Statutes at Large and United States Code : Overview
Public laws are initially published as "Slip Laws" and later published in United States Statutes at Large, the permanent collection of all laws and resolutions enacted during each session of Congress. The Statutes at Large is prepared and published by the Office of the Federal Register (OFR), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Statutes at Large publishes "session laws" (in chronological order, by session of Congress)
Sample citation: 107 Stat. 77-89 (law appears in volume 107 in the Statutes at Large (Stat.), on pages 77-89.)
The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.
Sample citation: 2 USC. Sec 431. 2010.
Statutes at Large : Online Sources
- Hein OnlineIncludes complete coverage of the Statutes at Large, and features multiple browsing and searching options to enhance the online value over the paper volumes.
From the landing page, scroll down to find the U.S. Statutes at Large - Statutes at Large, 1789-18751789 - 1875 From the Library of Congress, American Memory Project.
- Fedsys - Federal Digital System1951 -- (latest published volume):
Authenticated government documents from the Government Printing Office.
Statutes at Large : Print / Microform holdings
1937 - 2011
Location: Olin Oversize K .U545 +
See also:
73rd-77th Cong.
93rd-110th Cong.
Location: Microfiche 240
United States Code : Online Sources
- U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Law Revision CounselCurrent edition, only.
- LexisNexis AcademicCurrent editions. Updated as received
Search by Subject or Topic --> Legal -- Federal Statutes and Regulations.
Go to the Advanced Options
Select Annotated U.S. Code (USCS).*
*The USCS is the only U.S. Code set based on the Statutes at Large, which the courts have consistently ruled to be the controlling language when it differs from the codified statutes in the U.S. Code. - Hein Online1925/26 -- current
From the landing page, scroll down through the the menu to find U.S. Code
This collection includes complete coverage of the United States Code dating back to inception in 1925-1926.
Also includes the Early Federal Laws Collection, which represents the most complete collection of federal statute compilations prior to the US Code.
United States Code : Print holdings
Library has:
- 1940-1994 ed.
- 2000 ed.:v.1-35
- 2006 ed.:v.1-36
- 2012 ed.:v.1-41*
*Latest edition in Reference
Call number: KF62 .A2 +