Company News

coffee and newspaperImpress recruiters by knowing specific details about recent events affecting the company and the industry.  Perhaps they recently hired new top executives or they were affected by industry, regulatory, or market changes.

Search also for specific LinkedIn or other discussion groups for your specialty, perhaps even connected with your undergraduate or graduate alma mater. Some groups also use X or Facebook.

Use RSS to save time!

RSS iconUse RSS to track industry and company news. You can have an RSS feed go directly into a reader like Newsblur or your email client like Outlook.  Click the "Subscribe" link or the RSS feed icon button on the site you want to receive updates from and follow their directions.

Finding a company profile

Learn more about a company before you interview!  Demonstrating your knowledge and research on the company shows your interest in them and your willingness take that extra step. That edge will help you stand out from other talented students when you are asked in the interview "why do you want to work this organization?"

These resources offer company profiles that often include a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, strategy, competition, and recent acquisitions. 

Investor Relations

spreadsheet and pie chartIf the company is publicly traded, it is essential that you visit their investor relations webpage and take a look at their most recent annual report and 10K or 10Q. Also check out recent press releases or presentations.

Finding a company's investor relations page is as easy as "Googling" the company name and "investor relations."

This information will help you determine the foundational strength of the organization and growth potential.  It will also assist you to evaluate the worth of any equity offers along with your salary offer.