Quick Links (Turkish Cinema / Türkiye Cumhuriyeti)
60th Year of Turkish Cinema and Fuat Uzkınay, the Maker of the First Ever Turkish Film
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►ARCHIVE:Sinema-TV Enstitütsü[Turkish Film&TV Institute, Istanbul-In Turkish]
Search the Online Catalog:Turkish cinema
Turkish Cinema History & Introduction
One Hundred Years Of Turkish Cinema - Skylife
Cinema in Turkey/Ottoman Empire [Encyclopedia of Early Cinema - Page 646]
The Curtain of Dreams: Early Cinema in İstanbul (1896-1923) [Introduction of cinema, cinema-going and filmmaking in İstanbul during the late. Ottoman era. PDF/88 pages]
Ottoman movie sector kicked off in 1896
An Introduction to the Cinema of Turkey – Turkish Forum Archive.
Turkish TV: Dramas become a global streaming success. Online streaming is one of the few industries to enjoy a boom out of lockdown restrictions, and Turkish TV dramas have found great success on many platforms, reaching audiences all over the world. This popularity aligns with Turkey’s soft power ambitions – but, as BBC Monitoring’s Ilgin Karlidag explains, it also exposes a tension between competing values within the country.
List of Turkish Films by Year
1920 1921 1922 1923 1924
1925 1926 1927 1928 1929
1930 1931 1932 1933 1934
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
1940 1941 1942 1943 1944
1945 1946 1947 1948 1949
1950 1951 1952 1953 1954
1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Suggested Readings on Turkish Cinema
Aesthetics of Displacement by
ISBN: 9781501306464Publication Date: 2016-01-28
Turkey's first film archive and cinema museum on the way
In Turkey, Ottoman Nostalgia Returns - The New York Times [2012]
Ottoman cartoon series to be aired on Turkish state TV
Türkan Şoray, 'The Sultan of Turkish cinema,' makes her comeback
Scarface in a fez? Classic films get an Ottoman makeover
Islam in Turkish Cinema-DigitalCommons@UNO
Adaptations, Re-makes and Re-imaginings of Yeşilçam Cinema
Historical Epic as a Genre in Popular Turkish Cinema - IGI Global
Istanbul in Black and White: Cinematic Memory
New Cinema, New Media: Reinventing Turkish Cinema
Women and Turkish Cinema: Gender Politics, Cultural Identity
Towards a Cinema of Cultural Hybridity: Turkish-German Filmmakers and the Representation of Alterity. — 2007. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 3-24.
Sinema ve Din Eğitimi / Bilal Yorulmaz. İstanbul : DEM Değerler Eğitimi Merkezi, 2015. [OLIN] Sinema ve Din Eğitimi adlı bu kitapta, öncelikle Amerikan, İran ve Türk sinema tarihi incelenmiş, bu ülkelerdeki sinema din ilişkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Konuya dair geniş bir bakış açısı sunan bu tarihi perspektiften sonra sinemanın psikolojik ve sosyolojik gücü somut olaylar ve filmlerle ortaya konmuştur. Bazı film türlerinin din eğitimi açısından elverişli olup olmadığı da değerlendirilmiştir.
Türk sinemasının ilk uzun metrajlı çizgi filmi Evvel Zaman İçinde / Burçak Evren, Müjgan Yıldırım. [Animated films—History] Adana : Adana Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, [2015?]
