Exhibitions & Online Albums

Anna Atkins Cyanotypes on Flickr Commons, courtesy of NY Public LibraryAnna Atkins Cyanotypes, on NYPL's Flickr Commons site


Here's an example of the kind of images you can find:

Washington, D.C. Sewing room of self-help exchange by John Collier, January 1942
John Collier. Washington, D.C. Sewing room of self-help exchange. January, 1942.

Online Collections

Collection catalogs document materials in a museum, gallery or private collection. Usually, the catalog is in print form, but increasingly, this genre of publication is transforming into online databases of digital images and associated metadata about each piece.

To search for online collection databases, visit museum websites and look for links (often menu items) to Collections. Usually, you'll find highlights or an image database. Here is the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection link:

Metropolitan Museum of Art's online collections

You can also try Google's advanced image search (it's under "settings") and try searching for any of these words: collection gallery museum database.

Other online collections of photographs