Serafino Romualdi Papers, 1936-1967Consists of Romualdi's correspondence with organizations and individuals in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as clippings, reports, etc. concerning these countries; correspondence concerning Italian labor and politics and Italian emigration to Latin America; correspondence of Jay Lovestone, George Meany, Robert Alexander, Matthew Woll, Benjamin Stephansky, Arturo J´auregui, and Nelson A. Rockefeller regarding U.S. involvement in Latin America's politics and labor movement; correspondence relating to the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD), Vice-President Richard M. Nixon's Latin American trip (1958), and a speech by Meany entitled "Inter-American Trade Unionism"; correspondence with officers of international labor organizations; clippings and manuscripts, newspaper and trade-union articles written by and about Romualdi; correspondence regarding Romualdi's post-retirement activities as a labor consultant for U.S. enterprises, the publication of his memoirs, Presidents and Peons, and lecture work; manuscripts of Romualdi's lectures (published and unpublished) on inter-American labor-management relations and politics, AFL-CIO activities, and trade-union history; manuscript copies and drafts of Romualdi's memoirs, published as Presidents and Peons by Funk and Wagnalls, 1967; correspondence of Richard M. Nixon on Latin American labor relations; itineraries and clippings concerning Nixon's Latin American tours; correspondence of Jay Lovestone, Richard J. Alexander and J´auregui on Free Trade Union Committee (1951-1954); letters regarding AFL-CIO tours to Latin America (1950, 1956, and 1958); and condolence letters to Mimi Romualdi on Romualdi's death (1967) and several portraits and photographs of Romualdi.