Periodical Collections & Indexes
Directory of scholarly journals in Turkey by
Call Number: A. D. White Z6958.T8 K69 2017ISBN: 9781443848770Publication Date: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.This study encompasses all scholarly journals published in Turkey in all fields of science and other disciplines. The reference questions in this study are grouped under three main categories: the contact and publication information, article evaluation, and publishing information. The number of journals in this present study totals 1,910.
Muteferriqa Servet-i Fünûn Collection Muteferriqa is a modern full-text search engine for Ottoman Turkish. It features high-quality Ottoman Turkish Periodicals content and minimizes research time shuffling through pages. When complete, Servet-i Fünûn Collection will include over 1100 issues of the periodical, spanning the years 1891-1926 covering TUFS Hakkı Tarık Us Digital Collection's said title.
WikiLala: 'Google' of Ottoman-Turkish documents The online digital library project, "WikiLala,'" aims to gather and digitize all the printed texts from the Ottoman Empire since the introduction of the printing press.
- Digitized Turkish Periodicals - Ankara Üniversitesi Gazeteler Veritabanı 1. Akşam (1929-1964) 2. Cumhuriyet (1929-1950) 3. Gaye-i Milliye (1921) 4. Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1916-1928) 5. İkdam Gazetesi (1889-1915) 6. Peyam Gazetesi (1913-1914) 7. Servet Gazetesi (1890-1904) 8. Servet-i Fünun (1889-1928) 9. Takvim-i Vekayi (1841-1919) 10. Tanin Gazetesi (1908-1912) 11. Tarik Gazetesi (1886-1892) 12. Tercüman-ı Hakikat (1879-1922) 13. Ulus Gazetesi (1935-1937) 14. Vatan Gazetesi (1941) 15. Yeni İstanbul (1949-1950) 16. Yeni Sabah (1939-1950) 17. Zafer (1949-1950) 18. Zaman (1934-1935)
- Hakkı Tarık Us Collection - digital archive of Ottoman periodicals.
- Journals in Ottoman Turkish published in Thrace and Anatolia.[You will have to register. It includes digitised copies and some transcriptions.]
DergiPark Akademik * TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides academic journals published in Turkey with online hosting services and an editorial workflowmanagement system for via DergiParkplatform. DergiPark supports national academic journals to gain presence in accordance with international standards and increase their visibility. DergiPark does not interfere with the management of peer review system and content of the journals. It only provides infrastructure and "technical support" for the use of the system. Authors should contact the editor of the journal for any topic regarding their publication. Hakkında - Dergiler - Yayıncılar - Araştırmacılar - İletişim - About - Journals - PublishersResearchers - Contact
Abdul-Hamid II Collection of Books and Serials Gifted to the Library of Congress
In 1884 Sultan Abdul-Hamid II gifted the Library of Congress with a collection of Ottoman Turkish, Persian, Arabic works that he had richly embossed with this inscription in English, French and Ottoman: "Gift made by H.I. M. the Sultan Abdul-Hamid II to the national library of the United States of America through the Honorable A.S. Hewitt Member of the House of Representatives A.H. 1302-1884 A.D."
- HISTORY OF SERIAL NOVELS IN TURKISH LITERATURE (1831-1928) to examine at least 150 newspaper and magazines that were published in Arabic based alphabet in the period 1831-1928, in order to find out and record the serial novels published in these periodicals.
- Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine A digitization project from the National Library of Israel which has digitized 27 newspapers from 1908-1948. Project URL:
Universität Bonn: Translatio digitization project. Ottoman
Journals & Periodicals
- Alevilik Araştırmaları Dergisi - The Journal of Alevi StudiesAlevilik Araştırmaları Dergisi, uluslararası, bilimsel, akademik ve hakemli bir dergidir. Altı ayda bir, yaz ve kış sayısı olmak üzere, yılda iki sefer yayımlanmaktadır. 2011 yılının Haziran ayında yayınlanmaya başlayan dergimiz eş zamanlı olarak internet sitemize koyulmaktadır.
Akhtar : a Persian language newspaper published in Istanbul and the Iranian community of the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth century by
Call Number: Olin PN5355.T84 A385 2015ISBN: 9786059022187Publication Date: Istanbul : Libra Kitapçılık, 2015.Persian language newspaper published in Istanbul and the Iranian community of the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth century- Belleten - Türk Tarih KurumuAbbreviation: Belleten. Published by: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. Publisher Location: Turkey.
