Resources at Cornell
- Archivo diplomático peruanoSelect archival materials covering diplomatic relations in Peru
- Colección de cartas virreyes: Conde de la MonclovaLetters and correspondence from viceroy Melchor Portocarrero, 3rd Count of Monclova concerning his time as viceroy of Peru; Documents dating 1636-1705
- Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia del PeruUnedited historical documents from Peru, 1944-1959; available via Borrow Direct
- Latin American Pamphlets from the Yale University Library (Peru)Microfiche copy of miscellaneous pamphlets on Peru, 1600-1900.
- Libros de Cabildos de LimaLima city council documents, coverage beginning 1935
- The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. Latin America : national security files, 1963-1969Cornell owns NSA microfilm set related to Peru (Reel 13 in microfilm collection)
- El Comercio (Lima)Archived issues of Peruvian newspaper El Comercio, beginning from 1839
- La Industria (Trujillo, Peru)Archived issues of La Industria newspaper, coverage beginning from 1895
- Full List of Peruvian NewspapersList of all Peruvian newspapers available at Cornell.
- Serafino Romualdi Papers, 1936-1967Consists of Romualdi's correspondence with organizations and individuals in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as clippings, reports, etc. concerning these countries
- Allan R. Holmberg collection on Peru, circa 1946-1966The materials in this collection reflect the research of Allan R. Holmberg and others in Peru, most notably relating to the Cornell Peru Project but also including materials on the Cornell Cross-Cultural Methodology Project and Holmberg's research in Viru, Peru.
- Henry F. Dobyns Papers, 1960sCopies of field notes compiled in Human Relations Area Files categories; typed newspaper articles about haciendas; cards comprising a Vicos census carried out in 1957-1959 by Dr. Mario C. Vázquez. Typing of notes was carried out by young women students in the Peruvian National School of Social Work, who began working for the CPP in 1960, recruited by Dr. Cara E. Richards (who was in charge of a fertility study directed by Dr. J. Mayone Stycos)
Digital Collections (Internet Resources)
- Archivo Digital de la Legislación en el PerúTranscriptions and scans of historical constitutions, regional laws, 19th century national legislation, Leyes de Indias, and a searchable database of post-1904 laws.
- The Conde de Montemar Letters, 1761-1799Provides open access to a unique collection of letters that belonged to the Spanish/Peruvian noble family Carrillo de Albornoz y Bravo de Lagunas, counts of Montemar.
- Archivo Digital de Arte PeruanoDigital archive of Peruvian art, including visual resources covering historic and contemporary works from the Pre-Columbian period to present
- Archivo FotográficoTAFOS/PUCPOnline photo archive featuring historic images documenting social and cultural life throughout Peru. Images can be filtered by region and content
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