[OLIN-NC1766.T9 E97 2015 +]
Books by Agâh Özgüç (Author of Bir Sinema Yazarının Günlüğünden)
the Online Catalog: Turkish cinema search
Search the Film Literature Index for Turkish Cinema (keyword) Or Turkey, etc. from Film literature index (Online)
Women, Islam and Cinema by
ISBN: 1861892209Publication Date: 2004-11-04This is the first book to examine the troubled relationships between women, Islam and cinema. Film critic and author G#65533;n#65533;l D#65533;nmez-Colin explores the role of women as spectators, images and image constructors in the cinemas of the countries where Islam is the predominant religion, focusing on Iran and Turkey from the Middle East, drawing parallels from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the two Central Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union, and Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia, the prominently Muslim Asian countries with a challenging film industry. Some of the relevant films made in India by and for Muslim Indians are also explored. D#65533;nmez-Colin examines prevalent cinematic archetypes, including the na#65533;ve country girl who is deceived and dishonored, or the devious seductress who destroys the sanctity of marriage, and looks well at controversial elements such as screen rape, which, feminist film critics claim, caters to male voyeurism. She also discusses recurring themes, such as the myths of femininity, the endorsement of polygamy and the obsession with male children, as well as the most common stereotypes, depicting women as mothers, wives and daughters. Given the diversity of cultures, rather than viewing national cinemas as aspects of a single development, the author focuses on individual histories, traditions and social and economic circumstances as points of reference, which are examined in the context of social and political evolution and the status of women within Islam. Women, Islam and Cinema is a much-needed and timely work that will appeal to the curious reader as well as to the student of film.
Türk Sinemasının Çınarı: Ömer Lütfi Akad
Reference Sources & Bibliography
Cinema in Turkey by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 A77 2011ISBN: 0195370066Publication Date: 2010-11-03Boasting nearly 7,000 titles, Turkey has produced more films than any other country in the Middle East or the Balkans. While the films enjoy great popularity at home, they haven't received the respect they deserve beyond their borders. Frequently, Turkey's cinema has been painted as imitative, simplistic or underdeveloped, casting it in shadow to the West. But things are finally changing. Turkish filmmakers like Nuri Bilge Ceylan are turning up in cinematheques worldwide. Critics are taking notice. And now general readers will have the overview they need to contextualize this remarkable body of work. Examining both popular genres and art films, Cinema in Turkey deals with the country's entire cinematic tradition, including not only its high point with Yesilcam-Turkey's popular film industry of the 1950s to the 1980s-but also its early years and current revival. In addition to surveying the cinematic landscape and recounting its history, Cinema in Turkey analyzes the arts conventions from which the first films emerged, region-specific permutations, and the cultural ramifications of Turkey's distinct forms of modernization and nation-building.The Cinema of Nuri Bilge Ceylan by
ISBN: 1784538167Publication Date: 2018-04-30Film maker Nuri Bilge Ceylan's meditative, visually stunning contributions to the "New Turkish Cinema" have marked him out as a pioneer of his medium. Reaping success from his prize-winning, breakout film Uzak (2002), and from later festival favourites Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011) and Winter Sleep (2014), he has quickly established himself as an original and provocative writer, director, and producer of 21st century cinema. In an age where Turkey's modernization has created societal tensions and departures from past tradition, Ceylan's films present a cinema of dislocation and a vision of "nostalgia" understood as homesickness: sick of being away from home; sick of being at home. This book offers an overdue study of Ceylan's work and a critical examination of the principle themes therein. In particular, chapters focus on time and space, melancholy and loneliness, absence, rural and urban experience, and notions of paradox, as explored through films which are often slow and uncompromising in their pessimistic outlook. Moving on from the tendency to situate Ceylan's oeuvre exclusively within the canon of "New Turkish Cinema," one of this book's major achievements is also to assess the influence of classic European thought, literature and film and how such a notably minimal - and in many ways nationally-specific - approach translates to an increasingly transnational context for film. This is an important book for film students and scholars, and those interested in Turkish visual culture.Encyclopedic Turkish film lexicon, 1914-2014 by
Call Number: Olin PN1993.5.T8 O948 2014ISBN: 9786056520600Publication Date: Istanbul Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2014."100 years Turkish cinema's centenary, 1914-2014"-- Cover.Film afişlerinin "son usta" larından İbrahim Enez by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 E54 2013ISBN: 9786056172281Publication Date: Beylerbeyi, İstanbul : Horizon International, 2013.Istanbul - World Film Locations by
