Newspaper Databases
- Access World newsFull-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources. Dates covered vary by newspaper. Does not include some of the larger papers, such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Washington Post. See Factiva and Nexis Uni, below.
- FactivaFull-text online service for international news and business information. Click the Search link across the top to search for articles. Note: the home page opens to the day's news (with a drop-down menu to dates over the past week) from the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Daily, BBC and Barrons. Use the Search link to search across all of the sources in Factiva.
- Nexis Uni -- News SourcesSelect "News" from the top banner.
Enter keywords and phrases to find your search terms anywhere in an article.
Or, begin your search with hlead followed by your search terms in parentheses to find your search terms in the headline or lead paragraph. This may help to improve relevancy. Example: hlead(medicaid expansion)
To find longer articles add and length >1000 (1000, 1500, etc.). Example: hlead(medicaid expansion) and length>1000
Note: To find editorials, add and section (editorial or opinion).
You can also begin by finding and then adding specific sources to search: From the top banner, select "Sources." Then select Publication Type > News and Publication Location.
Please note: You do not need to register with Nexis Uni to search or download content. Registering with a database will always carry privacy risks. - Global newsstreamCovers papers worldwide. Dates of coverage varies by newspaper. To identify specific papers and dates of coverage, check the title list linked from the home page. For the U.S., Global newsstream includes The New York Times (1990 - ), The Washington Post (1996- current), The Los Angeles Times (1996 - current) and The Wall Street Journal Online (2010 - current). among many others.
- Proquest Historical NewspapersSelect the Advanced Search. Scroll down to choose Document types.
If you wish, use the date limits to restrict your results to a particular date range.
Keeping up with the news
- NYTimes.comThere are a limited number of free articles available for the general public. See options, below:
Undergrads: Sign up for free access, provided by the Student Assembly.
Grads, Faculty and Staff: The New York Times is also available in three databases -- Factiva, Nexis Uni, and Global Newsstream. Please note: There are some "online, only" articles that are not included in these databases.
- washingtonpost.comLimited number of free articles for the general public, however ... anyone with a .edu email address can subscribe at a reduced rate. See Academic Rate
- Wall Street Journal OnlineFirst time users must create an account. Access made possible by a partnership between the Student Assembly and Cornell University Library.
- Library PressDisplayVia Cornell library subscription, Library PressDisplay provides online access for the last 90 days to over 700 newspapers from more than 55 countries, displayed in their original format and accessible by country, language, or title.
Broadcast News
- OpenVault -- WBGH Public Television and RadioOnline access to unique and historically important content produced by the public television and radio station WGBH. Open Vault contains video, audio, images, searchable transcripts, and resource management tools, all of which are available for individual and classroom learning.
- Internet Archive, TV News ArchiveStarting in 2009, the TV News Archive includes PBS, CNN, Fox and MSNBC among others.
- Vanderbilt Television News ArchiveIncludes some streaming video and clips. Coverage: 1968 to date. More than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN.
Evaluating New Sources
The Media Bias/Fact Check site may be helpful for evaluating unfamiliar news sources or organizations. The "bias" ratings are less helpful (and perhaps less important) than the "factual reporting" ratings.