HR News Sources
Check out these other news sources provided by the Catherwood Library:
- Workplace Issues TodaySelected by the Catherwood Library Reference Staff each Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays, WIT is a free alert service, providing abstracts and links to workplace-related news stories covered in the major media.
- Current U.S. Labor Union PeriodicalsThis is an historical bibliography of U.S. labor union periodicals. (November 2010) It includes links to web locations for many of the periodicals. Also included is a comprehensive bibliography of sources for labor union news and two brief studies on the 2010 state of union communications.
- ILR in the NewsHighlights of ILR Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Students in the news.
HR Publications
- BNA: BooksA division of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., publishes authoritative hardcover and softcover references, guides, and fact sheets on topics of interest to attorneys, business executives, labor-relations professionals, human-resource specialists, union representatives, and government administrators. Ordering information, including an online option.
- HRE - Human Resource Executive OnlineHuman Resource Executive magazine was established in 1987 and continues today as the premier publication focused on strategic issues in HR. Written primarily for vice presidents and directors of human resources, the magazine provides these key decision-makers with news, profiles of HR visionaries and success stories of human resource innovators.
- ILR Press (Cornell University Press)List of publications available from this imprint of the Cornell University Press. The ILR Press has published books about the workplace for over fifty years.
- IHRIM: HR PublicationsRecent publications relevant to HR professionals. IHRIM members get a discount off the list price if ordered from this site.
- LERA: Perspectives on WorkOfficial publication of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA). See Tables of Contents, selected full text, and subscription information.
- SHRM: HRMagazinePublished by the Society for Human Resource Management. Most recent issue online along with a search engine of back issues by keyword or topic. Articles have links to other sites. Subscription information available.
- Knowledge@Wharton - Human ResourcesWharton Business School offers recent news articles and general information about the field of Human Resources.