ISBN: 1841505676Publication Date: 2012-05-01From "Head-On "to "Murder on the Orient Express, World Film Locations: Istanbul" offers a compelling look at the many films shot on location in this multicultural metropolis on the Black Sea. Central to this volume are the film industry s changing representations of Istanbul, which have ranged from progressive cultural center to the authoritarian police state of Alan Parker s "Midnight Express." Evident in both in films made in the West and throughout Turkey over time, these divergent accounts are analyzed with regard to their role in continually reshaping our perception of the city. Essays explore this topic and many others, including the significance of Istanbul to the works of critically-acclaimed directors, among them Nuri Bilge Ceylan.Illustrated throughout with film stills as well as photographs of featured locations as they appear today, "World Film Locations: Istanbul" visits all of the important cinematic landmarks, including the Topkapi Palace and the Haydarpasa train station and offers a vivid picture of this historic and culturally stimulating city."Le cinéma turc by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5 .T87 C56zISBN: 2858508747Publication Date: Paris : Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996.New Cinema, New Media : Reinventing Turkish Cinema by
ISBN: 1443859664Publication Date: 2014-01-01This volume covers approaches concerning the relationship between innovation in cinema and the politics of filmmaking in new cinema practices in Turkey. The contributors focus on historiography, genres, mainstream and art cinema production, and transnational cinema, as well as changing narratives and identities. The new cinema movement in Turkey is here analysed from perspectives of new technologies, new production and distribution structures, the impact of film training, the televisual indus...New Turkish Cinema by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 S86 2010ISBN: 1845119509Publication Date: 2010-02-15Providing a sharp and engaging analysis of the films by internationally acclaimed new wave Turkish directors like Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Zeki Demirkubuz, Yesim Ustaoglu, Dervis Zaim, Serdar Akar, and Yilmaz Erdogan, this is the first full examination of contemporary Turkish cinema to be published in English. Asuman Suner explores the emergence of the new wave Turkish cinema against the backdrop of the drastic transformation of Turkey since the 1990s. Suner argues that this new cinema, including both commercial and independent productions, persistently returns to the themes of belonging, identity and memory; it is how films address these themes that constitutes a dividing line, with big budget popular films tending to settle contradictions into comforting resolutions, while independent movies demonstrate their paradoxical nature. At the same time, she addresses the divergences between popular and "art" cinema that destabilize the very distinction between these categories.The Routledge Dictionary of Turkish Cinema by
ISBN: 9780415666268Publication Date: 2013-12-11The first critical and analytical dictionary of Turkish Cinema, this book provides a comprehensive overview of Turkish cinema from its beginnings to the present day.Turkey ['Directory of World Cinema' series.] by
Call Number: Olin Library PN1993.5.T9 .T87 2013ISBN: 9781841506203Publication Date: 2013-07-15Since the 1990s, filmmakers in Turkey have increasingly explored notions of gender, genre, cultural memory, and national and transnational identity. Taking these themes as its starting point, this book the first English-language directory of Turkish films provides an extensive historical overview the country s cinema since the early 1920s.In chapters organized by genre such as fantasy and science fiction, contemporary blockbusters, women s films, Istanbul films, and transnational or accented cinema leading scholars of Turkish cinema offer reflections on the country s most important film movements and filmmakers. In the process, they illuminate the industrial, cultural, and political contexts in which the films they address were produced, exhibited, and circulated. The resulting volume, which includes a comprehensive filmography and recommendations for those interested in further exploration, will be an indispensible reference for scholars and students of Turkish cinema."Turkish Cinema, 1970 - 2007 by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 E55 2008ISBN: 3631566549Publication Date: 2008-09-19This handbook on Turkish cinema tries to provide a basis for those who are interested in Turkish cinema in general and for those who wish to do research in the field of Turkish cinema. It comprises two parts, a bibliography and a study on the history of Turkish cinema. With around 6000 entries and two or three times as many cross references, the bibliography forms part one and includes for the first time all kinds of non-Turkish and Turkish publications on the history of Turkish cinema, directors, actors, films and film festivals from 1970 to 2007. Part two is a comprehensive study focusing on various aspects and subjects of Turkish cinema including its beginnings, genres, directors, producers, films, etc.Turkish Cinema : identity, distance and belonging by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 D66 2014ISBN: 9781861893703Publication Date: 2008-11-15Türkiye sinemasında tarih ve siyaset by
Call Number: Olin PN1993.5.T8 M354 2013ISBN: 9786051032221Publication Date: İstanbul Agora Kitaplığı, 2013.Turkish motion pictures. Identity politics in motion pictures. History in motion pictures.Une période emblématique du cinéma turc : le cinéma de Yeşilçam (1948-1971) : une introduction à l'histoire culturelle du cinéma turc by
Call Number: Olin PN1993.5.T8 Y545 2014ISBN: 9789754285192Publication Date: Istanbul : Les Éditions Isis, 2014.Yeşilçam : nom de la rue d'Istambul où se trouvent les principaux studios cinématographiques turcs.
