The Leaders -- List
(For comprehensive information on these leaders and others in the Khmer Rouge, see Dictionnaire des Khmers Rouges (Asia Reference, DS 554.8 K386 2011)
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar), 1928-1998. Brother Number One, Prime Minister
Nuon Chea (Long Bunruot), 1926-2019. Brother Number Two. Pol Pot's deputy, second in command. Chief ideologist. Sentenced to life in prison in 2014 at U.N.'s Cambodian war crimes tribunal. "We only killed the bad people, not the good."
Ieng Sary (Kim Trang), 1925-2013. Brother Number Three. Brother-in-law of Pol Pot. Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, arrested by the Cambodian Tribunal in 2007.
Khieu Samphan, 1931- Brother Number Four. Held several different high positions in Khmer Rouge; diplomat; president 1976-1979. Sentenced in 2014 to life in prison at U.N. Cambodia war crimes tribunal. "Let bygones be bygones." Said the trial documents were "fake history."
Ta Mok (Ung Choen), 1926-2006. Brother Number Five, "The Butcher." Head of the forced evacuation of Phnom Penh.
Comrade Duch (Kaing Guek Eav), 1942-2018? Math teacher, head of S-21 (Tuol Sleng) prison, responsible for thousands of deaths; sentenced to life imprisonment in 2012 at U.N.'s Cambodia war crimes tribunal, born-again evangelical Christian.
Son Sen (Bong 89, Brother 89), 1930-1997. Defense minister, chief aide to Pol Pot, killed by Pol Pot's thugs in 1997 along with wife Yan Yat and family.
Hu Nim, 1932-1977. Head of Ka33 (code name for propaganda & Information ministry), executed at Choeung Ek for challenging Angkar policy, succeeded by Yun Yat (wife of Son Sen).
Khieu (Ieng) Thirith, 1932-2015. Sorbonne-educated wife of Ieng Sary; active in Marxist circles and Angkar, head of Ministry of Social Affairs (including the health system).. Arrested in 2007 by the Cambodian Tribunal, along with her husband.
Khieu (Saloth) Ponnary, 1920-2003. Sister Number One, sister of Khieu Thirith, wife of Ieng Sary. first wife of Pol Pot; divorced 1979; suffered from schizophrenia.
Yun Yat, 1934 -1997. Wife of Son Sen, Minister of Education and Culture, executed by Pol Pot.
Brother Number One: a Political Biography of Pol Pot by (1992 edition temporary access online) "As secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) since 1962 and as prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea (DK), [Pol Pot] has been widely blamed for trying to destroy Cambodian society. By implementing policies whose effects were genocidal, he oversaw the deaths of more than one million of his nation's people.The political career of Saloth Sar, better known by his nom de guerre Pol Pot, ..."
Call Number: DS554.83.P65 C43x 1999 (Kroch Asia LibraryPublication Date: 1999 (Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press)- Speech made by Comrade Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea "At the banquet given in honour of the delegation of the Communist party of China and the government of the People's Republic of China." "Phnom Penh, November 5, 1978."Call Number: Oversize DS554.83.P76 A5 1978b + Kroch Asia LibraryPublication Date: 1978 (Phnom Penh)
- [Interviews with Pol Pot] Collection of Interviews from 1978 of Pol Pot with Yugoslav Journalists, March 17; Democratic Kampuchea Press Agency, April 12; Jan Myrdal of Asso. of Friendship Sweden-Kampuchea, Aug. 24; Representatives of Hong Kong's newspapers Wen Wei Po and Ta Kun Pao, Sept. 21.Call Number: DS 554.83 P76 A5 1978a +Publication Date: 1978 (Phnom Penh : Dept. of Press and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Kampuchea)
- Biography of Comrade Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea Brief 7-page bio of Pol Pot 1940-1978 with summaries of his activities, ending with description of his 'temper" [character].Call Number: DS554.83.P76 B61 1978a (in Library Annex)Publication Date: 1978 (Phnom Penh : Dept. of Press and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Kampuchea)
- [Khmer Communist Leaders : Biographies] One-page bios of seven Khmer Rouge leaders: Khieu Samphan, Chou Chet, Sok Thuok, Son Sen, Koy Thuon, Saloth Sar (Pol Pot), ieng Sary.Call Number: Pam DS Cambodia 137 (in Library Annex.) This is also on Asia microfilm 10336, reel 17Publication Date: 1975
Itinerary of an Ordinary Torturer: Interview with Duch, Former Khmer Rouge Commander of S-21 by Last interview of Kaing Guek Eav [Kang, Kech leu] two days before he was arrested and sent to jail, May 1999. The authors were human rights investigators for the U.N. in Cambodia. "[Duch] describes with remarkable and sometimes chilling precision the workings of the Khmer Rouge movement and his own role..."
