledge)Asian American Literature by The collection will enable users to make sense of the rapidly growing, and ever more complex, corpus of scholarly literature which explores questions about racial diversity and identity, cultural history, and literary value. Vol.1 ('Literary History: Criticism and Theory') brings together the best work to define the parameters of Asian-American literature. It addresses its political and aesthetic significance and major issues of contention. Vol.II ('Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction') brings together the best interpretive work and practical criticism on key works of Asian-American literature, both fictive and factual. Vol.III ('Poetry') assembles the essential scholarship on Asian-American poetry, Vol.IV ('Drama and Performance') collects the vital research on theatrical texts and performance pieces. [The set] is fully indexed....
Call Number: PS508.A8 A74 2012Publication Date: 2012 ( London ; New York : Routledge)Asian-American Writers by
Call Number: PS153 A84 A84 2009Publication Date: 2009 (New York : Chelsea House)