South Korea (Republic of Korea)
- KOSIS--South Korea (Korean Statistical Information Service)Statistical tables for 10 topics under Major Indicators heading. The Statistical Database just below has 16 topics, each one listing extensive expandable sub-topics with stats.
- Statistics Korea (KOSTAT)Works best in Firefox. See "Subjects" box. (Note: in the list of subjects there is a hidden one for Onlne Shopping between "Migration" and "People with Foreign Background." To get the complete list of subjects, click on any of the headings.) Past months or years as well as the most current stats are included. Tables are in PDF form.
- KSDC DB(Choose English option on upper right). Database of Korean Social Science Data Center (KSDC) consists of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions (economy, education, law, society, environment, politics, labour, industry; more) and overseas institutions.
- Seoul Statisticsin Korean. Statistical data related to Seoul, including population, public transportation, education, environment and more.
- Hanʾguk tʻonggye yŏnʾgam (Korea Statistical Yearbook)Call Number: Ref + HA1856 .H23 (latest edition in Kroch Asia reading room)Publication Date: [Seoul] : Kyŏngje Kihoegwŏn,Description: In Korean and English. General statistics arranged by subject.
- Kyŏngje t'onggye yŏnbo (Economic Statistics Yearbook)Call Number: Ref HC 466 K96 (Latest edition in Kroch Asia reading room)Publication Date: [Sŏul] : Hanʾguk Ŭnhaeng Chosabu, 1960-Description: In Korean and English. Covers employment, national accounts, banking, balance of payments, price indexes and more.
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
- World Population Review: North Korea Population 2019Commercial web site with ads. Has descriptive information,,graphs, maps, cities' population counts (with interactive maps), poulation clock, table of comparative years 1950-2019, table of projections to 2095. [ CIA and U.N. sources.]
- Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific2015 edition. scroll down to page 210, DPRK. Demographics, Health, Education, Poverty & Inequalities; Air Pollution & Climate Change, Water, Energy, Biodiversity, Natural Disasters, Connectivity; Economic Growth, Employment, Fiscal Balance, Monetary Measures, International Trade International Financing.
- 2008 Census of Population of DPRK: Key FindingsUntied Nations Population Fund
- KOSIS --North Korea (Korean Statistical Information Service)This is the North Korea page of the KOSIS web site. Main web site can be viewed in English, but the North Korea page is only in Korean.
- Ministry of Unification, South KoreaData on inter-Korean traffic (cross-border travelers, vehicle crossings; vessels, aircraft,& railway crossings
- North Korean Economy WatchThere is a list of topics under "Pages," and additional sources under the Quick References heading. Monthly archive of economic news.
Korean History in Maps by
Call Number: REF DS 907.18 K67 2014+Publication Date: 2014Description: Statistics of North Korea on p. 146-147. Tables include comparative stats from various years 1946-2010.The Far East and Australasia by
Call Number: REF DS4 F21+Publication Date: AnnualDescription: Online via Europa World Plus (click on the book title) Print copy located in Asia reading room in dictionary stand by display cases. See pp. 522-525,"Statistical Survey," in chapter on Democratic People's Republic of Korea.North Korea's Official Markets in 2022 by
Call Number: HF 3830.6 Z5 H6613 2023Publication Date: 2023 ( Seoul, Korea : Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU))"This survey located official markets in operation across 28 cities, 140 counties, 3 districts and 2 sub-districts, using satellite images to locate markets and analyze historical changes." Includes statistical tables