Background Sources -- Print Books
The Making of Asian America: A History by Winner of ALA Asian/Pacific American award for Literature and Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2015. New and definitive history of Asian Americans and their role in American life; how generations of Asian immigrants and their American-born descendants have transformed the U.S.
Call Number: E184.A75 L43 2015 (in Asia stacks)Publication Date: 2015 ( New York : Simon & Schuster)Atlas of Asian-American History by Featuring detailed maps and authoritative text, [this book] offers an in-depth look at the political and social history of this diverse ethnic group. Coverage includes: The Asian heritage: the diversity of Asian culture; the geography of the many national and ethnic origins, and information on events and legal acts affecting Asian Americans.
Call Number: E184.A75 A89 2002 + (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2002 (New York : Facts on File)History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots by Examines Asian migration to the United States and the resulting formation of diverse Asian American communities that include Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, South Asian, and Vietnamese and new emerging Asian American communities such as the Burmese, Bhutanese, and Tibetan American . Chronology of key dates included.
Call Number: E184.A75 L445 2015Publication Date: 2015 ( Santa Barbara, California : Greenwood, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC)Dictionary of Asian American History by This historical dictionary contains a wealth of specific information on people, places, and events in over one thousand entries, each including its own bibliography. Fourteen historical and sociological essays provide analyses of particular groups and issues and clarify the ethnohistorical concepts essential to an understanding of majority/minority relations in America. Includes an extensive bibliography and a comprehensive chronology of events.
Call Number: E184.O6 D55 (REF; in Asia reading room)Publication Date: 1986 (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press) No newer edition yet.Asian American Histories of the United States by Asian American Histories of the United States is a nearly 200-year history of Asian migration, labor, and community formation in the US. Reckoning with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the surge in anti-Asian hate and violence, award-winning historian Catherine Ceniza Choy presents an urgent social history of the fastest growing group of Americans. The book features the lived experiences and diverse voices of immigrants, refugees, US-born Asian Americans, multiracial Americans, and workers from industries spanning agriculture to healthcare.
Call Number: E184.A75 C516 2022 (in Olin Library)Publication Date: 2022 (Boston : Beacon Press)Smithsonian Asian Pacific American History, Art, and Culture in 101 Objects by A rich and compelling introduction to the history of Asian Pacific American communities as told through 101 objects, from a fortune cookie baking mold to the debut Ms. Marvel comic featuring Kamala Khan A Booklist Top 10 Reference Book of 2024 .
Call Number: E184.A75 S58 2023 + (in Olin Library)ISBN: 9781588347510Publication Date: 2023 ( Washington, DC : Smithsonian Books, in association with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center)Everything You Need to Know about Asian American History by Presented in a lively question-and-answer format, organized by ethnic group. with more than fifty pages of new material, this absorbing and accessible reference answers such questions as: Where and when did the history of Chinese America begin? What was Executive Order 9066? What is Vietnamese cooking like? Who was Dalip Singh Saund?
Call Number: E184.A75 N68 2004 (in Asia Reference) Circulating earlier edition is in Asia stacks at E184 O6 C36 1996)Publication Date: 2004 ( New York : Plume)Two Faces of Exclusion: the Untold History of Anti-Asian Racism in the United States by ... Lon Kurashige demonstrates that despite widespread racism, Asian exclusion was not the product of an ongoing national consensus; it was a subject of fierce debate. This book complicates the exclusion story by examining the organized and well-funded opposition to discrimination that involved some of the most powerful public figures in American politics, business, religion, and academia. Kurashige explains the rise and fall of exclusionist policies through an unstable and protracted political rivalry that began in the 1850s with the coming of Asian immigrants, extended to the age of exclusion from the 1880s until the 1960s, and since then has shaped the memory of past discrimination. In this first book-length analysis of both sides of the debate, Kurashige argues that exclusion-era policies were more than just enactments of racism; they were also catalysts for U.S.-Asian cooperation and the basis for the twenty-first century's tightly integrated Pacific world.
Call Number: E184.A75 K87 2016ISBN: 9781469629438Publication Date: 2016 (Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press)Asians in America: The Peoples of East, Southeast, and South Asia in American Life and Culture by 6 vols: •1. The history and immigration of Asian Americans •2. Asian American family life and community •3. Asian American women and gender •4. Adaptation, acculturation, and transnational ties among Asian Americans •5. Asian American interethnic relations and politics •6. Asian American issues relating to labor, economics, and socioeconomic status.
Call Number: E184.O6 A866 1998 (In Asia stacks)Publication Date: 1998 (New York : Garland Pub)Global Asian American Popular Cultures by [This book] highlights new approaches to modern culture, with essays that explore everything from music, film, and television to comics, fashion, food, and sports. As new digital technologies and cross-media convergence have expanded exchanges of transnational culture, Asian American popular culture is also at the crux of global and national trends in media studies, collapsing boundaries and acting as a lens to view the ebbs and flows of transnational influences on global and American cultures.
