Background information
Congress passes legislation. The text of the legislation authorizes an agency, or agencies, to develop detailed rules to conform with the broad terms of the legislation. Executive Agencies issue regulations (rules). Both legislation and regulations have the force of law.
Sample citations for Regulations:
- 42 Fed.Reg. 36455 Federal Register (FR)
Agencies propose, open for comment, and publish "Final Rules" in the Federal Register. - 21 CFR § 102.23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Regulations (Final Rules) are compiled and codified under "Titles" in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Reference Sources
Federal Regulatory Directory
Includes ...
the history of specific regulatory agencies,
significant legislation affecting the agencies,
and lengthy analyses of the regulatory framework.
Congressional Review
- Congressional Review"the 1996 Congressional Review Act ... allows the House and Senate to nullify any recently finalized federal regulation by a simple majority vote in both chambers — so long as the president agrees." [Vox]
Search for Joint Resolutions with the search string: "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code"