PREMIÈRE PARTIE : La genèse du cinéma de Yesilçam : (1948-1959) 1er Chapitre : L'apparition du cinéma populaire en liai-son avec l'augmentation de la production nationale 2e Chapitre : Le développement industriel du cinéma de Yesilçam 3e Chapitre : L'institution cinématographique face à l'institution politique 4e Chapitre : La représentation satirique du cinéma de Yesilçam dans la production culturelle de la seconde moitié des années cinquante SECONDE PARTIE : L'âge d'or et les problèmes cruciaux du cinéma de Yesilçam : (1960-1971) 5e Chapitre : La genèse du réalisme social turc après le coup d'État militaire du 27 mai 1960 6e Chapitre : La situation institutionnelle et industrielle du cinéma turc pendant l'âge d'or de Yesilçam 7e Chapitre : L'épanouissement intellectuel de la culture cinéphilique pendant les années soixante 8e Chapitre : Yesilçam ou la face populaire du cinéma turc Conclusion Sources Bibliographie Filmographie complète et Index des personnalités Index chronologique des titres de films turcs Index alphabétique des titres de films étrangers Index alphabétique des personnalités.Ve sinema : resim, tiyatro, müzik, edebiyat, mimari, fotoğraf, felsefe, psikanaliz, sosyoloji, tarih, çağdaş sanatlar ve Türk sineması by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.T8 V415 2013ISBN: 9789755535975Publication Date: Cağaloğlu, İstanbul : Doruk, 2013.Cinemas of the Other a personal journey with film-makers from Iran and Turkey by
Call Number: olin PN1993.5.I846 D66 2012ISBN: 9781841505480Publication Date: 2012-09-15Updated collections of recent interviews with filmmakers whose works represent trends in the film industries of Central Asia and the Middle East, these two new geospecific editions expand upon the earlier volume Cinemas of the Other: A Personal Journey with Film-Makers from the Middle East and Central Asia. Following an introduction delineating the histories of the film industries of the countries that make up the Middle East and Central Asia--including Iran, Turkey, and the Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--both books contain interviews stretching over a decade, which position the filmmakers and their creative concerns within the social or political context of their respective countries. The striking variety of approaches toward each interview creates a rich diversity of tone and opens the door to a better understanding of images of "otherness" in film. In addition to transcripts of the interviews, each chapter also includes stills from important films discussed, biographical information about the filmmakers, and filmographies of their works. Gönül Dönmez-Colin offers in these expanded editions a carefully researched and richly detailed firsthand account of the developments and trends in these regional film industries that is sure to be appreciated by film scholars and researchers of the Middle East and Central Asia.Türk sinemasında tarih ve bellek by
Call Number: Olin PN1995.2 .E75 2014ISBN: 9944492736Publication Date: Ankara : Deki Sinema, 2014.Türkiye sineması ve sinemada algı by
Call Number: Olin PN1993.5.T8 T385 2015ISBN: 9786051291796Publication Date: Küçükçekmece, İstanbul : Akis Kitap, 2015.Butun dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye'de de sinema bos zamani doldurma ve eglence araci olarak algilandi. Oysa devletler ve siyasetciler sinemayi toplumlari kontrol etmek, istedikleri kulturu, dusunceyi, ideolojiyi ve inanclari dayatmak icin kullandilar, kullaniyorlar. Sinemada, eglence adi altinda propaganda ve algi calismalari sistemli yapilarak toplumlar egitilerek bir degisim ve donusume tabii tutuldu… Turkiye sinemasi da kendine dusen propaganda ve algi operasyonlarinda ciddi calismalara imza atti, atiyor. Turkiye'de sinema, Turkiye'nin batililasmasi ve Kemalizm'in yayginlasmasini kolaylastirma gorevi ustlendi. Yillarca ayni alt metinler ve kurgularla toplumu yonlendirmeye ve siyasi gelismelerden uzak tutmaya calistilar. Bu kitap, Turkiye sinemasinin cumhuriyetten bu gune toplumda olusturmaya calistigi algi calismalarini butun detaylariyla incelemektedir. (Tanitim Bulteninden)New Cinema, New Media: reinventing Turkish cinema by
