South Asian Diaspora in North America: an Annotated Bbibliography by
Call Number: E184.S69 M57x 2002Publication Date: 2002 ( Delhi : Kalinga Publications)Part 1 contains essays (with extensive references) covering various topics regarding South Asians' social, economic, cultural and family issues. Part 2 is the annotated bibliography of books, chapters in books, and articles organized by topic.A History Reclaimed: an Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the Chinese of America by
Call Number: Z1361.C5 L18 +Publication Date: 1986 ( Los Angeles : Resource Development and Publications, Asian American Studies Center, University of California,)Asian Americans: Social, Economic, and Political Aspects, a Bibliography by
Call Number: A.D. White Z1361.O7 N67x 1996 (in Uris Library)Publication Date: 1996 (Santa Cruz, CA : Reference and Research Services,)Asian American Studies: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide by
Call Number: Z 1361 O7 K49 (in Asia Reference)ISBN: 0313260265Publication Date: 1989Older but exhaustive annotated bibliography, containing some 3,396 entries in social sciences and humanities. arranged in chapters. Divided into two sections: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Perspectives. Entries there are organized by topic rather than by ethnic group. Each chapter has been subdivided into sections for Books and Monographs, Periodicals, and Theses and Dissertations. The chapters cover many diverse topics including Asian American Women's Studies.
Asia Collections Staff
Greg Green, Curator, Echols Collections Kroch 179 Laotian, Thai language; some Khmer; mainland SEA (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam). Jeff Petersen, Southeast Asia Librarian Kroch 178 Tagalog language; insular SEA (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia). Anthropology specialist Liren Zheng, Curator, Wason Collection (East Asia) Kroch 172 Chinese language; Overseas Chinese specialty Dan McKee, Japan collection librarian Kroch 173 Japanese language You Lee Chun, Korea specialist Kroch 175 Korean language Lisa LeFever, South Asia Collections assistant 180 Kroch Library. (at this time there is no South Asia collections curator.) Bengali language.
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