Publication Date Range: 1937 - - International Journal of Middle East Studies bypublishes original research on politics, society and culture in the Middle East from the seventh century to the present day. The journal also covers Spain, south-east Europe, and parts of Africa, South Asia, and the former Soviet Union for subjects of relevance to Middle Eastern civilization. Particular attention is paid to the history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, literature, and cultural studies of the area and to comparative religion, theology, law, and philosophy. Each issue contains approximately 50 pages of detailed book reviews.
- Journal of American Studies of TurkeyA semiannual publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a blind peer referee system. It publishes transdisciplinary work in English by scholars of any nationality on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography, and related subjects. Contributors need not be members of the American Studies Association of Turkey. JAST has been indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, and the American Humanities Index since the publication of its first issue of Spring 1995, and in the MLA Directory of Periodicals since 1999.
- Journal of Islamic studiesCall Number: Olin Library DS35.3 .J86
- Journal of Turkish studies = Türklük Bilgisi AraştırmalarıCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .J86 +
- Middle East internationalCall Number: Olin Library DS1 .M62+
- The Middle East journalCall Number: Middle East journal (Online)The Middle East Institute has published The Middle East Journal quarterly since 1947. The Journal provides original and objective research and analysis, as well as source material, on the area from Morocco to Pakistan and including Central Asia. The Journal provides the background necessary for an understanding and appreciation of the region's political and economic development, cultural heritage, ethnic and religious diversity.
* A Chronology maintained continuously since 1947. Organized by subject and country, the chronology is a reference source without rival. * Book Reviews that are among the most respected, comprehensive, and up-to-date in the field of Middle Eastern studies. Full-length reviews, as well as annotations of recent publications, - Osmanlı araştırmaları = The Journal of Ottoman studiesCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .O83
- Türklük araştırmaları dergisiJournal of Modern Turkish Studies (JMTS) is the official e-journal of the Department of Modern Turkish Dialects and Literature, Ankara University, Faculty of Letters. The Journal is published as one volume of four issues per year in the following sequence of issues: March, June, September and December.
- Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisiİstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi ilk olarak 1946 yılında Ahmet Caferoğlu tarafından çıkarılmaya başlanmışş olup halen yayın hayatına devam etmektedir. Şu anki dergi sorumlusu Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özkan'dır.
- Türk dünyası araştırmalarıCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .T723
Turkish Historical Review
Editor: Kate Fleet, Director of the Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, Cambridge
NOW AVAILABLE – Online submission: Articles for publication in the Turkish Historical Review can be submitted through Editorial Manager. Please click here.
The Turkish Historical Review is devoted to Turkish history in the widest sense, covering the period from the 6th century, with the rise of the Turks in Central Asia, to the 20th century. All contributions to the journal must display a substantial use of primary-source material and also be accessible to historians in general, i.e. those working outside the specific fields of Ottoman and Turkish history- Türkiyat Mecmuası - İstanbul ÜniversitesiTürkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’nün yayın organı olan Türkiyat Mecmuası, Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Türk Tarihi, Türk Sanatı ve genel olarak Türk Kültürü sahasında bilimsel makalelerin yayımlandığı uluslar arası, akademik ve hakemli bir dergidir.
- Vakıflar dergisiCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .V13 +
- Cappadocia Journal of History and Social Sciences (CAHIJ)is an internationally refereed scholarly journal published online semiannually started in 2013. CAHIJ is an open-access and double blind peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal that publishes theoretical, empirical and experimental papers that significantly contribute to the disciplines of social sciences. Using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, field research, book reviews and articles examining significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives in the mentioned fields above are encouraged to be sent to CAHIJ.
- Hizmet Studies Review (HSR)"a scholarly peer-reviewed international journal on the Hizmet Movement. It provides interdisciplinary forum for critical research and reflection upon the development of Fethullah Gülen’s ideas and Gülen Movement (Hizmet movement). Its aim is to publish research and analysis that discuss Fethullah Gülen’s ideas, views and intellectual legacy and Hizmet Movement’s wider social, cultural and educational activities."
- European journal of Turkish StudiesSocial science research related to contemporary Turkey. Topics include: ethnology, geography, history, political science, and sociology.