ISBN: 1443859664Publication Date: 2014-01-01This volume covers approaches concerning the relationship between innovation in cinema and the politics of filmmaking in new cinema practices in Turkey. The contributors focus on historiography, genres, mainstream and art cinema production, and transnational cinema, as well as changing narratives and identities. The new cinema movement in Turkey is here analysed from perspectives of new technologies, new production and distribution structures, the impact of film training, the televisual indus...Turk Sinemasinin Kadinlari by
Call Number: olin PN1998.2 .O94 2008ISBN: 9786050060201Publication Date: 2008The Cinema of Nuri Bilge Ceylan by
ISBN: 9781784538163Publication Date: 2018-02-12Film maker Nuri Bilge Ceylan's meditative, visually stunning contributions to the 'New Turkish Cinema' have marked him out as a pioneer of his medium. Reaping success from his prize-winning, breakout film Uzak (2002), and from later festival favourites Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011) and Winter Sleep (2014), he has quickly established himself as an original and provocative writer, director and producer of 21st century cinema. In an age where Turkey's modernisation has created societal tensions and departures from past tradition, Ceylan's films present a cinema of dislocation and a vision of 'nostalgia' understood as homesickness: sick of being away from home; sick of being at home. This book offers an overdue study of Ceylan's work and a critical examination of the principle themes therein. In particular, chapters focus on time and space, melancholy and loneliness, absence, rural and urban experience, and notions of paradox, as explored through films which are often slow and uncompromising in their pessimistic outlook.Moving on from the tendency to situate Ceylan's oeuvre exclusively within the canon of 'New Turkish Cinema', one of this book's major achievements is also to assess the influence of classic European thought, literature and film and how such a notably minimal - and in many ways nationally-specific - approach translates to an increasingly transnational context for film. This will prove an important book for film students and scholars, and those interested in Turkish visual culture.
Türkiye Sineması ve Sinemada Algı - Osman Tatlı
[Turkish Cinema and Perception in Cinema] Just as it is in the whole world, cinema in Turkey is perceived as a means of filling and leisure. But states and politicians use cinema to control societies, to enforce the culture, thoughts, ideologies and beliefs they desire. In the cinema, under the name of entertainment, propaganda and perception studies were systematically conducted and societies were educated and changed and transformed. In Turkey, cinema has been tasked with facilitating the westernization of Turkey and the widespread expansion of Kemalism. For years, they tried to keep society away from political developments by using the same sub-texts and fiction. This book examines in detail all the perceptions that Turkish cinema has tried to create in society from the republic.
Türk film araştırmalarında yeni yönelimler / Yayına Hazırlayan, Deniz Derman ; derleyen, Melis Behlil. [Editors and compilers vary.]
Cağaloğlu, İstanbul : Bağlam, 2001-
Motion pictures; Turkey; history. olin PN1993.5.T8 T85 2001
Yeni bir yüzyıla merhaba, 2000'li yıllar Türk sineması / editör, Deniz Yavuz.
Konya : Aksav, 2013. [olin Oversize PN1993.5.T8 Y46 2013 +]
Deniz Yavuz, Sevin Okyay, Özge Özdüzen, Musa Gündoğdu, Kerem Akça, Nur Özgenalp, Gülhan Düzgün Varank, Tunca Arslan, Oğuz Albayrak, Fatih Al, Melis Zararsız, Murat Çağıltay, Nilay Ulusoy, Zahit Atam, Sungu Çapan, Janer Barış
For More Titles:Turkish cinema
Streaming Turkish Films
- The Ottoman Film Archive of MokumTV [FiLMS ON DEMAND] films concerning the era of the Ottoman Empire.
