Recommended databases for articles about U.S. legal questions
- Index to Legal Periodicals & BooksCitations to articles from over 600 legal journals, yearbooks, institutes, bar association organs, law reviews, and government publications originating in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Includes book reviews. Covers 1982 to date.
- Hein OnlineProvides full text access to: Legal Classics (treatises); Law Journal Library; U.S. Supreme Court Library U.S. Federal Legislative History Library; Treaties and Agreements; U.S. Congressional Documents; Foreign & International Law Resources;Database World Trials collection.
- LexisNexis AcademicSearch tips:
Select Search by Content Type.
Next, select Legal --> Law Reviews.
Note: To increase the chances of finding highly relevant results, try entering your search like this: Atleast15(your search terms).
This specifies that your search terms must appear at least 15 times within the document. Fifteen times is good rule-of-thumb, however you can play around with the number, e.g. Atleast10( ) Atleast5( ) , etc.