References sources
- Guide to the Presidency byAvailable in the Sage Knowledge interface.
See “The Budgeting Power,” in Chapter 11, and Chapter 15, Chief Economist.
Note: In the online version, it's easier to locate specific sections if you download the pdf.
Describes the President's role, the Office of Management and Budget, the Budget Timetable, etc. Also includes a table on Entitlement Spending, 1975-2007, and a sidebar on budgeting theories, e.g. "zero-sum budgeting", etc. - Encyclopedia of the American Presidency byPrint title.
Includes entries on the Budget Enforcement Act (1990), Budget Policy, and Budget Summits. - Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process, 8th Edition byPrint title.
Chapter 2 (pages 46-92) offers a comprehensive description of the Congressional Budget Process and an extensive list of notes leading to further sources.