- Watch free Turkish Movies & TV Series online / English subtitles
- Orumcek (Turkish Spiderman) : Free Download ... - Internet Archive
- Betmen Yarasa Adam (Turkish Batman)
- Muhtesem Yüzyil (TV Series 2011–2014) - IMDb
- Filmpot
- Acclaimed and award-winning Turkish films online
- Turkish Film - British Pathé A French film about life in Turkey. ... Turkish Film 1910-1930
Turkish TV: Dramas become a global streaming success. Online streaming is one of the few industries to enjoy a boom out of lockdown restrictions, and Turkish TV dramas have found great success on many platforms, reaching audiences all over the world. This popularity aligns with Turkey’s soft power ambitions – but, as BBC Monitoring’s Ilgin Karlidag explains, it also exposes a tension between competing values within the country.
- Media That Matters Short films that showcase topics of interest from all over the world.
- World Digital Library Provides access to digitized items from all over the world.
- The Film Foundation's World Cinema Project Restored films from films all over the world made available through streaming content.
Turkish Movies of Note
What are the most critically-acclaimed Turkish films? - Quora
Midnight express c2008.[United States] : [Distributed by] Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2008. [Uris LibraryDean Room Videodisc 2594] -- Script of movie by Oliver Stone (pdf)
'Midnight Express' team to watch film with Turkish prisoners". Hürriyet Daily News. 2010-05-20. Retrieved 2010-07-31.
Cinema Guides, Directories & Indexes
- The Ottoman Film Archives of MokumTV
- The Routledge Dictionary of Turkish Cinema by Gönül Dönmez-Colin
- Turkish Film Archive and Cinema Museum [Facebook]
- Contemporary Turkish Documentaries - Harvard Film Archive
- Turkish Film Museum
- Copyright Distribution for Turkish Film Industry and Online Broadcasting
Turkish Film Poster Exhibit | Stanford
TSA Türk Sineması Araştırmaları[Turkish Cinema *Archive Database]
Turkish Cinema Journals & Magazines
25. kare. Yirmi beşinci kare. Yenişehir, Ankara : Değişim Ajans. Quarterly [1990s]
Belgesel sinema. İstanbul : Belgesel Sinemacılar Derneği, 2002- Annual, ǂb 2007- Semiannual, ǂb 2002-<2003>
Cine aksak. Istanbul Cine Aksak. Began with 1 (Nisan 2000). "Türk sinemasinda kadin görünümleri."
Görüntü:Boğaziçi Üniversitesi sinema kulübü dergisi. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi sinema kulübü dergisi. İstanbul : Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sinema Kulübü, 1993- Annual. no. 1 1993-
Hayal perdesi. [Turkey] : Hayal perdesi, [2005-?]
Hayal perdesi : sinema dergisi. Vefa, İstanbul : Küre Yayınları, ǂc 2013- Annual Began with 2010.
Kültür Mafyası. İstanbul : Özcan Çetin, Monthly. Began in 2012 . "Aylık kültür sanat dergisi."
Modern zamanlar. Antalya : Modern Zamanlar Quarterly Began in 2007? "Sinema dergisi." "Altin Portakal Film Festival."
Sekans : sinema kültürū dergisi. Ankara : Par#Graf Yayinevi, 2005- Bimonthly Began with sayi 1 (Subat/Mart 2005)
Sinecine : sinema araştırmaları dergisi = journal of film studies. Sine cine Sinema araştırmaları dergisi. İstanbul : Sinecine, 2010- Semiannual 1 (1) (bahar 2010)- In Turkish; some English; most articles have a summary in both languages.
Sinema. İstanbul : Turkuvaz Gazete Dergi Basım A.S. Monthly Numbering begins each year with Sayi 1.
Sinema Dergisi. İstanbul : Merkez Gazete Dergi Basım Yayıncılık A.Ş., 2005-2013. Monthly. January 2004-December 2013. İsmail Yavuz Onursal.
Sinema : Popüler sinema dergisi. Sinema Dergisi. İstanbul : Sabah Periyodik Yayınlar A.Ş., 1994-2013. Monthly. October no. 1 1994-December 2013. Başkan Dinç Bilgin.