Call Number: DS554.83.K36 A5 2016 (Kroch Asia Library)Publication Date: 2016 (Chiang Mai, Thailand : Silkworm Books)Man or Monster? The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer by During the Khmer Rouge's brutal reign in Cambodia, a former math teacher named Duch served as the commandant of the S-21 security center, where as many as 20,000 victims were interrogated, tortured, and executed. In 2009 Duch stood trial for these crimes against humanity. While the prosecution painted Duch as evil, his defense lawyers claimed he simply followed orders. [The author] analyzes Duch, the tribunal, the Khmer Rouge, and the after-effects of Cambodia's genocide.
Call Number: KZ1208.C36 K36 2016 Law Library (ebook also: click on title)Publication Date: 2016 (Durham : Duke University Press)Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I Made by Khieu Samphan's view of his actions during the Khmer Rouge genocide and his role in the events of the 1960's and 1970's. "Sincerely, until very recently, I had a hard time recognizing the regime's brutal nature." In spite of holding various military (including commander of the Khmer Rouge army) and high political posts, and being named in S-21 prisoners' stories, he denies taking any part in the massacre or playing any big role in the Khmer Rouge policies.
Call Number: DS554.8.K455 H613 2004Publication Date: 2004 ([Phnom Penh?] : Ponleu Khmer Print. & Pub. House,)
- ‘We Only Killed the Bad People’: 2 Khmer Rouge Leaders, Forever Linked(use Gale OneFile; choose year and issue.) Article in Nov.19, 2018, International New York Times, about the tribunal verdict of "defiant" Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, who denied his role and called the evidence "fake history,"
Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary by Documents from the 1979 People's Revolutionary Tribunal on genocide charges against Pol Pot and Ieng Sary. Part 1: Government decrees and materials establishing the tribunal. Part 2: Government investigators' evidence, witness statements, Khmer Rough documents, foreign press accounts. Part 3: Indictment, concluding speeches, court's decision.
Call Number: KNM41.P65 P65x 2000 (in Library Annex; also online)Publication Date: 2000 (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press)- People's Revolutionary Tribunal Held in Phnom Penh for the Trial of the Genocide Crime of the Pol Pot--Ieng Sary Clique, August 1979; Documents by Trial based on civil (rather than common) law, includes Act of Prosecution, Witnesses' Testimonies, Investigation reports on crimes committed against various segments of society; Indictment; Statements by foreign jurists; Pleadings for and against the defendants; Judgement. [online "Genocide in Cambodia" version from 2000 contains the documents and extensive introductory material]Call Number: DS554.83.P76 P41 +Publication Date: 1990 (Phnom Penh : Foreign Languages Pub. House)
- Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge by "Using newly-available archival evidence, this report examines the responsibility of seven senior officials (Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan, Ta Mok, Kae Pok, Sou Met and Meah Mut) for their roles in developing and implementing the murderous policies of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), known to its enemies as the "Khmer Rouge," during the mid- to late-1970s"Publication Date: 2001 ([Washington, D.C.] : War Crimes Research Office, American University)
- Proces des Khmers Rouges: Blog sur les proces des Khmer rouges Duch, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea, Ieng ThirithIn French with some English. Articles reporting on the trial, chronological from 2016 to 2009 (can choose specific months/years); brief news reports; chronology of the trial events; seven survivors including Vann Nath and Bao Meng (artists); portraits (choose month/year); bibliography.
Khmer Rouge
Dictionnaire des Khmers Rouges by
Call Number: DS554.8 .K386 2011 (in Kroch Asia Reference)Publication Date: 2011 (Paris : Indes savantes ; Bangkok : Institut de recherche sur l'Asie du sud-est contemporaine) Nouvelle edition revisee.(In French) Alphabetical entries on people, places, organizations & associations, terms and events of Khmer Rouge period. Includes charts, graphs and maps, a chronology of Cambodian history to 2010, list of sources, indexes by names & terms, topics and type of graphic.Pol Pot's Little Red Book: The Sayings of Angkar by This handbook of slogans, maxims, advice, instructions, watchwords, warnings and threats from the mouths of the Khmer Rouge, interspersed with historical commentary and contextual analysis, describes the Khmer Rouge regime and exposes the horrific foundation and ideology upon which it constructed its reign of terror.
Call Number: DS554.842 L64 2004Publication Date: 2004 (Chiang Mai, Thailand : Silkworm Books,)The Khmer Rouge: Ideology, Militarism, and the Revolution that Consumed a Generation by "This book provides a comprehensive yet concise narrative of the history of the Khmer Rouge, from its inception during the 1950s through its eventual reintegration into Cambodian society in 1998. Utilizes new interviews and archival documents to assess how the Khmer Rouge came to power, "
Call Number: DS554.8 .N55 2013 Kroch Asia LibraryPublication Date: 2013 (Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC)
- The Pathology of Terror in Pol Pot's Cambodiaby David Chandler. In "The Killing Fields, "DS554.8 .K475 1996 ++, pp.102-109.