Turkish Studies: International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
ISSN: 1308-2140 Turkish Studies is a journal publishing academic , scientific and original articles based on research, analysis and assessment. Especially Turkish and English, German, French and Russian articles are published since Turkish Studies is published in the field of Social Sciences.
Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies (ISSN: 2757-9999, e-ISSN: 2822-468X) seeks to provide a platform for literary research from Turkey and features articles (in Turkish and English) that are informed by and contribute to the recent discussions on world literature taking shape on a local and global scale.
European journal of Turkish studies Articles in English, French, German, and Turkish. Paris, France : European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social science research related to contemporary Turkey. Topics include: ethnology, geography, history, political science, and sociology.
Tarihçi / Historian is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in January, May and September.
The languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Editor: Taha Niyazi KARACA Vol. 1, January 2021e-ISSN: 2757-7201
- Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi = Journal of Ankara Studies byPublication Date: Beginning date: 2013 Frequency: SemiannualAnkara Araştırmaları Dergisi = Journal of Ankara Studies
Chiefly in Turkish; some English.
ISSN: 2147-8724
"The Journal of Ankara Studies aims to create a platform for academic studies from different disciplines revealing new data on urban elements of Ankara through scientific methods and release these studies to the public. The journal contains unique research articles and opinion articles that reveal and discus historical, cultural, political, economical development, as well as geological transformation and present urban issues of Ankara through scientific method and approach of different disciplines."
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi dergisi = Cumhuriyet University Journal of Faculty of Theology
Publisher: Sivas [Turkey] : Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 1996- In Turkish; some German. ISSN: 1301-1197
Memoria. Fontes minores ad Historiam Imperii Ottomanici pertinentes. This publication series makes accessible in English primary sources on Ottoman history for academic research with an emphasis on narrative texts, which have gone largely unnoticed.
Tarih Okulu Dergisi / Journal Of History School ISSN (print): 1308-5298
ISSN (online): 2148- 4260 Editörden… Değerli bilim insanları; Tarih Okulu Dergisi yeni sayısıyla bilim dünyasının karşısına çıkmanın mutluluğunu yaşamaktadır. Size Aralık 2016 tarihli 9/XXVIII numaralı sayımızı sunmanın kıvancını yaşıyoruz. Tarih Okulu Dergisi’nin bu sayısında çeşitli alanlardan 35 makale ve 1 çeviri bulunmaktadır. Dergimizin 9/XXVIII sayısına destek vererek onurlandıran yazarlarımıza, değerlendirme aşamasında kıymetli vakitlerini ayıran hakemlerimize ve derginin sizlere ulaşmasını sağlayan çalışma arkadaşlarımıza ayrıca müteşekkiriz. Yeni sayımızın bilim dünyasına katkı sağlaması temennisiyle… Yrd. Doç. Dr. Gökhan KAĞNICI
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture. Published Istanbul : ITU Faculty of Architecture, [2004]-
e-ISSN 2564-7474 ISSN: 1302-8324
- American Board Periodical CollectionThe American Board periodical collection was incorporated into the ARIT Istanbul (ARIT-I) Library in January 2011, when ARIT received the library of the Western Turkey Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), one of the chief Protestant missionary agencies in the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The core of this collection includes a number of rare serials issued locally by the Board and its affiliates, as well as other American organizations. In 2012-3, ARIT digitized and uploaded to its digital library two of the most important English-language journals published in Turkey at the beginning of the twentieth century: The Levant Trade Review, issued by the American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey and the Levant from 1911 to 1931, and The Orient, produced by the ABCFM’s Istanbul office between 1910 and 1923. The project continued in 2013-4 with the addition of the American Board’s long-running news bulletin Dear Friends (1924-1990s) to the online collection. Financial support for this undertaking—to make these crucial historical sources available internationally on the worldwide web—has been provided by a grant from the United States Department of State.The links below provide access to major periodicals housed in the ARIT Istanbul Library’s American Board collection. Other serials in the Board holdings, especially single-issue items, are included in the American Board Pamphlet Collection.
- Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi (HÜTAD)[Institute of Turkish Studies] Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 2004 Güz döneminden itibaren yayımlanan, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsünün yayın organıdır. Dergi hakemli, süreli ve yerel nitelikte olup, disiplinler arası bir yaklaşımla Türklük bilimi alanı ile bağlantılı sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik, politik vb. içerikli, tarihsel veya çağdaş konularda özgün nitelikte, kuramsal ve/veya uygulamalı araştırma ve incelemelere yer verir. Kısaltılmış adı HÜTAD olan dergi, Bahar ve Güz sayıları olmak üzere yılda iki kez yayımlanır.