Sinema postası : haftalık mecmuası. Courrier du cinéma. [Istanbul] : Sinema postası, 1923- Weekly
Sinema söyleşileri : Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Mithat Alam Film Merkezi söyleşi, panel ve sunum yıllığı. İstanbul : Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2001-
Sinema yıllığı. [İstanbul?] : A.D.O. Yayınları, [1966?- Annual] Chiefly in Turkish; includes plot summaries in English.
[Sinema yıllığı / TÜRSAK sinema yıllığı (Türkiye Sinema ve Audiovisuel Kültür Vakfı) TÜRSAK sinema yıllığı. Beyoğlu, İstanbul : TÜRSAK (Türkiye Sinema ve Audiovisuel Kültür Vakfı)
Sinemasal : Sinema & İletişim. İzmir : Oğuzhan Tercan. based on May-August 1998.
Sinematürk : aylık sinema dergisi. İstanbul : İstanbul Organizasiyon, 2006-2008. Ceased with V. 3, No. 17 (July/August 2008).
... ve sinema. Cağaloğlu, İstanbul, Turkey : Hil [1980s]
Yeni film. İstanbul : ǂb Bülent Görücü, ǂc 2003- Quarterly, ǂb Nisan-Haziran 2003-
Yeni insan, yeni sinema : üç aylik sinema degisi. [İstabul] : Kaylan Matbaacilik. [1990s]
Yeni sinema : sinema dergisi. İstanbul : Türk Sinematek Derneği, 1966-. Monthly. Editör : Hüseyin Hacıbaşoğlu.
Yıldız. İstanbul : Tahsin Demiray, (Türkiye Basımevi) Two times a month
[TURKEY] The Film Literature Index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries cover-to-cover and 200 other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The periodicals range from the scholarly to the popular. More than 2,000 subject headings provide detailed analysis of the articles. The FLI Online contains approximately 700,000 citations to articles, film reviews and book reviews published between 1976-2001. You can search the citations or browse by subject headings, browse by person names, browse by production titles, or browse by corporate names.
Turkish Film Databases
TSA Türk Sineması Araştırmaları
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Plus TURKEY Indexes 340 of the world's academic & popular film journals
Contemporary Turkish Documentaries - Harvard Film Archive
Turkish DVD Archive-List : Oxford University Turkish Society
SinemaTurk A database of Turkish films, TV series and artists.
IMDB Top 70 Turkish Films
Turkish Film Reviews (Sources & Select Titles)
Hakan Algül, Berlin Kaplanı, 2012, Tiglon
Murat Aslan, G.D.O. Karakedi, actors: Şafak Sezer
Orhan Eskiköy, Özgür Doğan ,İki Dil Bir Bavul, Perişan Film , 2010
Aytaç Murat Ağırlar, İncir Reçeli, 2011, Kanal D Home Video
Collecive Work, Istanbul Documentary Films, Esen Entertainment - Box of 10 documentary DVDs on Istanbul -
Eyup Sultan
Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum
Hagia Sophia
Topkapi Palace
Rustem Pasha Mosque
Sultan Ahmet Mosque
The Grand Bazaar
Istanbul Archeology Museum
Chora Museum
Seyfettin Tokmak, Kırık Midyeler, Tiglon, 2012
Ali Adnan Özgür, Köy Enstitüleri - Toprağın Çocukları
Yusuf Pirhasan,Kurtuluş Son Durak, 2012, Tiglon, İmaj Film
Tolga Örnek , Labirent, Tiglon, 2012
Ozan Açıktan, Sen Kimsin?, 2012, BKM Film
Zeki Demirkubuz, Yeraltı, Tiglon, 2012
Caner Alper-Mehmet Binay, Zenne (2 CVD), Tiglon, 2012
- Film Index International Reviews, criticism, full film credits & biographical information [proquest.libguides.com/fii]
- Film literature Index The Film Literature Index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries cover-to-cover and 200 other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The periodicals range from the scholarly to the popular. More than 2,000 subject headings provide detailed analysis of the articles. The FLI Online contains approximately 700,000 citations to articles, film reviews and book reviews published between 1976-2001. You can search the citations or browse by subject headings, browse by person names, browse by production titles, or browse by corporate names.
- The International Federation of Film Critics
- MRQE – the Movie Review Query Engine
- IMDB Top 70 Turkish Films