Reference Sources on the Constitution and the Federal Courts
- Oxford Reference: The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal HistoryNote: From the link to Oxford Reference, scroll down to Search within The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History. Offers concise entries covering the key events, historical actors, presidential elections, court cases, and larger political and legal trends throughout American history. Each entry includes a bibliography to lead the researcher to additional sources.
Documents of American Constitutional and Legal History by
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"Great cases" of the Supreme Court, as well as decisions from state and lower federal courts. Also includes a number of noncase items that affected American constitutional development..." [preface]Cross-references to appropriate documents are included, as is a brief list of additional readings for those seeking further information."Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789-2002 by
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Essays on amendments, proposed amendments, and related themes, e.g., Major Constitutional Reforms Introduced Outside Congress, Influential Individuals, Influential Organizations, Supreme Court Decisions, and Unresolved Issues. Most articles include a list of suggested further readings. Appendices include dates amendments were proposed and ratified, number of amendments by decade, most popular amending proposals by year & key events, and more.Encyclopedia of the American Judicial System by
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Contributors include historians with constitutional or legal specialties, political scientists who specialize in public law, law professors, practicing attorneys, and academics from related fields.
Arranged by theme -- criminal law; governmental power; economic regulation; race, gender, sexuality and disability; and civil liberties -- and then chronologically within each theme. Each section begins with a short introduction outlining the material covered.Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court by
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Entries cover Supreme Court decisions from the very first case, in 1791, through 2008.
Includes indexes by case and subject. Appendices include the Constitution of the United States, Confirmed Supreme Court Nominations, by Nominating President, 1789-2002, Membership Changes in the Supreme Court, by Chief Justice, 1789-2002, and a Seat Chart of the Supreme Court Justices.
- National Conference of State CourtsIncludes useful "Resource Guides" on a wide variety of state court topics