- Philipppine Statistics AuthorityOfficial web site. Scroll down for icon links to accounts, population, housing, poverty and others, and the OpenStat database portal.
- Philippine Statistical YearbookCall Number: Ref +HA 1821 A318 (latest edition in Kroch Asia reading room)Publication Date: Manila : Republic of the Philippines, National Economic and Development Authority (1977--to most current)Latest printed copy on reference is 2015. See official web site under Publications tab for current edition.
- The Philippine Countryside in FiguresCall Number: Ref + HC 451 C68 (latest edition in Kroch Asia reading room)Publication Date: Makati City : Subnational Services Office, National Statistical Coordination Board (2004--to most current)Description: 80 provinces; labor & employment, education and other topics; comparative ranking of provinces.
- Census Facts and Figures : 2010 Census of Population and HousingCall Number: Ref HA 4615 C39 (latest edition in Kroch Asia reading room)Publication Date: Manila : Republic of the Philippines, National Statistics Office, 1993-Description: Statistics for regions and provinces, and major cities.
- The Philippine Migration and Development Statistical AlmanacCall Number: JV8685 .P55 2008 +Publication Date: 2008 (Mandaluyong City, Philippines : Institute for Migration and Development Issues)Statistics on overseas migrants (temporary or permanent residents; undocumented; remittances); chapter 2 on countries of destination; chapter 3 on provinces of origin of overseas Filipinos.