Economic and Policy Statistics: Global
- Climate Policy Database"The Climate Policy Database, maintained by NewClimate Institute with support from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Wageningen University and Research, aims to gather information on climate mitigation policies and benchmark these against a policy matrix, that represents a comprehensive policy package to mitigate the effects of climate change. The database covers national mitigation-related policies and is updated periodically." [about]
-[Economist Intelligence Unit] Follow the link to EIU Viewpoint.
Provides economic data and in-depth reports on nearly 200 countries, world areas, regions and organizations. - Eurostat: Social Protection Data"Data on social protection cover the following aspects: expenditure by function (sickness/health care, disability, old age, survivors, family/children, unemployment, housing and social exclusion); receipts by type and sector of origin; number of pension beneficiaries by sex; net social benefits, meaning the expenditure in social benefits less taxes and social contributions paid on them."
- Social Policies and DataIncludes data on Pensions at a Glance; Social Benefit Recipients (SOCR), annual data by country; Inequality and Poverty; Social Expenditure Database (SOCX); OECD Family Database, covering OECD member countries.
- UNdataWhile none of the data collections focus on social policies, per se, there is a wealth of statistical information on the economy, education, nutrition and health, the environment, and more.
- UNESCO UISInternationally-comparable data on education, science, culture and communication. Browse the database or find relevant data and reports on the UNESCO IS website.
U.S. Policy
- NCSL: National Conference of State LegislatorsHelpful for state-level policy issues, generally. Search tip:. Enter broad topic terms, e.g. Education, Medicaid, Disability. etc. to find topic overviews and 50-state legislative surveys.
- Data and Statistics About the U.S.Links to all of the federal agency programs that collect, analyze, and disseminate statistical data and information.
- Background material and data on programs within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means, 2018.Known as "The Green Book," this compendia presents background material and statistical data on the major entitlement programs and other activities within the Committee's jurisdiction. Over the decades, the Green Book has become a valuable resource and standard reference on American social policy ... Its central feature is a selection of Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports made available for this purpose by the Committee.
Each chapter includes an introduction and overview, selected CRS reports, a set of tables and figures, a legislative history, and links to additional resources. Once produced every 2 years, the volume has not been updated since 2018, however you can find the CRS reports and potentially relevant committee prints, in Proquest Congressional, below. - ProQuest CongressionalIncludes bills, laws, hearing transcripts, committee reports, documents, and the Congressional Record. Search tip: Go to the Advanced Search to limit your search to CRS: Congressional Research Service reports. CRS reports provide excellent overviews of policies and legislation, often including statistical tables.
Global Social Policy Datasets
Disclaimer: I am not able to offer assistance on using datasets. The datasets below are an example of several datasets that might be useful if you have some understanding of statistical analysis and access to statistical analysis software.
Tip: Look for the publications citing these datasets. In some cases, the publications themselves may synthesize the data you are seeking.
- CWED Comparative Welfare Entitlements DatasetThe Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset (CWED) contains information about the structure and generosity of social insurance benefits in 33 countries around the world. Since September 2017, an updated version of CWED 2 containing a total of eight household types is available. The data contained here are an updated and extended version of CWED 1, which has been available since 2004.
- QoG Quality of GovernmentFocused on Europe. Use the codebooks to identify relevant variables, for example, the Standard QoG dataset codebook identifies social policy variables under the Welfare category.
- SPIN: Social Policy Indicators Database"The SPIN database is ... oriented towards analyses of institutions as manifested in social policy legislation. Data are carefully collected in a coherent and consistent methodological manner to facilitate quantitative research of social policy across time and space. To date, SPIN covers 36 countries, of which several have data on core social policy programs from 1930 to 2019." [About]