Jungle Heart of the Khmer Rouge by "the memoirs of Phi Phuon, Pol Pot's Jarai aide-de-camp bodyguard and the role of Ratanakiri and its tribal minorities in the Cambodian revolution" The memoir offers important new perspectives on the period. Though a relatively minor actor, Phi Phuon worked closely with the Khmer Rouge leadership. Phi Phuon was Jarai, from one of the borderland hill tribes despised by many Khmer. Here, in the jungles of Ratanakiri Province as war in Vietnam raged nearby, Pol Pot and his urban, intellectual comrades mobilized the ethnic minorities into a revolutionary army. Inspired by idealized perceptions of hill-tribe lifestyles, the Khmer Rouge also developed radical plans for a civilizational blank slate that were implemented when they came to power.
Call Number: DS554.83 P49 L63 2023Publication Date: 2022 ( Copenhagen : Nias Press)- Victims and Perpetrators? Testimony of Young Khmer Rouge Comrades by Several young men who were conscripted into the Khmer Rouge army describe their training and indoctrination, duties and responsibilities, and horrors they witnessed or were forced to participate in.Call Number: DS554.8 .M46 2001 Kroch Asia LibraryPublication Date: 2001 (Phnom Penh, Cambodia : Documentation Center of Cambodia,).)
Stilled Lives: Photographs from the Cambodian Genocide by Photographs and recollections of 51 men and women who were part of the Khmer Rouge revolution, including 'base people' ("non-military combatants"-- field laborers, factory and medical workers and others); military and security personnel; and cadre members (authority positions). Most however were subject to the whims and brutality of the K.R. -- even imprisonment. -- for the slightest perceived infraction.
Call Number: DS554.82 .C68 2004 +Publication Date: 2004 (Phnom Penh : Documentation Center of Cambodia)Night of the Khmer Rouge: Genocide and Justice in Cambodia by Exhibit of photographs of the Khmer Rouge period and drawings by Bou Meng & Van Nath of S-21 prison. Soldiers, guards, workers in the fields, prisoners, S-21, mass graves are included. Text gives background of Tuol Sleng, the Khmer Rouge, leaders, and the justice process.
Call Number: DS554.82 .N54 2007 +Publication Date: 2007 ([Newark, N.J.] : Paul Robeson Gallery, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)The Politics of Lists: Bureaucracy and Genocide under the Khmer Rouge by "The Khmer Rouge bureaucracy was comprised of myriad centers of calculation from the village level to the Standing Committee. [These ordinary men and women] produced volumes of information that was codified, classified, and made operational in the form of [lists of], women and children to be arrested, interrogated, tortured, or executed." Chapter 4, "Mortal Accountings," discusses operational procedures at S-21 in particular; photos and graphs.
Call Number: DS554.8 .T965 2018Publication Date: 2018 (Morgantown : West Virginia University Press)- Khmer Rouge Top Secret Santebal (S-21) Archives Microfilm reels 24-410; new series reels 1-72. Click on title to see catalog record with reel contents. Biographies of members of the Khmer Rouge organization or prisoners of the KR; communications of the KR leadership; primary and secondary documents relating to the Khmer regime, including the Khmer Rouge prisons; intelligence documents from the Lon Nol regime; K.R. notebooks; intelligence documents from the Lon Nol regim; biographies of KR cadres and prisoners contained in KR prison guards' notebooks from Tuol Sleng Prison with information on political, medical, & military training; revolutionary songs, poems, slogans; meeting minutesCall Number: Asia Film 12250 Olin Library; will be moved to Library AnnexPublication Date: 1998 (Phnom Penh : Yale University Library with the Documentation Center of Cambodia)
- The Elgar Companion to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia by "This Companion is a one-stop reference resource on the Phnom Penh based 'Khmer Rouge tribunal'. Established by an agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Cambodia, the tribunal has been operational since 2006, and seeks a mandate to try those most responsible for serious crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge period from 1975 to 1979." Sections include Legality, Structure, Procedure, Cases, Crimes, Sentencing, Victims, and more.Publication Date: 2018 (Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Pub)
Anthropological Witness: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal by [This book] tells the story of Alexander Laban Hinton's encounter with an accused architect of genocide (Nuon Chea) and Hinton's attempt to navigate the promises and perils of expert testimony. His testimony at the tribunal culminated in a direct exchange with Pol Pot's notorious right-hand man, Nuon Chea, who was engaged in genocide denial. Hinton asks: Can scholars who serve as expert witnesses effectively contribute to international atrocity crimes tribunals where the focus is on legal guilt as opposed to academic explanation?
Call Number: KZ1208.C36 H56 2022 (in Library Annex)Publication Date: 2022 ( Ithaca [New York] : Cornell University Press)