CAA Style Guidelines

The College Art Association has a series of guidelines (based on the Chicago Manual of Style) for image captions.

Fair Use of Images

Chicago Style Citations

Please note that another significant change in Chicago Manual of Style 18 is that the page range for a chapter in a book is no longer required in bibliography entries. In notes, however, cite specific pages as applicable.



1. Sylvia Wynter, “Rethinking ‘Aesthetics’: Notes towards a Deciphering Practice,” in Ex-iles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema, ed. Mbye B. Cham (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1992), 258.

Bibliography entry

Wynter, Sylvia. “Rethinking ‘Aesthetics’: Notes towards a Deciphering Practice.” In Ex-iles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema, edited by Mbye B. Cham. Africa World Press, 1992.

Cite sources accurately in order to use information ethically and responsibly

The print copy of this manual is stored outside the Reference office, near the Info Desk in Olin Library.

General MLA Format

General Format for MLA Style

  • Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book: Subtitle if Any. Publisher, Year.
  • Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Chapter, Short Story, or Essay." In Title of Book: Subtitle if Any. Edition if given and is not first edition, edited by Editor's First Name Last Name, Page Range of Chapter or Part. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.


  • Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal, Volume Number, Issue Number, Date of Publication, pages. DOI or link.



Manage Information using Citation Software/PDF organizers/Image managers

Use citation management/pdf organizing software to save time and energy organizing and citing research materials. Zotero was designed for humanities and social sciences research. Developed at The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, it is particularly suited for historical sources.

Zotero is a free, open source, web-based tool for managing citations, organizing pdfs,and creating bibliographies.

For advice choosing a citation manager or managing information, contact us for a consultation!


ZoteroBib is a free, quick, and easy bibliography and citation maker that saves time and trouble.

Add sources using the ZoteroBib search box. Then, copy and paste the complete bibliography (or footnotes or in-text citations) into your paper in the citation style of your choice. (Note: As great as ZoteroBib is, it isn't perfect. Check your citations carefully using citation style guides or ask a librarian.)

ZoteroBib link


Onésipe Aguado de las Marismas.[Woman seen from the back]. ca. 1862. Salted paper print from glass negativeOnésipe Aguado de las Marismas.[Woman seen from the back]. ca. 1862. Salted paper print from glass negative, 30.8 × 25.7 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (accessed Nov. 8, 2017).

Cited Reference Searching

In addition to Google Scholar, a number of subscription databases allow you to track the flow of research by including ways to identify references that cite or are cited by other scholarly sources. This is a quick, although perhaps not comprehensive, way to gauge the impact of individual publications. Consult the Cited Reference Searching guide for detailed instructions in performing cited reference searches.

Tropy for Photo Management



Tropy is a free and open-source tool that allows you to organize and describe photographs of research materials. Like Zotero, it was developed at The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. If your plan is to take massive amounts of photos in the archives and need a way to view and organize them at home, this might be the tool for you

  • Group your photos into documents
  • Attach descriptive metadata, notes, or transcriptions to your photos
  • Tag your photos however you want
  • Search all of your information, notes, and tags
  • Export your collections to JSON-LD or Omeka-S