Sources for Videos
The "Databases" tab on the library catalog home page has a link to Streaming Video sources. Included are Ethnographic Video Online, Kanopy, National Film Board of Canada and others. (The library ceased purchasing titles from Kanopy, but still has full access to the titles already purchased.]
Docuseek2 Complete Collection is available through a library catalog search. It "provides exclusive educational streaming access to important films from renowned leaders in documentary distribution, including Bullfrog Films, Collective Eye Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), Kartemquin Films, KimStim, the National Film Board of Canada, and Terra Nova Films. "
For videos in our collection, one way to find them is to do a search for "Asian-Americans," using the subject field, then limit the results to 'video" under the Format option on the left. Generally, DVD's are shelved in Uris Library, Dean Room (main floor); older videocassettes (VHS) are in the Library Annex.
- A Creative's Guide to Asian American Media StudiesCovers actors & actresses, music, historical events, film & tv, and "Misc" (including Olympians, for example, Chloe Kim, Nathan Chen)
Streaming Video
- CAAM (Center for Asian American Media)Scroll down to Events & Programs and click on the "Streaming" entry. Several films are offered every month to watch online. Short videos & documentaries, feature-length films.
Print and e-books
Making Asian American Film and Video: Histories, Institutions, Movements by In her groundbreaking study of the past fifty years of Asian American film and video, Jun Okada demonstrates that ... a remarkably diverse range of Asian American filmmaking has emerged. [The book] explores how the genre has served as a flashpoint for debates about what constitutes Asian American identity. Tracing a history of how Asian American film was initially conceived as a form of public-interest media, part of a broader effort to give voice to underrepresented American minorities, Okada shows why this seemingly well-intentioned project inspired deeply ambivalent responses.
Call Number: PN1995.9.A77 O53 2015 (Online also; click on title)Publication Date: 2015 (New Brunswick, New Jersey ; London : Rutgers University Press,)Undercover Asian: Multiracial Asian Americans in Visual Culture by In this first book-length study of media images of multiracial Asian Americans, Leilani Nishime traces the codes that alternatively enable and prevent audiences from recognizing the multiracial status of Asian Americans. Nishime's perceptive readings of popular media--movies, television shows, magazine articles, and artwork--indicate how and why the viewing public often fails to identify multiracial Asian Americans. Using actor Keanu Reeves and the Matrix trilogy, golfer Tiger Woods as examples, Nishime suggests that this failure is tied to gender, sexuality, and post-racial politics.
Call Number: E184.A75 N57 2014 (Online also; click on title)Publication Date: 2014 ( Urbana, [Illinois] : University of Illinois Press)Ghostlife of Third Cinema:Asian American Film and Video by (Online also; click on title). "Asian American filmmakers and video artists have created a substantial, diverse, and challenging body of work that reimagines the cultural and political representation of Asian Americans. Yet much of this work remains unknown. [This book] examines such potent issues as diasporic identity, historical memory, and queer sexuality through sophisticated readings of a wide range of film and video projects." Filmography included.
Call Number: PN1995.9.A77 M56 2009 (in Asia stacks)Publication Date: 2009 ( Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press)Identities in Motion: Asian American Film and Video by (Also online; click on title) This book shows how Asian American filmmakers frame and are framed by history--how they define and are defined by cinematic projections of Asian American identity. Peter X Feng considers a wide range of works--from genres such as detective films to romantic comedies to ethnographic films, documentaries, avant-garde videos, newsreels, travelogues, and even home movies. [The book] the fluidity of Asian American identities, expressing the diversity and complexity of Asian Americans--including Filipinos, Indonesians, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Laotians, Indians, and Koreans--from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.
Call Number: PN1995.9.A77 F46 2002Publication Date: 2002 ( Durham [N.C.] : Duke University Press)Screening Asian Americans by A Choice "Outstanding Academic Title " Collection of 15 essays by contributors. The history of Asian Americans on movie screens, as outlined in Peter X Feng's introduction, provides a context for the individual readings that follow. Asian American cinema is charted in its diversity, ranging across activist, documentary, experimental, and fictional modes, and encompassing a wide range of ethnicities. Covered in the discussion are filmmakers and films. Asian American filmmaking is one of the fastest growing areas of independent and studio production. This volume is key to understanding the vitality of this new cinema.
Publication Date: 2002 ( Piscataway : Rutgers University Press )Out of the Shadows: Asians in American Cinema by "This book is collection of voices and views, by the known and not-so-known, that presents a cross-section of Asian Americans working in the American cinema today." Included are chapters highlighting those involved in acting, directing, costume design, action choreography and other aspects of film creation. Appendices include biographies, chronology of films, and a bibliography.
Call Number: PN1995.9.A78 G37 2001Publication Date: 2001 (Milan, Italy : Edizioni Olivares ; New York : Distributed by Asian CineVision,)