This guide is intended for researchers in Government, History and related fields. For legal research involving treaties, and for more extensive treaty resources, see the Cornell Law Library.
Historical information on treaties, worldwide.
Encyclopedia of Historical Treaties and Alliances by
Call Number: KZ1160 .P48x 2001Publication Date: 2000Print title.
"Divided into chronological chapters ranging from ancient Mesopotamia to the present, each chapter begins with a summary of the important trends and events in international relations of the era. Entries on specific agreements follow, each containing the date of the document's signing, a list of signatory nations, the leading negotiators, and key terms. A narrative discussion outlines the historical context, identifies the essential positions of the signatories, and summarizes the document's significance. In addition to treaties that concluded wars, the book includes treaties on the environment, armaments, trade, human rights, scientific exploration, and a host of other concerns." [excerpt]Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements by
Publication Date: 2003Print title.
In addition to articles explaining essential concepts and philosophies, readers will find an all-new set of entries on peace-keeping activities, along with full coverage of every international treaty since the founding of the League of Nations with generous quotations or full text for all key treaties, conventions, pacts, protocols, and declarations. Extensive cross-referencing and a thorough analytical index help users to navigate the many acronyms and multiple names of documents and organizations.Multilateral Treaty Calendar by
Publication Date: 1998This calendar, with illustrations, is a reference service focusing on multilateral treaties concluded by more than two parties. It covers a period of almost 350 years of multilateral diplomacy, from the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 to the end of 1995. It lists chronologically all multilateral treaties concluded during that period, provides information on the location of their printed text in various collections (with parallel citations), adds data on duration, depository arrangements, & status, & provides extensive notes on their amendment, modification, extension, termination, & other details (with related references). It ends with appendices & a detailed index. [publisher]
Also available in print Multilateral Treaty CalendarThe Penguin Guide to the European Treaties by
Publication Date: 2002Print title.
" ... provides readers with the text of, and a commentary on, the key European treaties." [publisher]Treaties and alliances of the world by
Publication Date: 1995Print title.
Provides an overview of "significant international, regional and bilateral agreements, throughout the world," as well as commentary on the changes that have occurred as East-West confrontations have diminished and analysis of the importance of treaties in the post-Communist world. Includes regional sections.
Full-text historical treaties: Print sources
The consolidated treaty series by
Print title.
Library has vol. 1- 231.
Covers the years 1648 - 1920. "The present series ... is proposed ... to make a beginning with the year 1648 ... and, for the period between that year and the date of commencement of the League series (approximately 1918-20), to reproduce such prints of treaties in their original languages as can be found in whatsoever collection along with such translations into English or French as again ... can be found."
- U.S. Treaties: A Beginner's GuideFrom the Library of Congress, Law Library.
- World Legal Information InstituteA guide to guides on international treaties.