Acquisitions Contacts


E-Serials: read below and use an eNERF (Networked electronic resource form)

Ordering Print Serials: email (Library technical service serials)

Ordering Monographs: see the ordering Monographs page and use POOF2    (Pre-order online form)

Because serials represent ongoing commitments, place new subscriptions with care. Initiate an eNERF with your name, fund, and other requested details.You will be able to track the status of your request with NERF Tracking.  Indicate the year with which the subscription should begin. If it is a new journal, you generally begin with vol. 1, but if it has just recently come to your attention, you may want to start the subscription with a later volume. You can also inquire about the availability and cost of back volumes.

Sample issues. If you want to see an issue of a serial before you place a subscription, you may request a sample issue, giving Acquisitions your name and fund. Samples of journals also come unsolicited, and show up on your shelf in 110 Olin. Indicate your decision on the blue flyer.

Memberships. Some journals come as a result of memberships the library maintains with societies and other organizations. Memberships in organizations that publish in your subjects are set up by you, the selector, and paid for with your fund.

Cancellations. To cancel a serial, announce your intention via CU-LIB, and wait at least a week for responses. If you go ahead with the cancellation, send the information to LTSSER-L@CORNELL.EDU. (“Please of volume...”) In late summer, Library Technical Services asks specifically for titles we intend to cancel, to be sure the cancellation goes into effect before the subscription is renewed in the fall. Cancellations can also be done at other times of the year, effective at the end of the current subscription period.

Withdrawals. Decisions by CUL units to cancel and withdraw serials need to be coordinated in order to ensure that current or future CUL users are not inadvertently denied access to materials of potential use. In canceling and/or withdrawing serials (periodicals, newspapers, annuals, loose leaf services, irregulars, and abstracting/indexing services), please adhere to the following procedures:

  1. Notice of Intent to Cancel. Selectors should post notices of intent to cancel on the CU-LIB listserv. Any questions about the intended cancellation should be directed to the responsible selector within two weeks of the posting on CU-LIB. If the selector planning the cancellation has received no requests to maintain or transfer the responsibility for the subscription, he or she may then proceed with the cancellation.
  2. Backfiles. (a) When duplicated. If the backfile to be withdrawn is duplicated in another CUL unit on the Ithaca campus, it will be the responsibility of the processing unit doing the withdrawal to compare the records of the copy to be withdrawn and the duplicate copy or copies; if volumes are missing from the duplicate copy or copies, the processing unit should send those volumes to the unit(s) holding the duplicate(s) prior to the withdrawal.
    (b) When unique. Backfiles unique to the Ithaca campus should be retained and transferred to the Annex.
The withdrawal procedures should be used for all serials, including those for which the Library does not hold a current subscription. (8 June 2004)

Claiming. Serials claims are handled by E-Resources & Serials Management. Submit serial claims requests to the LTS Serials listserv.

Electronic Journals.
Electronic journals are journals whose full text is accessible online, either in addition to or instead of a paper subscription. Acquiring access may involve licences, extra costs, consortial negotiations, and oversight. Cornell sometimes works with consortia when negotiating with publishers or vendors. See the following for the principles established by the NorthEast Research Libraries (NERL), of which we are a member. Publisher webpages also have information, look for institutional pricing. 

Serial Price Fluctuation Report
This report, which appears irregularly, lists serials by fund, giving the amount paid on the subscription in a given fiscal year and again the following year, showing the percent change from one year to the next. Some serials are paid for in other than annual cycles, so a two-year subscription, for example, will skew the annual comparison. Other factors such as supplemental charges and electronic access fees also compromise the accuracy of the percent change.