Online Journals
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture. Published Istanbul : ITU Faculty of Architecture, [2004]-
e-ISSN 2564-7474 ISSN:1302-8324
DergiPark Akademik * TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides academic journals published in Turkey with online hosting services and an editorial workflowmanagement system for via DergiParkplatform. DergiPark supports national academic journals to gain presence in accordance with international standards and increase their visibility. DergiPark does not interfere with the management of peer review system and content of the journals. It only provides infrastructure and "technical support" for the use of the system. Authors should contact the editor of the journal for any topic regarding their publication.
- Hakkında - Dergiler - Yayıncılar - Araştırmacılar - İletişim - About - Journals - Publishers Researchers - Contact
- Journal of social science = Sosyal bilimler dergisiPublisher: Gaziantep : Gaziantep üniversitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü. Published: 1991- [ISSN: 1303-0094--OPEN ACCESS].
Top Journals
- Belleten - Türk Tarih KurumuAbbreviation: Belleten. Published by: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. Publisher Location: Turkey.
Publication Date Range: 1937 - - Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) byAnthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the anthropological study of all societies and cultures in the Middle East and Central Eurasia. The journal publishes original research by social scientists not only in the area of anthropology but also in sociology, folklore, religion, material culture and related social sciences. It encompasses all areas of modern and contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China), including topics on minority groups and religious themes.
- International Journal of Middle East Studies bypublishes original research on politics, society and culture in the Middle East from the seventh century to the present day. The journal also covers Spain, south-east Europe, and parts of Africa, South Asia, and the former Soviet Union for subjects of relevance to Middle Eastern civilization. Particular attention is paid to the history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, literature, and cultural studies of the area and to comparative religion, theology, law, and philosophy. Each issue contains approximately 50 pages of detailed book reviews.
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture. Published Istanbul : ITU Faculty of Architecture, [2004]-
e-ISSN 2564-7474 ISSN: 1302-8324.
European journal of Turkish studies Articles in English, French, German, and Turkish. Paris, France : European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social science research related to contemporary Turkey. Topics include: ethnology, geography, history, political science, and sociology.
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi = Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology TUBA-AR
- Journal of Islamic studiesCall Number: Olin Library DS35.3 .J86
- Journal of Turkish studies = Türklük Bilgisi AraştırmalarıCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .J86 +
- Middle East InternationalCall Number: Olin Library DS1 .M62+
- The Middle East journalCall Number: Middle East journal (Online)The Middle East Institute has published The Middle East Journal quarterly since 1947. The Journal provides original and objective research and analysis, as well as source material, on the area from Morocco to Pakistan and including Central Asia. The Journal provides the background necessary for an understanding and appreciation of the region's political and economic development, cultural heritage, ethnic and religious diversity.
* A Chronology maintained continuously since 1947. Organized by subject and country, the chronology is a reference source without rival. * Book Reviews that are among the most respected, comprehensive, and up-to-date in the field of Middle Eastern studies. Full-length reviews, as well as annotations of recent publications, - Osmanlı araştırmaları = The Journal of Ottoman studiesCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .O83
- Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisiİstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi ilk olarak 1946 yılında Ahmet Caferoğlu tarafından çıkarılmaya başlanmışş olup halen yayın hayatına devam etmektedir. Şu anki dergi sorumlusu Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özkan'dır.
- Türk dünyası araştırmalarıCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .T723
- Turkish Historical ReviewEditor: Kate Fleet, Director of the Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, Cambridge
The Turkish Historical Review is devoted to Turkish history in the widest sense, covering the period from the 6th century, with the rise of the Turks in Central Asia, to the 20th century.
[Cornell faculty, students, and staff can request articles through Inter-library Loan]. - Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ)"Sharing political and economic developments in Turkey and its region with a global audience ... analyses on Turkey’s direction in foreign policy and impact on its neighborhood, as well as open new perspectives to discuss Turkey-EU and Turkey-Transatlantic relations. With special issues sponsored by the NATO, World Bank and EU, and joint roundtables organized in sponsorship with global think-tanks such as the German Marshall Fund."