Call Number: E184.A75 G55 2016 + (in Asia stacks)Publication Date: 2016 (New York : New York University Press)Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife by More than 600 entries. Introductory essays covering disciplinary theories and methods in the study of folklore and folklife.An appendix of Asian American folktales
Call Number: GR111.A75 E63 2011 + (in Asia Reference)Publication Date: 2010 (Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO)Asian American Religious Cultures by Examines the diversity of the Asian American and Pacific Islander spiritual experience. Covers both common motifs in Asian American religious culture, such as Chinese New Year festivals and mortuary rituals, as well as many newly established faith traditions, and entries on rarely addressed topics within Asian American religion, such as Hezhen Shamanism
Call Number: BL2525 .A845 2015 + (In Asia Reference)Publication Date: 2015 ( Santa Barbara, California : ABC-CLIO)Asian Americans Information Directory 1992-93 by Out of date but useful. Covers Asian Americans as a group and 22 ethnic groups. Within each group, info is organized by topic with national and state-by-state info., including Canada. Topics include organizations; museums; federal, state and local agencies; research centers & study programs; library collections; publications, journals & magazines; newsletters & newspapers; publishers; broadcast media; videos about the ethnic group.
Call Number: REF E184.O6 A86 (Asia Reading RoomPublication Date: 1994/95 (Detroit, MI : Gale Research Inc.)
Background Sources -- E-Books
Asian Americans: an Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political History by ...Three volumes that address a broad range of topics on various Asian and Pacific Islander American groups from 1848 to the present day. Provides up-to-date information about Asian ethnic groups, historical and contemporary events, important policies, and notable individuals. Covers roles of women, distinct socioeconomic classes, Asian American political and social movements, and race relations involving Asian Americans.
Publication Date: 2013 ( New York : Grand Central Publishing)Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia by 4 volumes. Published with the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS), two volumes of the encyclopedia feature more than 300 A-Z articles examining the social, cultural, psychological, economic, and political dimensions of the Asian American experience. The next two volumes contain approximately 200 annotated primary documents, organized chronologically.
Call Number: (Also in print, E184.A75 A84167 2014 +, in Reference, Asia reading room)Publication Date: 2014 ( Los Angeles : SAGE Publications)Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia by Two volumes covering covering the arts, culture, community, education, family, gender, marriage, occupation, and work of more than twenty national-origin groups, both historically and in contemporary American society; organized by ethnic group.
Publication Date: 2010 (Armonk, N.Y. : Sharpe//Online Reference)The Oxford Handbook of Asian American History by [This book] offers the first comprehensive commentary on the state of the field, simultaneously assessing where Asian American studies came from and what the future holds. In this volume, thirty leading scholars offer original essays on...Asian American history from the beginning of the migration flows toward the Pacific Islands and the American continent to Japanese American incarceration and Asian American participation in World War II, from the experience of exclusion, violence, and racism to the social and political activism of the late twentieth century.
Call Number: (Also in print, +E184.A75 O94 2016, in Kroch Asia stacks)Publication Date: 2016 (New York : Oxford University Press)The Columbia Guide to Asian American History by Part 1 offers a synoptic narrative history, a chronology, and a set of periodizations that reflect different ways of constructing the Asian American past. Part 2 presents lucid discussions of historical debates--such as interpreting the anti-Chinese movement of the late 1800s and the underlying causes of Japanese American internment during World War II--and such emerging themes as transnationalism and women and gender issues. Part 3 contains a historiographical essay and a wide-ranging compilation of book, film, and electronic resources for further study of core themes and groups, including Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, and others.
Call Number: (Also in print, E184.O6 C64 2001, Olin Library)Publication Date: 2001 ( New York : Columbia University Press)Asian American Chronology by Key moments in Asian American history come alive in this concise and accessible chronology. Short entries are organized chronologically by date and then alphabetically by subject heading. Includes sidebars, illustrations,photographs, and print and electronic sources., and n extensive bibliography. Contains government reports, census and immigration information, and websites specific to several Asian subgroups.
Publication Date: 2009 (Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO)Asian American History Day by Day: a Reference Guide to Events by Beginning with Jan 1, the book is organized in the form of a month-to month calendar, with each day of the month corresponding to an entry about an important event, person, or innovation that occurred on that day in different years. Entries include excerpts from primary sources, and references to books and websites that can provide more information about that event. Bibliography and detailed index included.
Publication Date: 2018 (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO)Asian American Culture: From Anime to Tiger Moms by Providing comprehensive coverage of a variety of Asian American cultural forms, including folk tradition, literature, religion, education, politics, sports, and popular culture; reveals the historical, regional, and ethnic diversity within specific traditions. Each entry provides "further readings."
Publication Date: 2016 (Santa Barbara, California : Greenwood, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC)The Routledge Handbook of Asian American Studies by Previous work in the field has focused on establishing a place for Asian Americans within American history. This volume engages more contemporary research, which draws on new archives, art, literature, film, and music, to examine how Asian Americans are redefining their national identities, and to show how race interacts with gender, sexuality, class, and the built environment, to reveal the diversity of the United States.
Publication Date: 2016 (New York, NY : Routledge)Asian American Studies Now: A Critical Reader by This comprehensive anthology, arranged in four parts, summarizes and defines the current shape of this rapidly changing field, addressing topics such as transnationalism, U.S. imperialism, multiracial identity, racism, immigration, citizenship, social justice, and pedagogy.
Call Number: E184.A75 A8419 2010 + (Online also: click on title).Publication Date: 2010 (New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press)Flashpoints for Asian American Studies by "Born out of mid-century social movements, Asian American studies is now an established field of transnational inquiry, diasporic engagement, and rights activism. investigates the multivalent ways in which the field has at times and-more provocatively, has not-responded to various contemporary crises, particularly as they are manifest in prevailing racist, sexist, homophobic, and exclusionary politics at home, ever-expanding imperial and militarized practices abroad, and neoliberal practices in higher education.
Publication Date: 2018 (New York : Fordham University Press)