Privileges at other libraries
Current Cornell students may use Columbia University's libraries in New York City and even check out circulating materials from Columbia. Find out how before you go.
Library Services
- Borrowing Policies for Registered Grad StudentsInformation on loan periods, recalls, billing, etc.
- Renewing booksFor Cornell materials, as well as for Interlibrary Loan and Borrow Direct renewals
- ScanItScanIt is a service for Cornell students, faculty and staff that provides electronic scans of articles and book chapters from material held by Cornell University Library. The Ithaca campus libraries provide this service to all Cornell faculty, students, and staff regardless of location.
Research Consultations
Request a research consultation for assistance or guidance on any research project, from seminar paper to dissertation.
Off-campus Access
install Access Anywhere on your web browser and use it when you're off campus to directly access databases, journals, and e-books that would otherwise be restricted or hidden behind paywalls
Not a library service per se, but free to the Cornell community: cloud storage and collaborative tools via BOX. Use it on the web, as a standalone application, or download an app to your device.