- Turkish Historical Review byThe Turkish Historical Review is devoted to Turkish history in the widest sense, covering the period from the 6th century, with the rise of the Turks in Central Asia, to the 20th century.
- Türkiyat Mecmuası - İstanbul ÜniversitesiTürkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’nün yayın organı olan Türkiyat Mecmuası, Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Türk Tarihi, Türk Sanatı ve genel olarak Türk Kültürü sahasında bilimsel makalelerin yayımlandığı uluslar arası, akademik ve hakemli bir dergidir.
- Türklük araştırmaları dergisiJournal of Modern Turkish Studies (JMTS) is the official e-journal of the Department of Modern Turkish Dialects and Literature, Ankara University, Faculty of Letters. The Journal is published as one volume of four issues per year in the following sequence of issues: March, June, September and December.
- Vakıflar dergisiCall Number: Olin Library DR401 .V13 +
Open Access
Electronic journals and open access sources in Turkey
- YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies Publisher: Istanbul Research Institute - ISSN 2687-5012 - e-ISSN 2687-5691 - Frequency: Annual
"A direct successor of İstanbul Araştırmaları Yıllığı / Annual of İstanbul Studies—the academic journal of Istanbul Research Institute published annually between 2012 and 2018—YILLIK is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published simultaneously in print and online (via DergiPark).
Peer-reviewed articles of YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 1 (2019) cover a wide range of topics from the changing spatial and visual practices in the early modern Istanbul to the 10th Congress of Byzantine Studies held in Istanbul in 1955, dealt with a variety of novel approaches coming from different disciplines such as urban and architectural history, history of science, music, and historiography."
- A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture. Published Istanbul : ITU Faculty of Architecture, [2004]- e-ISSN 2564-7474 ISSN: 1302-8324
Tarihçi / Historian is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in January, May and September.
The languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Editor: Taha Niyazi KARACA Vol. 1, January 2021e-ISSN: 2757-7201 -
Kebikec is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual and Turkish-language journal published since 1995. Since the fall 2020, Kebikec has been devoting its pages to the research on the non-Turkish-language periodicals in the Ottoman Empire.
Keshif: E-Journal for Ottoman-Turkish Micro Editions : Keshif is published twice a year with a summer and winter issue.
Historical Newspapers, Magazines & Journals
- HISTORY OF SERIAL NOVELS IN TURKISH LITERATURE (1831-1928) to examine at least 150 newspaper and magazines that were published in Arabic based alphabet in the period 1831-1928, in order to find out and record the serial novels published in these periodicals.
- Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine A digitization project from the National Library of Israel which has digitized 27 newspapers from 1908-1948. Project URL:
Universität Bonn: Translatio digitization project. Ottoman
Everyday Lives of Ottoman Muslim Women: Hanımlara Mahsûs Gazete (Newspaper for Ladies) (1895-1908) / by Ayşe Zeren Enis. Istanbul : Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayıncılık, 2013. 785 pages [ olin PN5355.T84 H369 2013]
Published for thirteen years (1895-1908), Hanımlara Mahsûs Gazete (Newspaper for Ladies), with its articles and news about education, family, household, household management, child-rearing, hygiene, health, beauty, embroidery, leisure and fashion is a precious source reflecting not only the ideal everyday life of an ideal Ottoman woman of the upper and middle classes of Ottoman society in an era of modernization and westernization but also Sultan Abdülhamid II's oppressive censorship policies as imposed on the press. In this sense, the main argument of this book examines the characteristics of an urban, upper and middle class "ideal" Ottoman Muslim woman or womanhood and her supposed everyday life during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II as portrayed by the articles in Hanımlara Mahsus Gazete.
- Persian, Kurdish and Assyrian Periodical Press in the Ottoman Empire Sayı 52: Osmanlı'da Türkçe Dışı Süreli Yayınlar
Distinguishing Scholarly Journals from Other Periodicals
Journals, magazines, and newspapers are important sources for up-to-date information in all disciplines. With a collection as large and diverse as Cornell's it is often difficult to distinguish between the various levels of scholarship found in the collection. In this guide we have divided the criteria for evaluating periodical literature into four categories:
*Scholarly How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles
*Substantive News/General Interest How to Identify Substantive News Articles
Distinguishing Scholarly Journals